Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
Clay pellets. Bagseed - sativa genes evident in height, leaves and high. Me hand watering for now. only gave them tiny bit of water when I repotted them and a tiny bit today...they were grateful.

i got maxigrow much to learn n buy in this, my 1st serious grow, that thought would learn 2 part nutes next time.


Well-Known Member
Cheers rock :-) did you move your outdoor girl?
I moved it for a bit but paranoia took over and moved it back. There is a 2 story house, that always has bikie looking folk coming and going, which overlooks my garden. I just feel a lot more secure with it down the side path. It seems to be growing ok at the moment so i wont risk it being stolen or reported. You really need to get yourself a camera and put some pics up.


Well-Known Member
i know, want camera so badly! are gert n erm...the other one still going? gnats gone?
Its funny you mention the gnats. I was in there with my twezzers in my hand earlier and i saw one run across the surface. Mr Miagi karate kid style, chopsticks on the fly , i struck at him. Got him first go. Deadly i am. Yeah i havent killed the rhino yet. Give me time. lol


Active Member
maxigrow - u might have missed my edit jimmbro

rock...dunno bout u killing them in time...some work went into your cab n good advice from stelth...think +ve!


Well-Known Member
If was you start low like 1/8th and build up until you see the leaves go from green to dark green that's as far as I push em anymore and it's burn town
best way ppm stick
and also I would set up a easy drip system or run a dwc get those puppies in a system cause quicker you do faster growth and buds sooner
trust me do not fuck around make a choice and learn all you can about it then get it going
I fucked around wasted so much time
go dwc or drip


Well-Known Member
I'm currently working on a new mini project.
It requires a trip to the shop 2mw, but after that I'll get it all setup & try and get some pictures up.
Stay tuned bongsmilie


Active Member
ok jimmy, cheers, so start now or next week. they're not happy with lack of light at moment, don't want to stress them anymore by under or over feeding.


Well-Known Member
Well the clay has fuck all water holding rating so you gotta feed em so go real light and I would use riz or some root building super juice
ninja I'm build mini set up tomoz too
I gotta keep four under light in veg
what you got in mind


Active Member
thanx jimbro, just gave them weak little feed...hope they cope.

ninj, my post asking bout ur grow room set up crossed with urs re mini very interested 2c pics.


Well-Known Member
wow ninj, you still using the same set up as in your grow jounals? That's some grow room!
Na I hung up my lights 4a while. Had to move house & couldn't really justify growing more wen had so much dried in jars. Extra risk 4 no extra reward..
Jars r getn a bit low now, so time to crack out the HPS again.


Active Member
how many oz u end up with, ninj?

That's what I want, lots of jars filled with buds, all different types weed n highs...when I have 12 will stop for a while. jars are huge, maybe 3 or 4 ltr.

Ur big setup would be scary risky, yeah? I'm a little worried about my cupboard grow, can only fit 6 plants in it n they wont be the fabulous size your plants were!

because of my weak-arsed lights at the moment, should I give them 24/0 light, or still rest them on 20/4?


Active Member
thanks jimmy, appreciate all ur advice.

ninj, who's that pictured in your avatar? mmmm, just the right amount o muscle! not into arnie types, just enough muscle 2b rock solid...


Well-Known Member
Lol, Shit Hawks.
The Avatar is named Julian. He is in a series called Trailer Park Boys.
My advice is grab yourself a nice Sativa & bunker down & watch the seasons!


Well-Known Member
Lol, Shit Hawks.
The Avatar is named Julian. He is in a series called Trailer Park Boys.
My advice is grab yourself a nice Sativa & bunker down & watch the seasons!
I think that is a great idea. I need a nice Jack Herer probably Sannies. What project are you up too? I am building my flower room right now so alot of thinking and no action right now.