Legal advice...please help


Well-Known Member
Friday night me and my 2 close friends were jumped by 10 guys, a few wtih weapons (baseball bats). We know who the guys are because the one dated a friend of mine. ...supposidly they are in custody.

The one guy hit me so hard with the bat that he fractured my face severly on the left side and on the right. My front tooth was ejected through my face and i had 2 holes above my lip, below my nose. My teeth on the left side are pushed in. I can not eat solid food. .... I threw no punches and was only trying to stop my friend from getting killed.

SO... Any advice anyone can give me i would appreciate it. I will be proceuting these MF'ers to the fullest extent.


Well-Known Member
Go to the police station and say you want to press charges.That fucking sucks though.You know if your hit in the head with a bat thats attempted homocide right there?These guys are fucked if they get caught.They'll get a plea bargain and have it dropped to aggravated assault though.

Lets see a pic of the damage:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You could also probably file a civil suit and try and sue them.They'll probably have to pay you money regardless though.Make sure you take pics of all the damage for court and save all medical documents and police reports for it.

They sound like a bunch of straight up bitches doing that shit to.Pretty much the same thing happend to my sisters ex.He's a scrawny little bitch though and he ran away but didn't get away until like the 3rd hit to the head lol.


Active Member
I have no Yeah I do.......

Find them before the cops do, give them a taste of their own medicine individually and then allow the cops to do their job....
Probably not the best advice, but vengeance is best served, well when it is served.. (provided you dont get caught and have your ass in the sling)

Stick it to them in the most severe means as you see fit


Undercover Mod
Get a lawyer as soon as possible, a very good one and sue the piss out of them. Hospital bills, dental bills, pain and suffering, lost wages and mental anguish. Don't forget legal costs. Carry a weapon yourself, when it comes to life and death only depend on yourself. You don't know how far away the cops are and if these people are looking to really kill you which it sounds like.


Undercover Mod
One more thing, If it goes through there will be a trial unless they make a plea deal. So be ready for this to drag out for awhile.


Undercover Mod
One more thing, I would hope you have already made a statement to the police. Please tell me you did. IF you did not you are pretty much screwed.


Active Member
...if someone done that to me, call me stupid or what you will, but, I'd be the one in jail.....for murder.
yeah same here id put a fucking bullett right between they eyes and make there family watch as i executed them and then id move on to the family just for having stupid kids. they need to be made an example of just for the simple fact no one sould have to take that shit. fuck those little bitches


Well-Known Member
If you really want to be a dick to you could say they robbed you's and get them hit with armed robbery as well.I wouldn't recommend lieing though.Id be hunting for these mother fuckers right now if I were you,toothless and all lol.


Well-Known Member
Advice- File police report, get best lawyer you can find, once everything is handled get gun license.... the next time someone trys that you bust a few shells


Go to the police station and say you want to press charges.That fucking sucks though.You know if your hit in the head with a bat thats attempted homocide right there?These guys are fucked if they get caught.They'll get a plea bargain and have it dropped to aggravated assault though.

Lets see a pic of the damage:mrgreen:
:finger:call the police the state police an than play innocent like the victim you are .then wait i mean WAIT they say time heals all wounds an when the time is right fuck each one up so bad that they will think twice before they do it again . i have been in front of the grand jury more than once an a well place threat goes a long way. lay down then you're dead