are they legalizen pot?


Well-Known Member
i worry a little about all of the "outlaw" growers. for example humbolt county seems pretty opposed to legalization because of profit loss.
the biggest opposition might be some of our own


Well-Known Member
couldn't have said it better myself naimad, some of US will be our own downfall. kinda ridiculous really. good news is i believe Humboldt decided it was better to brand themselves now as a pot destination and probably literal brand name (strains, merchandise etc). we all need to band together and fight for whats right in this cause, and full govt regulation is NOT THE ANSWER! the last thing we need is the govt and Phillip J. Morris selling MJ. it will lead to a monotonicity of strains, potency, price, and worst of all, our right to grow it, which iam sure would either be repealed very soon or never actually allowed to begin with.

its sad for me even to think it, but i highly doubt the first bill to pass legalizing marijuana will include our right to grow, it just doesn't fit with the 'pot is our financial solution' idea, and that's what a lot of this movement is riding with right now.


Well-Known Member
couldn't have said it better myself naimad, some of US will be our own downfall. kinda ridiculous really. good news is i believe Humboldt decided it was better to brand themselves now as a pot destination and probably literal brand name (strains, merchandise etc). we all need to band together and fight for whats right in this cause, and full govt regulation is NOT THE ANSWER! the last thing we need is the govt and Phillip J. Morris selling MJ. it will lead to a monotonicity of strains, potency, price, and worst of all, our right to grow it, which iam sure would either be repealed very soon or never actually allowed to begin with.

its sad for me even to think it, but i highly doubt the first bill to pass legalizing marijuana will include our right to grow, it just doesn't fit with the 'pot is our financial solution' idea, and that's what a lot of this movement is riding with right now.
couldn't agree more


Active Member
I think that marijuana possession and use should at least be decriminalized. As long as the growth is illegal street prices will remain the same. But it's funny because the harder the Government tries to make it gone, the more money is being made in the streets which is exactly what they don't want. They hate the fact that there is an industry worth the billions and there (Government) not getting a dime out of it(until now).


Well-Known Member
ive been thinking about it a bit, and didnt want to say it until i was sure it was something i ACTUALLY believe, but it is so here it is. iam not conspiracy nut, and frankly think most of them are but

the govt has been making money off of pot (and countless other illegal drugs) since their inception. iam actually starting to think another reason pot was banned to begin with (aside from the racism and timber industry, which is nothing short of fact) is because they KNEW they could make a killing off of it if it was illegal. then no one would be allowed to manufacture, sell, or consume, even though dropping consumption rates wasnt the idea, monopolizing the market was....

then they got angry when cartels kept bringing it in anyways.


Well-Known Member
i do see a number of growers/consumers that worry about a large corporate take over of the MJ industry if Cali votes legal
don't worry, at least not from Cali legalization, still illegal by federal law
no large company(or even small company) is going to dare put themselves in the DEA cross hairs
small growers i would think not see much change at all, at least in practice
but i don't see DEA letting the 'walmart of weed' set up shop, Cali legalization or not
now in the future, who knows? federal law is likely going to change eventually, just not soon


Active Member
hopefully it passes! once california legalizes weed for recreational usage the remaining 49 states will realize that weed is not bad at all so it possible that one day weed will be legal all over the united states!


Well-Known Member
I am for decriminalization, the reason being is that it will keep big tobacco companies from getting hands in our pockets. Then we can still make some cash, and if we get caught with too much we pay a fine, but no jail. The state would have to ge their share of fines to balance budget and the city county can split the differences on what they bring in. I also believe in a tier system where you can go to the county and city for a permit to grow some many plants. Each tier costs more, but no more than say 500 plants per year per person for that tier or whatever they would set it at. But at the same time, if you were inspected for your plants and you were within your limits you are okay. You go over then time to pay the man. Roach


Well-Known Member

very true. but like the guy right below says, though it doesnt sound like theres much thought put into the statement, it will likely spread. its when it spread that i start fearing corporatism. will it keep peeps from growing their own? no, and i doubt it ever will. BUT, i highly doubt that any corps, dea included, would want to just turn MJ into the next tomato and let anyone grow them if they want and count on people being to lazy to do so. pot is just plain worth more than a tomato. As far as these walmarts of weed opening, i wholeheartedly agree, for now. but the second a state legalizes and the feds seem to 'tolerate' it, it WILL happen, mark my words. It happened with the dispensaries. Cali had a good amount of them, then when everyone saw that the DEA was tolerating it for the most part, they starting springing up like wildfire, and THATS when the DEA jumped in, kind of funny really.

after legalization, the same thing will happen. most companies will wait and see how it goes. then, when it looks cool and ok, they will start springing up. only problem is this time, if the feds dont start soon enough, too much money from too many big companies will be invested, and the feds will find themselves with an infestation that grows faster than they can kill it.

again this all sounds fine and dandy to the average pot smoker, but as someone who doesnt just like to get high, but also enjoys different types of highs, different flavors, different colors, etc, its a nightmare that seems almost inevitable. and its quite depressing.


Well-Known Member
I am for decriminalization, the reason being is that it will keep big tobacco companies from getting hands in our pockets. Then we can still make some cash, and if we get caught with too much we pay a fine, but no jail. The state would have to ge their share of fines to balance budget and the city county can split the differences on what they bring in. I also believe in a tier system where you can go to the county and city for a permit to grow some many plants. Each tier costs more, but no more than say 500 plants per year per person for that tier or whatever they would set it at. But at the same time, if you were inspected for your plants and you were within your limits you are okay. You go over then time to pay the man. Roach
I like this, and ive thought about it, but i dont see it very likely. Mainly because if a bill were to go into the office that offered something like that, way too many uptight right leaning jerks would just see it as legalizing common drug dealers.

I think that if it did happen, it would be in much smaller numbers, like a permit for less than 20 plants. I mean if the feds did decide to do it, they wont want to lose too much money on it, which means they will want to open their own regulated stores among the privatized ones. I just have this feeling that if the feds or even that 'walmart of weed' were to open up, it would cost too much to operate if they were to sell a decent selection of strains and price.

now what if they made it all community co-op style? say we are using a federally funded system as an example. The feds open up co-ops, these co-ops actualyl flat out EMPLOY growers who grow either at home or predetirmined company grow sites, and they are allowed to grow the strains they choose. it wont solve the price issue (which i see flattening to a set price, no matter which way it goes) but would still allow a bit of selection and still give those great (and currently illegal) growers to do what they love, grow what they WANT, and be a legit taxpaying citizen at the same time. I guess those right leaning prohibition jerks are would STILL see this as legalizing common drug dealers though....


Well-Known Member
I was kinda thinking that its ironic that all of us growers can work together in order to keep the money away from the government. All of this bailout money that went to the banks from the government ie taxpayers and we are cutting the balls off of the government with income that they really cant prove that we have or made and we are keeping to ourselves. If I ever made a ton of money from my legitimate grow and i needed to deposit it into the bank where it is insured, I would sure as hell demand a better interest rate on my cash. If they did not compete for my dough I would bury it literally.


Well-Known Member

very true. but like the guy right below says, though it doesnt sound like theres much thought put into the statement, it will likely spread. its when it spread that i start fearing corporatism. will it keep peeps from growing their own? no, and i doubt it ever will. BUT, i highly doubt that any corps, dea included, would want to just turn MJ into the next tomato and let anyone grow them if they want and count on people being to lazy to do so. pot is just plain worth more than a tomato. As far as these walmarts of weed opening, i wholeheartedly agree, for now. but the second a state legalizes and the feds seem to 'tolerate' it, it WILL happen, mark my words. It happened with the dispensaries. Cali had a good amount of them, then when everyone saw that the DEA was tolerating it for the most part, they starting springing up like wildfire, and THATS when the DEA jumped in, kind of funny really.

after legalization, the same thing will happen. most companies will wait and see how it goes. then, when it looks cool and ok, they will start springing up. only problem is this time, if the feds dont start soon enough, too much money from too many big companies will be invested, and the feds will find themselves with an infestation that grows faster than they can kill it.

again this all sounds fine and dandy to the average pot smoker, but as someone who doesnt just like to get high, but also enjoys different types of highs, different flavors, different colors, etc, its a nightmare that seems almost inevitable. and its quite depressing.
i don't think we have any real disagreement, it's a question of timing
federal law and enforcement is the critical deal
will DEA take the hard stand? they have so far
but when the federal 'house of cards' begins to fall, then all bets are off
some corporate setup will likely emerge, not sure what
so i'm stocking up on genetics, my own 'MJ doomsday vault'


Well-Known Member
thats part of the reason for decriminalization. keep out those cigarette companies out of our pockets for once by only decrim. It would keep big pharma happy, but cig companies not. I would rather buy my medicine from my friend or a dispensary than a cig company or a pharma company. At least if it happens that way, we can still control at some level still make money, the state gets its share. Cig companies would try to put some addictive shit anyway like cigs. Big Pharma would be happy they are getting their dough from prescriptions, but we can spread the word more about the medicinal uses and the public would have options. Not every illness can be cured by big pharma nor mj. Just being realistic here. Roach


Well-Known Member
Here in Colorado, I make a fairly decent living selling edibles. I do make the best edibles in Fort Collins if you don't mind me tooting my own horn, LOL. I can even grow 12 plants at my house and cops will leave me alone.