Ideas About God?

I believe the Universe is conscious. it knows exactly what it is doing, even though it might not "think". You know one of the most amazing things I learned about space, was that it was actually shaped. Though we can't tell with our eye since the dark matter, but there are curves, and dips, hills, and even valleys. Even time is non-existent in some parts of space, and extremely over active in others. I think that once the human race fully learns to appreciate our mother Earth, that we may learn to appreciate the depths and mysteries of the skies. But done with what I think about that.

One thing I've been learning about is the Soul. And destinguishing it from the mind because those two can get mixed up. Feelings, and thoughts are from the mind. Though they may be triggered, or projected, or prompted from withing the Soul, you see. Have you ever saw someone, and automatically knew that you knew them, but your mind flips thru faces, and memories, and people you've met and your mind knows you've never met them in your life. Yet something in you recognizes them, and there's almost an aoura around them. That's because as our bodies do die, our Soul's don't. Can't. And Souls with special connections recognize each other. I'm not sure about all, but some carry on through other lives. Some purposes of these 'old souls' are to help people. Do good in the world. Help enlighten the human race which for so long has been slowly killing itself and everything around it. Recently, we've been able to see the human race evolve in great ways. Look at this "Green Age". Organic, sustainable agriculture, clean energy, rising respect for nature and a higher appreciation for LIFE itself. Its beautiful. Postive vibes tend to have a ripple effect and this is only the beginning. I see a bright future for our race, yet many hardships, hopelessness, and obstacles are still to come.

As I was saying, these old Souls rarely know about themselves. The ones that don't, tend to have a lot of trouble with themselves. Sometimes depression even kicks in. They tend to be great at anything they put their mind and heart into, and they don't understand why. Or they take it for granted.

I could go on and on, but I'm crazy tired. If anyones interested in more than lemme know and I'll share. But g'night for now. Peace.
good shit man. Im an old soul i know this... ;)
would you like to elaborate at all on your statement? the very first line of my thread reads as such:

"I was just wondering, for those of us who do feel that there may be some sort of higher power or higher do you define it?"

so if you dont believe in god or any other higher power, perhaps this isnt a thread that you'd like to participate in. i dont mean to be rude at all, and i do sincerely apologize if i come off that way...but my thread was pretty clear in describing what this discussion should be about. this isnt a discussion about whether or not god exists, we dont know that. not even you :) hehe

HAHA it's called freedom of speech hun. I'll explain what I just said.
Answer this question. Is your God infinite?

- If you answer 'No', your god isnt infinite, than it is refuted and disproved
because of the following reasons:

a. It is refuted because not being infinite, your god is contingent and therefore
superfluous. It is against anything to make up a god, to worship another god
therefore you'd have to explain it, when your god, being contingent, needs
to be explained. that multiplies explanations beyond logical parsimony.

b. It is disproved, because a supernatural entity, of which gods are by definition,
if finite, are subject to infinite regress, which is self refuting. non-supernatural
entities are not subject to infinite regress because existence is conceptually irreducible.

- If you say your god is finite, then your God is disproved because it can't be called
a God. Like I said Gods are by definition, supernatural, but finitude is of the natural
world. So, saying your God is finite, means it can't even be called a God. Not only
that, but the concept would be further self refuting, because, if finite things can be
called God, then the entire God concept is impossibly incoherent, since everything
in the natural world. including yourself as a human, can be called God!!

- If you answer the question "YES", your god is Infinite, your God is disproved because of the following reasons:

a. An actual Infinity is impossible.
b. An actual Infinity commits the fallacy of the floating abstraction, which makes it illegitimate.

Infinity is impossible because an actual Infinity violates the Law of Identity. Existence is by nature,
limitation. To exist, is to be something specific. An Infinity is unlimited, which means, it's nothing in
particular. Something that is nothing in particular, has no Identity. Therefore, it doesn't exist.

Brb I need another joint. I can go on and on and on..
ok im gonna skip reading that last post.. my favorite quote by Tupac found in a poem :
In the depths of Solitude Heart With An Old Soul
i exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
trying 2 find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
constantly yearning 2 be accepted
and from all receive respect
never comprising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret

A young heart with an old soul
How can there be Peace
How can I be in the depths of Solitude
When there R 2 inside of me
This Duo within me causes
The perfect oppurtunity
2 learn and live twice as fast
As those who accept simplicity
As an atheist/agnostic I have NOT the slightest how the hell we got here and why we got here...
However, i dont picture a man in the sky waving a wand around. It's mind boggling to think about how the universe was created as well as other universes and how space goes on forever..??? I mean WTF... saying we're a grain of salt compared to everything would still be an exaggeration.
sorry, kinda a rambling post :s
I believe the Universe is conscious. it knows exactly what it is doing, even though it might not "think". You know one of the most amazing things I learned about space, was that it was actually shaped. Though we can't tell with our eye since the dark matter, but there are curves, and dips, hills, and even valleys. Even time is non-existent in some parts of space, and extremely over active in others. I think that once the human race fully learns to appreciate our mother Earth, that we may learn to appreciate the depths and mysteries of the skies. But done with what I think about that.

One thing I've been learning about is the Soul. And destinguishing it from the mind because those two can get mixed up. Feelings, and thoughts are from the mind. Though they may be triggered, or projected, or prompted from withing the Soul, you see. Have you ever saw someone, and automatically knew that you knew them, but your mind flips thru faces, and memories, and people you've met and your mind knows you've never met them in your life. Yet something in you recognizes them, and there's almost an aoura around them. That's because as our bodies do die, our Soul's don't. Can't. And Souls with special connections recognize each other. I'm not sure about all, but some carry on through other lives. Some purposes of these 'old souls' are to help people. Do good in the world. Help enlighten the human race which for so long has been slowly killing itself and everything around it. Recently, we've been able to see the human race evolve in great ways. Look at this "Green Age". Organic, sustainable agriculture, clean energy, rising respect for nature and a higher appreciation for LIFE itself. Its beautiful. Postive vibes tend to have a ripple effect and this is only the beginning. I see a bright future for our race, yet many hardships, hopelessness, and obstacles are still to come.

As I was saying, these old Souls rarely know about themselves. The ones that don't, tend to have a lot of trouble with themselves. Sometimes depression even kicks in. They tend to be great at anything they put their mind and heart into, and they don't understand why. Or they take it for granted.

I could go on and on, but I'm crazy tired. If anyones interested in more than lemme know and I'll share. But g'night for now. Peace.
im a very very old soul. i have memories...many memories. i've suffered from a lot of depression too. and i agree that old souls are here to help and such. im fiercely protective of the people i care about and i have this incredibly strong calling to help people, its like i have a duty to help and protect...and i know what you mean about your soul recognizing others. i have people in my life who feel more like family than my actual family...people that i met and immediately felt that i'd known my whole life. i call them the family of my soul.
im a very very old soul. i have memories...many memories. i've suffered from a lot of depression too. and i agree that old souls are here to help and such. im fiercely protective of the people i care about and i have this incredibly strong calling to help people, its like i have a duty to help and protect...and i know what you mean about your soul recognizing others. i have people in my life who feel more like family than my actual family...people that i met and immediately felt that i'd known my whole life. i call them the family of my soul.

yeah, our true families rarely lie within bloodlines. if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing with that calling?

i exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
trying 2 find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
constantly yearning 2 be accepted
and from all receive respect
never comprising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret

A young heart with an old soul

How can there be Peace
How can I be in the depths of Solitude
When there R 2 inside of me
This Duo within me causes
The perfect oppurtunity
2 learn and live twice as fast
As those who accept simplicity

very very cool poem
HAHA it's called freedom of speech hun. I'll explain what I just said.
Answer this question. Is your God infinite?

- If you answer 'No', your god isnt infinite, than it is refuted and disproved
because of the following reasons:

a. It is refuted because not being infinite, your god is contingent and therefore
superfluous. It is against anything to make up a god, to worship another god
therefore you'd have to explain it, when your god, being contingent, needs
to be explained. that multiplies explanations beyond logical parsimony.

b. It is disproved, because a supernatural entity, of which gods are by definition,
if finite, are subject to infinite regress, which is self refuting. non-supernatural
entities are not subject to infinite regress because existence is conceptually irreducible.

- If you say your god is finite, then your God is disproved because it can't be called
a God. Like I said Gods are by definition, supernatural, but finitude is of the natural
world. So, saying your God is finite, means it can't even be called a God. Not only
that, but the concept would be further self refuting, because, if finite things can be
called God, then the entire God concept is impossibly incoherent, since everything
in the natural world. including yourself as a human, can be called God!!

- If you answer the question "YES", your god is Infinite, your God is disproved because of the following reasons:

a. An actual Infinity is impossible.
b. An actual Infinity commits the fallacy of the floating abstraction, which makes it illegitimate.

Infinity is impossible because an actual Infinity violates the Law of Identity. Existence is by nature,
limitation. To exist, is to be something specific. An Infinity is unlimited, which means, it's nothing in
particular. Something that is nothing in particular, has no Identity. Therefore, it doesn't exist.

Brb I need another joint. I can go on and on and on..
im aware of freedom of speech. but im also asking for other members to respect my thread and not derail it from the intended purpose of discussion. i found most (if not all) of what was written in your post through google by the way. so like i mentioned before...if you dont believe in any type of god or higher power, this thread probably isnt the best one for you to participate in. thank you.
yeah, our true families rarely lie within bloodlines. if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing with that calling?

i dont even really know. i know that i want to pursue sciences..i want to be able to change the way people view the world. if everyone could see the amount of beauty in the world that i can see...i dont think we'd ever have any reason to have wars, no one would want to disrupt the amazement of it all. i just want people to be able to see things through my eyes, just once. to see that this planet is a gift from the universe and we need to cherish it and protect it and each other with everything we have in us.
As an atheist/agnostic I have NOT the slightest how the hell we got here and why we got here...
However, i dont picture a man in the sky waving a wand around. It's mind boggling to think about how the universe was created as well as other universes and how space goes on forever..??? I mean WTF... saying we're a grain of salt compared to everything would still be an exaggeration.
sorry, kinda a rambling post :s
makes total sense to me dude :)

i agree that while i dont know how we got here, or why were here, i definitely dont think its a man living in the sky. thats just really illogical to me. REALLY illogical. i think that the very reason for our existence is just to learn. i dont think theres much other reason for it, than to learn. learn what? i dont know. but thats how it im here to go through a series of lessons.
spot on guys, what i believe as well. Do ppl who dont smoke weed think about life so in depth? or is it just us stoners?
I have to add all religion contradicts itself and the only thing religion is good for is war...
spot on guys, what i believe as well. Do ppl who dont smoke weed think about life so in depth? or is it just us stoners?
i think that theres probably the odd few who think like we do...i've been thinking this way for my whole life and i only started toking a couple years ago. but i think that most people who do think this way are stoners. or perhaps if they're not stoners its just because they havent discovered miss mary jane yet :D
i dont even really know. i know that i want to pursue sciences..i want to be able to change the way people view the world. if everyone could see the amount of beauty in the world that i can see...i dont think we'd ever have any reason to have wars, no one would want to disrupt the amazement of it all. i just want people to be able to see things through my eyes, just once. to see that this planet is a gift from the universe and we need to cherish it and protect it and each other with everything we have in us.

Maybe that's it right there. There's tons of ways to get that message out there. Are you musically talented? Alotta times our talents and dreams are like guides for our lives.
spot on guys, what i believe as well. Do ppl who dont smoke weed think about life so in depth? or is it just us stoners?

Ganja helps. but i dont think it is needed. There's no doubt something mystical about this plants powers, I have yet to understand. But a lot of non-smokers are really distracted by nonsense.
i think you yourself kind of said it in the thread title. lol

God is an idea. That is all.

Instead, we should be discussing 'ideas'. And how they give way to the insanely selfish and lazy thought of a 'god'/miracles.

i put my faith in human beings. Not in the unknowable. No lying to yourself needed!

God doesnt exist.
If God exists, it doesn't need to be perfect, because perfection is unattainable, it just needs to be compassionate, competent, humane, just, fair, loving, caring, protecting and righteous.

Given the observations of my existence here on Earth, I'd say a God that created this place is anything but.

Interesting thread, that's just my two cents.

Are you asking what we think God is like, if he does exist, given the reality we occupy, or what we would want such a god to be like?
Maybe that's it right there. There's tons of ways to get that message out there. Are you musically talented? Alotta times our talents and dreams are like guides for our lives.

yep...i sing. i dont play any instruments at the moment but i can play piano and violin, so i figure it would probably be fairly easy for me to pickup a guitar and learn that. i want to get an demo album recorded in the near future but i have to have money for that right now. its on my to do list though! :D
If God exists, it doesn't need to be perfect, because perfection is unattainable, it just needs to be compassionate, competent, humane, just, fair, loving, caring, protecting and righteous.

Given the observations of my existence here on Earth, I'd say a God that created this place is anything but.

Interesting thread, that's just my two cents.

Are you asking what we think God is like, if he does exist, given the reality we occupy, or what we would want such a god to be like?
i agree that with the state of the world its incredibly difficult to think that an all loving, compassionate god would have created earth and our species.

im just asking how people define what they think god is. like for some people, they might define god as a person who is all powerful etc, some people might think god is an energy force, i think that the universe is the entity that we call god...just trying to get ideas of how other people define what god is :)
i think you yourself kind of said it in the thread title. lol

God is an idea. That is all.

Instead, we should be discussing 'ideas'. And how they give way to the insanely selfish and lazy thought of a 'god'/miracles.

i put my faith in human beings. Not in the unknowable. No lying to yourself needed!
absolutely god is just an idea...i agree completely with that :)

see i think that its important for people to freely come up with ideas...but its even more important for people to TEST their ideas. its pretty irresponsible for people to just come up with an idea and then run with it as if its how religion has done. i think that thinking outside the norm and coming up with new ideas and concepts is HUGELY important because if we never did this...the world wouldnt progress and we would have a lot less than we do now. but ideas need to be really well thought out, planned, tested and experimented with before they can become something bigger than just an idea.
Im not officially a member of any religion but not atheist either.

im just a person the believes in god...i dont feel its a man made legend. i believe there is a some type of higher power. i feel there is something beyond the death of our physical bodies...i feel as if our "soul" or "spirit" goes somewhere else. i mean there does appear to be some truth and proof in that...or at least things captured on audio or video that cannot be explained. sure some of it has been proven to be a "false alarm" (something light a light shining from a passing by car glared of the mirror that made it appear like get the idea) ...sometimes even "faked" by the person that video taped it for publicity/fame/even money.

im not paranormal weirdo either by the way. haha...i been skeptical but i feel theres been enough possible evidence (that cannot be rationalized) that suggest there is some type of higher power/future life etc that it makes it realistic...

im not saying we all are "ghosts" or just saying our soul or spirit lives on. it would appear (in my mind) that our bodies are just that...our bodies...we have something other living creatures dont...we have a feeling of "right and wrong"...animals dont feel bad...they dont have a conscience...we do...i feel as if that is a piece of our soul. every living thing can feel hungry...sad...happy...fear...etc but i feel only humans feel a conscience. even serial killers have a just usually is shown to work in a different way...instead of feel bad about the loss of life they will feel bad (their conscience) about something else...

it also makes sense for us as well...we are the most intelligent, adaptable, capable living things on the plant. We control EVERYTHING that isnt human. there isnt one other living thing that can out smart us...if man wanted to it could easily eliminate every thing but itself. (of course it would ruin the world if we did...and would die ) but im just making a point.

if it weren't true we'd be dead by now or some other living thing would be in control of us.\

i know my ideas have taken me off the topic but i feel in a way its all connected...our spirt...soul...unique quality of conscience...the unexplained in paranormal type happenings...i feel every person on this earth is blessed with this life and then removed from our bodies and onto another place...