would you like to elaborate at all on your statement? the very first line of my thread reads as such:
"I was just wondering,
for those of us who do feel that there may be some sort of higher power or higher force...how do you define it?"
so if you dont believe in god or any other higher power, perhaps this isnt a thread that you'd like to participate in. i dont mean to be rude at all, and i do sincerely apologize if i come off that way...but my thread was pretty clear in describing what this discussion should be about. this isnt a discussion about whether or not god exists, we dont know that. not even you

HAHA it's called freedom of speech hun. I'll explain what I just said.
Answer this question. Is your God infinite?
- If you answer 'No', your god isnt infinite, than it is refuted and disproved
because of the following reasons:
a. It is refuted because not being infinite, your god is contingent and therefore
superfluous. It is against anything to make up a god, to worship another god
therefore you'd have to explain it, when your god, being contingent, needs
to be explained. that multiplies explanations beyond logical parsimony.
b. It is disproved, because a supernatural entity, of which gods are by definition,
if finite, are subject to infinite regress, which is self refuting. non-supernatural
entities are not subject to infinite regress because existence is conceptually irreducible.
- If you say your god is finite, then your God is disproved because it can't be called
a God. Like I said Gods are by definition, supernatural, but finitude is of the natural
world. So, saying your God is finite, means it can't even be called a God. Not only
that, but the concept would be further self refuting, because, if finite things can be
called God, then the entire God concept is impossibly incoherent, since everything
in the natural world. including yourself as a human, can be called God!!
- If you answer the question "YES", your god is Infinite, your God is disproved because of the following reasons:
a. An actual Infinity is impossible.
b. An actual Infinity commits the fallacy of the floating abstraction, which makes it illegitimate.
Infinity is impossible because an actual Infinity violates the Law of Identity. Existence is by nature,
limitation. To exist, is to be something specific. An Infinity is unlimited, which means, it's nothing in
particular. Something that is nothing in particular, has no Identity. Therefore, it doesn't exist.
Brb I need another joint. I can go on and on and on..