Ideas About God?

you cant deny the hard facts, that are glaring, if not alarming, DNA structure; it is the best known holder of information known to man. We dont understand it but, it is real and evidence of a creator. The very fact that you exist on a perfectly situated planet is evidence enough of an intelligent creator, whether you wanna call it god or not is up to u.

We completley understand it, the DNA strands are made up of proteins and other chemicals that are made from elements and that has nothing to do with a "creator" if anything it prooves there isn't one. The very fact life exists on this planet is because of the by-products that have been produced over time. If you have any intelligence at all and can comprehend the vast size of the universe and the chance of creating life, it's close to impossible for there not to be other life. Something like 0.000000000000093% for a chance of life at a microrganism to develop, and considering the size of the universe that's a huuuuge number out of the billions of billions of gallyxies holding billions to trillions of stars. It's not mathmatically possible for other life not to exist. Plus, the universe we know of is about 25% of the real size. The universe is our shelter from what is outside our coneptual abilities, so be happy you only know what you do.
we are our own Gods. we decide our own destinys. though your mind might not think so, your Soul knows. It knows what it wants, and it gets what it wants. Though our mind is our own worst enemy and can distract us from our true course of life. that's why I try to emphasize how important it is to figure out the fuzzy line between mind and soul.
I was just wondering, for those of us who do feel that there may be some sort of higher power or higher do you define it?

i personally think that the universe itself is the entity that we call god. i think that its the source of life, the creator of our planets, its where all our energies come from. i dont know if it has an intelligence or consciousness to it...but im not going to rule out the possibility. I feel that in this sense, "god" is inside of, and around, every living thing. i think that this energy force is inside of everything, and i think that all that energy is connected. the reason i think this, is because of how i feel things. i can feel the energies from other people, animals, plants, etc..and while each individual has their own specific energies, it all still feels its all coming from the same place...the universe.

so what does everyone else think?

and i'll please ask that people keep this civil and polite. i'd really like to see friendly, open minded discussion, and not criticisms of beliefs. thanks! :mrgreen:


people...please...i specifically said at the very top of this thread that im asking the question to those of us who DO think there is something more out there. if you dont think theres any god or any higher power of any sort, i'll ask you to please not participate. THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION ABOUT WHETHER GOD EXISTS. this is a discussion about defining what "god" is, or what a higher power is, to those of us who feel there is something bigger than us. thank you :)

Those life-energies or vibes w/e you want to call it is Praba, so it isn't an entity. If there is a god he'd be in time-space not space-time which right there defeats the ideaology of an intelligent creator. Time cannot be created or destroyed. Space cannot be molded or produced. Above all if there is a god he would not be fucking human, we are not the supreme being of this universe. If we were we'd be able to control this Praba (mana for all you nerdy fucks).
Those life-energies or vibes w/e you want to call it is Praba, so it isn't an entity. If there is a god he'd be in time-space not space-time which right there defeats the ideaology of an intelligent creator. Time cannot be created or destroyed. Space cannot be molded or produced. Above all if there is a god he would not be fucking human, we are not the supreme being of this universe. If we were we'd be able to control this Praba (mana for all you nerdy fucks).

you are as confused as they come.

i believe in the same god as all these " crazy " people in the video(JESUS)i also love drum and bass :P
I have had first hand expirences with the holy spirit on many occasions ( its a hell of a lot more potent than any other drug i have tried, it basically feels like ecastacy but more intense.I could feel it from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes. my hands were rushing so hard it actually hurt so i asked god to ease off a little bit)

I have had many prayers answered ranging from my friends being converted ( some of those being complete atheists ) and more scatty ones like a prayer for a set of decks i couldnt afford so i bought the cheaper ones and i almost fell over when the ones i prayed for and wanted more than anything arrived in the packaging of the cheaper ones :) The ones i ordered where these
And the ones i got where these

Just showing the recepit and the packaging of the decks to my close friends and showing them what i got was a good starting point for the whole Jesus thing


i believe in the same god as all these " crazy " people in the video(JESUS)i also love drum and bass :P
I have had first hand expirences with the holy spirit on many occasions ( its a hell of a lot more potent than any other drug i have tried, it basically feels like ecastacy but more intense.I could feel it from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes. my hands were rushing so hard it actually hurt so i asked god to ease off a little bit)

I have had many prayers answered ranging from my friends being converted ( some of those being complete atheists ) and more scatty ones like a prayer for a set of decks i couldnt afford so i bought the cheaper ones and i almost fell over when the ones i prayed for and wanted more than anything arrived in the packaging of the cheaper ones :) The ones i ordered where these
And the ones i got where these

Just showing the recepit and the packaging of the decks to my close friends and showing them what i got was a good starting point for the whole Jesus thing


that video isnt crazy. it's scary and insane. it's funny when people get trapped into this Jesus thing. Sure, he could've been a prophet. But there are thousands out there today.
god is a human manifestation to the unexplained things that occur. as we want to understand "why" and saying god did something is sometimes easier then saying we dont know what the fuck just happened. so they start saying god did it god did it then men started building ideologies around it and now we're just more fucked then ever, but its ok, its in the name of god.

now its not all bad. some people can do great things and change their lives for the better by seeking god. but what i think they dont realize is they had the power all along.

when most people think of "god" they think of an intelligent creator. all powerful, all knowing....perfection. when i think of perfection, i see it as not needing any work. and im sure we can all agree that the human species needs some major repair work done. constant war and famine and needless suffering. and now that im thinking about it a lil more, god isn't the problem, religion is. destined to servitude just dont seem right. i heard paganism was the oldest religion, maybe they had the right ideas all along
Our planet Earth itself is God. Think about it. it gives us everything we need to survive. and when we die it will accept our bodies. and eventually, as we decompose or our ashes are scattered, we become apart of the earth.
Our planet Earth itself is God. Think about it. it gives us everything we need to survive. and when we die it will accept our bodies. and eventually, as we decompose or our ashes are scattered, we become apart of the earth.
I'd say the sun is #1... then closely followed by #2 Earth
I was just wondering, for those of us who do feel that there may be some sort of higher power or higher do you define it?

i personally think that the universe itself is the entity that we call god. i think that its the source of life, the creator of our planets, its where all our energies come from. i dont know if it has an intelligence or consciousness to it...but im not going to rule out the possibility. I feel that in this sense, "god" is inside of, and around, every living thing. i think that this energy force is inside of everything, and i think that all that energy is connected. the reason i think this, is because of how i feel things. i can feel the energies from other people, animals, plants, etc..and while each individual has their own specific energies, it all still feels its all coming from the same place...the universe.

so what does everyone else think?

and i'll please ask that people keep this civil and polite. i'd really like to see friendly, open minded discussion, and not criticisms of beliefs. thanks! :mrgreen:


people...please...i specifically said at the very top of this thread that im asking the question to those of us who DO think there is something more out there. if you dont think theres any god or any higher power of any sort, i'll ask you to please not participate. THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION ABOUT WHETHER GOD EXISTS. this is a discussion about defining what "god" is, or what a higher power is, to those of us who feel there is something bigger than us. thank you :)
man i would so date you. your like me but as a girl
ive had a lot of thoughts just like this. hers another one ive had....

WE are god. our consciousnesses are linked, though we dont know it til death. when we die, our conscious is sent to the 'collective' if you will (not meaning to use star trek terminology, just lack of a better word). This collective is what some would say is heaven. i would call it, a single beings consciousness. Say this consciousness is even all living things, or even, the only living thing. Its entire purpose of existence is to exist in every self-aware way possible. what better way to experience all possible things, all possible outcomes, all possible possibilities fully explored, as a living creature than to find a way to live as all living creatures?

Thats just ONE of the MANY crazy ass theories that i have come up with while staring at starts, usually blown out of my mind. I have better, but i tend to not remember them until iam in a vivid discussion with someone in person about it (iam sure my friends could tell of some of the wilder things i have come up with). If i can remember any better ones, ill be sure to post.

as for us being a virus, well, ya. i mean by very definition we are a virus, as both Joe Rogan (we ARE here to eat the sandwich) and The Matrix (we do move from one place to another until all of our resources are consumed, our sustainability is very limited) have pointed out.

on a side note, thats also why iam a strong believer of MANNED missoins in space (damnit Obama, you just HAD to go and screw with NASA, you hadnt done anything i gave a shit about one way or another until then!). We know from nature that all of us being confined to this one little rock (and yes it IS little) leaves us in a fragile and precarious state. all it takes is some super fucking asteroid or global calamity to wipe us all out, leaving nothing for anyone to find and no signs that we were ever here. life is too precious, and mankind is too RARE to keep all our proverbial 'eggs in one nest'. we need to get out there, start mining shit that we DONT LIVE ON, and start colonizing other rocks!!!
ive thought about the universe alot. Science says the universe is about 14 billion years old. if so there was nothing before it, does that mean that we are nothing if we came from that. its hard to grasp nothingness, and equally hard to grasp infinity. It is nothing short of amazing how everything happend. We all came from nothing and for what reason. localy (earth) we destroy eachother and so many people are drivin by greed.
I belive in pegan belifes. Everything living has energy and should be treated good. we shouldnt be destroying more than we need so some rich asshole can have a brand new fancy house with 4 extra bedrooms he will never use. people should live off what they need not what they want. we dont respect the space around us or the earth that is alowing us to live here.
There is so many other galaxys out there, with an infinate posiblity at life there is no question there is other races out there and other humans that evolved the same as we did. there is no doubt there is some form of higher power it may not be like us or look like us. the earth and sun are probably the closest thing to god we will see. i dont think or minds are able to grasp the big picture of life and existance though. ive tried for many days and drove myself mad with depression of how small and meaningless we are to the big picture.
ive thought about the universe alot. Science says the universe is about 14 billion years old. if so there was nothing before it, does that mean that we are nothing if we came from that. its hard to grasp nothingness, and equally hard to grasp infinity. It is nothing short of amazing how everything happend. We all came from nothing and for what reason. localy (earth) we destroy eachother and so many people are drivin by greed.
I belive in pegan belifes. Everything living has energy and should be treated good. we shouldnt be destroying more than we need so some rich asshole can have a brand new fancy house with 4 extra bedrooms he will never use. people should live off what they need not what they want. we dont respect the space around us or the earth that is alowing us to live here.
There is so many other galaxys out there, with an infinate posiblity at life there is no question there is other races out there and other humans that evolved the same as we did. there is no doubt there is some form of higher power it may not be like us or look like us. the earth and sun are probably the closest thing to god we will see. i dont think or minds are able to grasp the big picture of life and existance though. ive tried for many days and drove myself mad with depression of how small and meaningless we are to the big picture.

If there is a "GOD", I'm pretty sure he has a plan for everything in the universe, including every individual being on this planet, IE you and I also.
You're right about us being , infinitesimal we as individuals are pretty small on the importance list of important things in the universe. I also have experienced some very exotic mind expansion through drugs like LSD and Peyote, with Peyote being 100 times more expansive, although one has to prepare for the ultimate peyote experience, no eating, smoking or otherwise polluting the body for at least a week before doing a trip, just some tea and natural food and 3 days Before stop eating altogether.