you cant deny the hard facts, that are glaring, if not alarming, DNA structure; it is the best known holder of information known to man. We dont understand it but, it is real and evidence of a creator. The very fact that you exist on a perfectly situated planet is evidence enough of an intelligent creator, whether you wanna call it god or not is up to u.
We completley understand it, the DNA strands are made up of proteins and other chemicals that are made from elements and that has nothing to do with a "creator" if anything it prooves there isn't one. The very fact life exists on this planet is because of the by-products that have been produced over time. If you have any intelligence at all and can comprehend the vast size of the universe and the chance of creating life, it's close to impossible for there not to be other life. Something like 0.000000000000093% for a chance of life at a microrganism to develop, and considering the size of the universe that's a huuuuge number out of the billions of billions of gallyxies holding billions to trillions of stars. It's not mathmatically possible for other life not to exist. Plus, the universe we know of is about 25% of the real size. The universe is our shelter from what is outside our coneptual abilities, so be happy you only know what you do.