is this a good idea?


Well-Known Member
hey maybe i should snitch on you for a personal attack? no wait that would make me a fucking snitch.
look yh, i had this stupid idea when i was fucked up, cant you just leave it, what the fuck is your problem, dont tell me uve never had a stupid idea b4, now fucking leave this stupid shit alone.


Well-Known Member
i just came off the uk growers thread to read this coz all the lads are talking about it and ive just read all the posts. u know what mate, ur fuckin full of shit, a fuckin rat grass. whats with the fuckin 'pen' and gangsta shit. ur a fuckin phoney ya bawbag. av done time u fuckwit and in fuckin real jails and i dont give a fuck what shit ur spoutin but any cunt that even thinks about grassin is a fuckin rat. fuckin babblin about shootin and stabbin cunts...ive been in this game for around 20 fuckin years and ive never needed a gun or a blade, maybe a bat now and then to collect cash in, i use my hands and mostly my head as do all the guys i know, this fuckin gangsta shit u clowns are all playin at is imported yank crap. either beat the fuck outta your opposition by hand or by business, if u cant do either then get the fuck out the game....fuckin grassin cunt.... i remember watchin a few of you cunts gettin it tight in barlinnie. keep in mind even the fuckin filth dont respect a grass, they mite use them but as soon as any cunt does that then theyve sold there honour, and in this game honour and respect are the tools of trust, the only currency worth a fuck. now get a plane ticket with ur 'wads of cash' and fuck off to south central homes and get fuckin shot. or more likely go tend ur one plant and play ur ps3 like the spotty teenage wigger u are.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
shocking thread!!!!!!!!!!!!
your making the uk look bad, should i grass? you should have your fingers removed ya mug
you come off as 1 of those little ghetto smurfs get a grip and sort it out fucking idiot


Well-Known Member
shocking thread!!!!!!!!!!!!
your making the uk look bad, should i grass? you should have your fingers removed ya mug
you come off as 1 of those little ghetto smurfs get a grip and sort it out fucking idiot
jesus christ how many fucking times do i have to say it, im not doin it, never have and prob never will, y cant u all just fucking leave it, the problem is solved, they r dum as fuck and when they get raided(which is very soon) theyr customers come to me, i dont have to snitch, and at the rate theyv been killin each uvr recently i prob wont need to, n bsides i dont think the feds need anymore snitches, its not like they dont know wag1, theyr just waitin to strike, if i just keep doin my ting n wait till they get caught, nothing goes wrong, if i snitch i prob end up dead or get blackmailed, im not ghetto at all, to all those who said i am, FUCK YOU:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
and to those who laugh at my grow, i have another guy who grows all the weed we sell, this is a small mini personal grow just for fun, got a problem, FUCK YOU:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
jesus christ how many fucking times do i have to say it, im not doin it, never have and prob never will, y cant u all just fucking leave it, the problem is solved, they r dum as fuck and when they get raided(which is very soon) theyr customers come to me, i dont have to snitch, and at the rate theyv been killin each uvr recently i prob wont need to, n bsides i dont think the feds need anymore snitches, its not like they dont know wag1, theyr just waitin to strike, if i just keep doin my ting n wait till they get caught, nothing goes wrong, if i snitch i prob end up dead or get blackmailed, im not ghetto at all, to all those who said i am, FUCK YOU:bigjoint:
What a fucking muppet!!! So your saying you have already grassed them in then. Your heading for some penile amputation i'm sure.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
so you're not even the big cheese of your little outfit. you're just the lil bitch running man with his college connection. i can shift weed for my dealer too ya know.

and one second you claim it was 1m stoned and fucked up, yet you made the thread in the morning..

for all everyone cares you're trying to snitch me into the police, so FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUU
i say thats a terrible idea once feds find out theres drug in the nieghborhood they will have there eye out where you live, and some more advice dont ever talk about snitching on forums thats a stupid idea, just dont bye shit bud


Well-Known Member
hey tip top, this is some acne ridden teenage college turd that knows where he can buy an oz for 160 and punt its at £10 a gram and thinks hes a dealer. him and two of his equally spotty mates have got a hold of sum random bag seed and now they're all of a sudden farmers. the only thing this spaz has ever shot is his load over the bra section in Littlewoods catalogue. the fuckin 'pen' , pmsl, fuckin wiggers, clown probably still lives with mummy and daddy in his nice little house in suburbia. do us all a favour son and fuck off now, go and change ur name and re log and at least pretend ur a human.


Well-Known Member
hey tip top, this is some acne ridden teenage college turd that knows where he can buy an oz for 160 and punt its at £10 a gram and thinks hes a dealer. him and two of his equally spotty mates have got a hold of sum random bag seed and now they're all of a sudden farmers. the only thing this spaz has ever shot is his load over the bra section in Littlewoods catalogue. the fuckin 'pen' , pmsl, fuckin wiggers, clown probably still lives with mummy and daddy in his nice little house in suburbia. do us all a favour son and fuck off now, go and change ur name and re log and at least pretend ur a human.
So nicely put as usual dura, spot on. Your the new Shakespeare in my eyes man.