Confidential Cheese and wembley.

mr west

Well-Known Member
er not till the weeklend or it fucks up my timings and updates lol, i like my girls to turn the week on a friday so i have something to look forward to lol sad cnut eh lol:joint:


Well-Known Member
dude i have ocd everythings gotta be even with me.

you cat understand how fucked up this shit is i mean theres times where ill stub my toe or smack my head on something and fuck me dead if i have to do it agai (not halfassed either)

then theres the walking in and out of a door untill it feels right thing... i sux u feel compelled to do it or its going to be unlucky is the only way to describe it. well kinda

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i have to check the front door is locked 3 times before i can leave the house. thats my only ocd thing but then again round my neck of the woods im sure most do the same


Well-Known Member
lookin damn good west keep up the great growin :) !! i was going to order wembley but i went with barneys blue cheese and greenhouse seeds bubba kush & free beans are dna rocklock & dna lemon skunk should be here next week sometime !!!!! i went with attitude again with the stelth tshirt delivery

mr west

Well-Known Member
Well after bout 8 weeks vegging I have finaly put in the La Cheese and Wembley into my tent with the other girls to start flowering




Well-Known Member
Looks good and vigourous in there Fred. Whats in there atm?
Can you put up a pic of the livers so i can have a look and compare to mine, coz mine are looking a bit weak=( i'm putting a few outside. I've found a spot on google earth lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
looking full there bro :) tried 2 rep u but u know the score lol. hope u and the misses are good? i've got a nice little pick and mix selection at the mo, blueberry, lsd and amnesia, spoilt for choice lol. feeling quite high 2day :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
cheers guys, its gonna get mental in that tent in a few weeks lol, they only got bout 2 foot to stretch lol hope thats enough lol.