Confidential Cheese and wembley.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I think theres a strain on sale called chem dog it reads the same parentage so maybe if u can find them


Well-Known Member
Did the girls get a bit of a shock getting their pants pulled of them Westy? I am sure they'll be right in a couple of days. I just done a major transplant so I am applying the same logic - it'll all be good in a couple of days,,,lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
After the repot the la cheese and wembely look like this a bit worse for ware.

la cheese.

la cheese.


Pic page bump. Yeah i always seem to let them get too fat for there hot pants and wen i rip em down iuts always a shock lol

mr west

Well-Known Member

first off an La Cheese.
then another one.

Finaly the wembley. Not sure how old they are but u can work it out by the start of the thread and now and taking the days inbetween away lol.



Well-Known Member
Looking nice n healthy Fred. have you had any cheese crosses that are cheesy? I remember your ewb that was cheesy looking. Do you think that these seed companys actually use the real deal? Or do you think they just use the name to sell beans

mr west

Well-Known Member
good question Osc mate, the bb blue cheese was very cheesey indeed moreso than the bbcheese. I belive that the uk cheese has made it to a fair few breeders now. I mean how on earth could u make a fake one that stood up to a side by side test without using the uk mother?

mr west

Well-Known Member
oh i thought the blues was a blueberry cut or blue cheese, ah maybe thats why i got a cheesey whang to the bit of livers i have smoked?


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that livers is older than cheese but how true that is i don't know. There is prolly only a handfull of people that really know and they prolly can't remember lmao peeps should keep proper records lol