Okay that's what I needed to know. I'll be using mine the same way. I am just starting a garden and will use the extra for that. I'll have to figure something out about water. I was using RO water from the store but if I'm brewing up a couple of gallons at a time that won't be feasible. Especially since it's a 25 minute drive to the store.
For my tea I used a couple scoops of composted cow manure, a light dose of fox farms grow big and big bloom, and some sucunat. I put it in about 4 gallins of water and have an air pump mixing the water. I'm going to feed them tomorrow night when the lights come on and also do a foliar feeding.
How often can I give them compost tea? Every couple of days, or should I spread it out more. If it is every couple of days could I keep a constant brew of compost tea? Just add more compost or water as needed?