FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}


Damn Fuzz I can't believe u got that monster growin out of that 5 gal bucket! That's kick ass brotha! And them buds are lookin crazy scrumptious! I wanna taste! Lol. Have u taken any samples off her yet to try out? I'm just in the process of finishin up my flowering space, makin it light proof and what not! So hopefully I'll be starting to flower them in the next week or so! I got 2 of those Rubbermaid totes with 4 in each that been veggin for a lil over a month! Damn things fit 10 gal's of water in each! But u are right... They do drink a lot of water cuz the water level goes down daily! Hopefully once I switch em to 12/12 I'll get me some bitches! Lol! I'd be happy with at least 4 (fingers crossed)! Hey... before u switched her to 12/12 did u give her a dark period? I've heard u gotta give em like 36 hrs of darkness before u switch the lights to 12/12! So u think that Super Bloom that I got would work as a hardener? If so then that'd be great! Well keep up the good work bro n keep them pics comin! I can't wait to see some frosty buds in my closet! Lol.... HB


Well-Known Member
HierbaBuena I dd a grow just as you are now getting ready to do. sugestion for ya is to try to place in your containers is some kind of seperator for the roots. had the issue of removing a male plant and it was a night mare. Also I did 3 plants in mine and it was real crowded. hope all goes well for ya.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4049861]damn man how big is that stalk now lol[/QUOTE]

Lol! Hes gonna need a Stihl chainsaw to trim with:)

Fuzz, u stay wit ur parents, roommates? Dolo?


Well-Known Member
HierbaBuena I dd a grow just as you are now getting ready to do. sugestion for ya is to try to place in your containers is some kind of seperator for the roots. had the issue of removing a male plant and it was a night mare. Also I did 3 plants in mine and it was real crowded. hope all goes well for ya.
i couldnt agree more i had 2 in a tote and had to pull a male. it is a real pain in the ass and damn near impossible to not hurt the roots from your female.


HierbaBuena I dd a grow just as you are now getting ready to do. sugestion for ya is to try to place in your containers is some kind of seperator for the roots. had the issue of removing a male plant and it was a night mare. Also I did 3 plants in mine and it was real crowded. hope all goes well for ya.

Ya JJMD thx for the advice! That thought was runnin thru my head cuz whenever I take a net pot out I notice that the roots get kinda tangled up! I was thinkin on some sort of plastic contraption that I can put inside the rez to seperate each plant but don't know if plastic will seperate the air bubbles as well! Right now the roots are still managable but I know I'm gonna have to think of something for that soon! Any thoughts on what I can use to seperate em? I was even thinking of using a screen, like from a window but IDK if the roots will find their way thru the lil holes! I was thinkin a screen cuz like that it wouldn't seperate the bubbles and I wanna make sure they all get the same amount of bubblage! Any tips would be helpfull! How did you fix your problem BTW? HB


Well-Known Member
Damn Fuzz I can't believe u got that monster growin out of that 5 gal bucket! That's kick ass brotha! And them buds are lookin crazy scrumptious! I wanna taste! Lol. Have u taken any samples off her yet to try out? I'm just in the process of finishin up my flowering space, makin it light proof and what not! So hopefully I'll be starting to flower them in the next week or so! I got 2 of those Rubbermaid totes with 4 in each that been veggin for a lil over a month! Damn things fit 10 gal's of water in each! But u are right... They do drink a lot of water cuz the water level goes down daily! Hopefully once I switch em to 12/12 I'll get me some bitches! Lol! I'd be happy with at least 4 (fingers crossed)! Hey... before u switched her to 12/12 did u give her a dark period? I've heard u gotta give em like 36 hrs of darkness before u switch the lights to 12/12! So u think that Super Bloom that I got would work as a hardener? If so then that'd be great! Well keep up the good work bro n keep them pics comin! I can't wait to see some frosty buds in my closet! Lol.... HB

so samples off her yet and no dark period, just switch em over. any un-necessary stress that can be prevented MUST!

Lol! Hes gonna need a Stihl chainsaw to trim with:)

Fuzz, u stay wit ur parents, roommates? Dolo?
i live with people. :wink:


Well damn... I know u gotta be dieing to have a taste! My mouth waters just by lookin at those buds so I can just imagine the smell n havin em in my face! U got some strong willpower my friend! Knowin my ass I would've already had a taste. You got a carbon filter for the smell or does your place smell like straight dank when u walk in? I'll take that smell over Fabrees or Lysol anyday! Lol...


Well-Known Member
Well damn... I know u gotta be dieing to have a taste! My mouth waters just by lookin at those buds so I can just imagine the smell n havin em in my face! U got some strong willpower my friend! Knowin my ass I would've already had a taste. You got a carbon filter for the smell or does your place smell like straight dank when u walk in? I'll take that smell over Fabrees or Lysol anyday! Lol...
OH i got other shit to take care of me. :wink:

Diddy.............that's the worst avatar yet!!! :spew::spew::spew:

YEA no joke!!!! change that shit!! i was about to say "i dont know who u r, but ur avatar almost made me puke". then i read "ditty":evil: