So my landlord invaded my apartment today. I called and asked what for after being served a 48 hr notice.
I'm a medical marijuana patient and I'm 4-5 weeks into my first vegetative phase.
She came in and ordered her croney to check the faucets and went straight to my room, she said open it up. We went in...she pointed at my grow tent...Open it up...
She saw the plants and proceed to get mad. Because I hadn't told her I was growing.
When I moved in she told me "I can do whatever I want".
Hypocritical bitch. Especially as I know that she keeps several apartments open in the back for "other projects" that aren't as green.
She got the paperwork and took a copy of my ID's after presenting all documentation needed to get me off the hook.
There are three things that I am PISSED off about.
1.The lying about the purpose of the visit, they said it was to check smoke alarms. The lied to my face. Granted they thought I was growing illegally...
2.Walking in and barging into my room because I have a ventilation duct going out my window. That could have been for AC.
Or for a legitimate hydroponics setup. Either way thats not grounds to search my apartment.
3.YELLING at me because I didn't notify her that I was doing this...The law in Washington state doesnt require me to notify my landlord. If I was growing tomatoes it wouldn't of mattered now would it.
I don't like she and this other random guy came in and are now aware of where my grow is. Paranoia is starting to take hold and I AM FUCKING PISSED.
So my next steps are to have a tape recorder on hand so I can record these law related conversations. If she does this again illegally I think I have grounds for a lawsuit, but I'd rather not come to that.