** DJ's 400w Easy Ryder & LA Woman Grow **

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
are you going to top the ER aswell? If you do get some pics up...id like to see how that works out =] my sweet dwarf has really taken off now...doubles in size each day! im half expecting for it to show sex and its not even one week yet =P


Well-Known Member
Right so here's the deal. Pics come tonight but the LA is doing great and my easy Ryder is throwing out pistils! But she like only 3/4 inches tall. I don't understand. I may turf her out if nothing happens soon... Thoughts? My LA could use that huge pot lol

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
Cant wait for these pics! I wouldnt throw the ER away...maybe itll jus be shorter but the cola could get huuge =D but if your struggling for space or something...put it outside? Or maybe the repotting stunted its verticle growth sum how... ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah seems weird. Was always a runt. I may be putting everything outside soon we have had lovely temps and sun for past few days. Just worried about helicopters seeing 1 plant... Don't know really.

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
i doubt one plant would get spotted. yes we hav had lovely sun! i put a deformed ''early bud'' outdoors in a pot without acclimatising it to outdoors...expected it to be dead in the morning but its sorted itself out and bin growing lovely the last few days! bastard slug ate a few leaves off it tho...wonder how he felt 8-]


Well-Known Member
Haha stoned slug, I like it. I might stick her outside then and good it will perhaps be slight out of view :) next few days I'm going to top the La :)


Well-Known Member
Sweet. So I have tons of lil orange spiders all over my grow room! Arrrr there not doing anything to the plants apart from just being annoying!


Well-Known Member
Starting to think spider mites but not sure. I have isolated the main infected plant which luckily was the runt and put it outside. I topped the la. Alex fell over because of massive cola lol. But yeah just killing the odd few spiders now. Really word. 2 small for pics


Well-Known Member
Dude you know how it is. Been working 55-60 hour weeks lol can moan the money good in my eyes. Yeah I topped her and I love the new growth! You can tell there goin to be new main stems :) picture tommorow for ya.... When I get my head around this new riu. I haven't had a chance to look at it properly

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
Yeaah it takes abit of gttin used to =P

Ahh well if you got the money comin in its s'all gud :)

Few more pics of my sweet dwarf if you dont mind, day 13, i think thers small buds formin at the internodes, tried to get a decent pic but you cant really make it out. Really impressed with 'advanced seeds' considering nobody seems to hav heard of em!


Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
quick thought on T5 fluorescent bulbs? the one im looking at is 54w 5000 lumens 6400k
Yeaah man T5's r good, lots of people use them for veg state cos they can cover a large area. Really good for SOG method. You planning on using a bank of them or just one?