yeah, i've found that i need to lollypopp more and more with each yield. if used in congunction with fimm, you will produce an even canopy, that concentrates all of the light energy at the tops. now that i have two rounds down, i have found first hand that after trimmming more of the bottom growths by the second week of bloom, this enabled a great stretch on the remaining colas. cutting off un needed growth concentrates the growth on whats left. there are those who will say that au natural is the way to go, if that was true then they'd be feeding just water and natural light. we aren't doing anything natural, but as close as we can, with some tweaking too!
i come from a place that i like to experiment. after i do something sucessful, i want to research what i did and make it better. this is honestly the only way to go indoors, in my humble opinion. whats crazy is how your first run turned out, great. things can only get better!