Stinkbud1 is a blaze: Devilsweed' swiss cheese'white widow grow


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, stopped that yellowing dead in it's tracks! Missed most of it but here to watch the end.
Thanks for the drop in and the bud love bro, this has been a journey. After what seemed to be a smooth ride all hell broke loose,i guess my plants hermied even though i was doing a self pollenation an them, so i guess my seeds are no good now.But i can be thankful for the very nice looking bud that i have going they look amazing so far and i cant wait for the chop..hey i hope you are around for the final run..Peace


Well-Known Member
are you kidding me! those colas are so fat and happy, you really are dialing it in bro! congrats on getting the yellowing and seed thing down, this ones gonna finish strong!


Well-Known Member
are you kidding me! those colas are so fat and happy, you really are dialing it in bro! congrats on getting the yellowing and seed thing down, this ones gonna finish strong!
Hey thanks Drella im glad you see some improvement in my efforts,and yes the cola's are forming nice i guess my first real topping try did ok! the one thing im proud of is that when a problem came i handled it pretty well this go round, so im getting a better understanding of how the plant works and what it needs..The only thing i was down about was the seed production, some people are saying they are no good since my plant went hermie so it was a waste of time for that effort and ill still be buying seeds come july..Other then that im looking for some good bud to blow..Peace

My next grow will be 400 Watt room 5 x 3 x 2 ill use tha extra head room to let my girls veg longer, to maybe up the yield per watt with the 400 hps..I'll be growing Hashberry and G13 Haze only two strains and i'll be trying to cross once again, im going to start the seeds on august 1st and let them veg for at least 60 days with topping...


Well-Known Member
yeah topping/fimming is way fun indoors, and a neccesity i feel in keeping the canopy level and full. good luck on the seeds, hopefully you can get to the point of a few strains that you clone and keep perpetually.

5x3x2 is that 5' wide, 3' long, 2' tall? or is 5' the height. either way good luck on the longer veg. the more mature roots will produce some monster colas, especially if use fimm technique too!


Well-Known Member
yeah topping/fimming is way fun indoors, and a neccesity i feel in keeping the canopy level and full. good luck on the seeds, hopefully you can get to the point of a few strains that you clone and keep perpetually.

5x3x2 is that 5' wide, 3' long, 2' tall? or is 5' the height. either way good luck on the longer veg. the more mature roots will produce some monster colas, especially if use fimm technique too!
Yes the box will be %' tall and 3' wide and 2' deep my bad but thats why i said to veg a lil longer and not worry about the height in this area with a 400 i should get closer to the 1 gram per watt then i am now...
Man i just came back from your porn show and i cant sleep naw those girls are beautiful cant wait till you chop chop choppity chop those lovely ladies..Peace if anyone is reading here and want to see some cola's check it out under drella...


Well-Known Member
yeah, it sounds like your new setup will be very similar to my closet bloom 400whps. it should turn out great. im gonna lollyopp even more going into bloom this time, the colas concentrated on the top produce some monsters. use in conguntion with the fimm during veg, an even conopy of dense monster colas is achieved. good luck to your new setup, and acheiving your 1gpw goal! lets see 1lb harvest next round!


Well-Known Member
yeah, it sounds like your new setup will be very similar to my closet bloom 400whps. it should turn out great. im gonna lollyopp even more going into bloom this time, the colas concentrated on the top produce some monsters. use in conguntion with the fimm during veg, an even conopy of dense monster colas is achieved. good luck to your new setup, and acheiving your 1gpw goal! lets see 1lb harvest next round!
Ive never tried the lollipop thing but im soon to give it a go you may have to walk me through it when the time comes!hey one pound ? yeah im shooting for the stars sounds far fetched to me but if you master getting 1 gram per watt then you are very close to getting it done with a 400...Peace


Well-Known Member
yeah, i've found that i need to lollypopp more and more with each yield. if used in congunction with fimm, you will produce an even canopy, that concentrates all of the light energy at the tops. now that i have two rounds down, i have found first hand that after trimmming more of the bottom growths by the second week of bloom, this enabled a great stretch on the remaining colas. cutting off un needed growth concentrates the growth on whats left. there are those who will say that au natural is the way to go, if that was true then they'd be feeding just water and natural light. we aren't doing anything natural, but as close as we can, with some tweaking too!

i come from a place that i like to experiment. after i do something sucessful, i want to research what i did and make it better. this is honestly the only way to go indoors, in my humble opinion. whats crazy is how your first run turned out, great. things can only get better!

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
Hey man,
I have the exact same space as you. 4x3x2. I have 6 girls 17 days into flowering. 400 watt hps as my light. I just looked through your journal and the girls look kick ass!! I see youre in NorCal too. Nice bro, good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey man,
I have the exact same space as you. 4x3x2. I have 6 girls 17 days into flowering. 400 watt hps as my light. I just looked through your journal and the girls look kick ass!! I see youre in NorCal too. Nice bro, good luck with your grow.
Thanks agent orange, glad to have you drop in on me im going to be moving up to a 400 cmh setup after this one and add a little bit of head room to the box to get a longer veg cycle next round in hopes of getting more out of my yield,ill drop by your grow and check you out..glad to finally see some nocal locals on here so many of my buds are from and sharing smoke kind of made me home sick for a while lets keep in touch..Peace


Well-Known Member
Ok, so here to my faithful a final tribute to a crazy grow,a couple of hermies,a hopefully successful pollenation and one fine BLZ BUD that servived the I will be chopping the hermied WW and the one hermied BLZ on the 1st of may and i'll let the other BLZ that did'nt go hermie finish up she is a beauty..Hope you enjoy Peace.:mrgreen:


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well you got a decent yield off of em at least! I can tell ya why they hermied...heat stress man. gotta get more ventilation. I'm telling ya, portable a/c! Get em while they're hot cause the Depot stops selling em way earlier than they should.


Well-Known Member
Well you got a decent yield off of em at least! I can tell ya why they hermied...heat stress man. gotta get more ventilation. I'm telling ya, portable a/c! Get em while they're hot cause the Depot stops selling em way earlier than they should.
yeah it could have been the heat, but i was being pig headed and foolish and i know i had more than a few light leaks that i should have addressed when it started so thats my bad thought i could get away with another grow before swapping out for a new grow room. Cant cry over spilled milk now peeps just got to keep on keep'n on you know cant kick nobodies ass but my own bro..lesson well learned got lucky to get one really healthy BLZ and two more girls that were not totally wasted..i'll get it right next round..Peace


Well-Known Member
At least you learned something from it. Should still be a good smoke just have acouples seeds in it. never killed nobody. Look forward to your next attempt. And your light leaks? Were they big? All mine are females. And i would like to keep it that way. Stay high Bro


Well-Known Member
Nope, can't have any light leaks!
Im going to make this next box so sealed and air tight..and the only reason i decided not to go with the tent D.C is because its to obvious for me when i build the box it doubled as a T.V stand for my plasma T.V and believe it or not it came out so well no-one new that it was a grow box ..its locked down during the day hours lights off nothing running..

At least you learned something from it. Should still be a good smoke just have acouples seeds in it. never killed nobody. Look forward to your next attempt. And your light leaks? Were they big? All mine are females. And i would like to keep it that way. Stay high Bro
Hey thanks for the compliment and the thoughts, and like my man D.C said light leaks are a killer. Just when you think you can get over on the shit, bam your got, so it aint worth the trip go ahead and take care of it now...


Well-Known Member
great harvest shots brother, some fat nugs for sure. hope the smoke turns out great for ya mang. i run my exhaust 24/7 on my veg and bloom.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
great harvest shots brother, some fat nugs for sure. hope the smoke turns out great for ya mang. i run my exhaust 24/7 on my veg and bloom.
Same here. I like to keep constant airflow, keeps temps down and I never have to worry about high-humidity problems like PM and botrytis.


Well-Known Member
Same here. I like to keep constant airflow, keeps temps down and I never have to worry about high-humidity problems like PM and botrytis.
Ok, see now you guy's are about to teach me something again because i have never ran my exaust or circulation fans when lights are off i did'nt know i needed to where i live our humidity is very very low unless its raining or hell of cloudy and since i have my light cycle off at night i thought the air circulation and or fan going would add to the lower temps up north here..
great harvest shots brother, some fat nugs for sure. hope the smoke turns out great for ya mang. i run my exhaust 24/7 on my veg and bloom.
Thanks Drella im not to happy overall but happy to get this one out the wayi cant wait till i get to where you guys are i'll have a lot more to smile about..Peace