1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

mr west

Well-Known Member
u should seee my mum, shes massive and dont take no shit. She wears army boots and a hard hat in the bath.


Well-Known Member
well it seems multiquoting is not happenin haha awesome finger tache osc man it cracks me up, think i mentioned afore my pal has a tache on one and tears on the other so he can take the piss when someones whinging.

@DST those lads look like butter would boil in their mouths hahahaha sound like some greeat blokes as long as your on the right side of them eh. i know a few lads like that though i tend to distance myself. cant relax round blokes that flip that easy.

@westy how on gods earth does your mum manage a cattery with a german shepherd?!?!?!

so the toon are up as champions im still feeling rough from saturdays wreck.... thought i was doing ok till i bumped into a bloke down the hall, he asked how the weekend was, n said i look like im still recovering.... cheers twat.

i need to whip meself into some sort of shape pronto no more sniff and booze. i did a crate to meself on sat in 12 hours. didnt even feel drunk
A crate not touching the sides, Don......sounds like you need to get back on the hard liquor!!! haha

u should seee my mum, shes massive and dont take no shit. She wears army boots and a hard hat in the bath.


Well-Known Member
It was said with tongue in cheek, lol. Forgot I was talkin to a Geordie, haha.

I agree, just chill winston and take a week or two off.....get the tollerance levels down and then get reet smashed again....also said with tongue in cheek btw.


Well-Known Member
had some of tat amber honey oil you said youd like to make so much the other day don... only a small batch made a bit ver a gram or so from 10 grams of bud kiff.

tried to take a pic but to no avail.... just looked shitty compared to the stuff i could really see in front of me, it was nice amber and see through.. i believe thats what you said you were striving for :). it was rather nice for a change im gonna do it one more time andthen its time for the bubblebags i think. ill have a new camera soon too hopefully :)... ive been aving and im not far off now yay..

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreeet fella yeah thats the stuff for some reason ive never managed it clear it starts clear then just clouds up when it dries out ?! apparentyl the return on the bubble bags is a lot better. thats gonna be my next go too. got new bags 2 bins to use and 2 fat sacks of sugar trim, im reluctant though i really like having the oil to kick my brain out the ears now and again. but then again good bubble should do the same eh!

the return is so little from so much with the oil, but i guess its near as damnit 100% pure


Well-Known Member
i preffer water hash myself too. though i must say i normally get a decent amount of oil really its scraping it up thats a bitch but a bit of warmth helps his drastically...

yeah you could see through this shit really well and even better in phases where it was warmer naturally ill admit being a harsh critic on myself it could have been a bit clearer but thats being pretty harsh as you could really see through it. even the missus thinks this was good enough.. hmm i may even post my own honey oil guide from start to finish including the making of the extraction tube... though that would be a pain in the ass as i have to saw a piece of metal thats rather hard to cut so peraps ill just give a rundown lol. i had to lose a pair of my oldest favouritest boxers :(


Well-Known Member
alreeet fella yeah thats the stuff for some reason ive never managed it clear it starts clear then just clouds up when it dries out ?! apparentyl the return on the bubble bags is a lot better. thats gonna be my next go too. got new bags 2 bins to use and 2 fat sacks of sugar trim, im reluctant though i really like having the oil to kick my brain out the ears now and again. but then again good bubble should do the same eh!

the return is so little from so much with the oil, but i guess its near as damnit 100% pure
I'm a daily maybe hourly when awake smoker..LOL..however, the bubble does put me out there straight away, one or two hits and I'm DONE.
Have a great week everyone. Westy your mum sounds lovely,,,LOL

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
youve lost a favourite pair of boxers making honey oil? usually its the socks that get blown off :)

haha good work jester man, get ya hacksaw out n do a guide man!


Well-Known Member
duuuude the magic number is three.

the session must consist of at least three cones to truly be called a session.... if i dont have three i dont feel fully satisfied :oops:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I'm a daily maybe hourly when awake smoker..LOL..however, the bubble does put me out there straight away, one or two hits and I'm DONE.
Have a great week everyone. Westy your mum sounds lovely,,,LOL
aye it rips me a new one every time i hit it, to the point that unless theres other drugs involved i generally wont hit it. shockin state of affiars needing drugs to take drugs hahahaha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i know ?! wtf right. i generally feel twitchy just smoking unless ive had a drink maybe its just me but spliff goes a lot better with a beer and you know what goes better with a spliff and a beer? a line.


Well-Known Member
i know ?! wtf right. i generally feel twitchy just smoking unless ive had a drink maybe its just me but spliff goes a lot better with a beer and you know what goes better with a spliff and a beer? a line.

Oh the wine and line are days gone by for me. Just a bit much these days. But sounds like fun for weekend..LOL


Well-Known Member
youve lost a favourite pair of boxers making honey oil? usually its the socks that get blown off :)

haha good work jester man, get ya hacksaw out n do a guide man!
yeah i rather liked my boxers, and nag boxers are fine really fine holes and dont worry the oil will make it through... though i did fuck up ill admit i had to stop and make my caps airtight dont know what the fuck i was smoking but i thought they would be it looked like they should be and the caps i picked should have allowed it too thats why i looked atebery cap we had untill i had 2 lol.... anyhoo after running one can of gas through finally, i could see left over resin glands so i got the missus to do a batch with metho for shits and giggles. got about .6 grams :lol: just a quick 5 min swish in the metho container and then evaporated over nite... i was rocked at its quality though... black bob of shit that got me extra bent after smoked and most other peoples were ripped. she was happy smoking it ;)

boxer shorts all the way imho.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Oh the wine and line are days gone by for me. Just a bit much these days. But sounds like fun for weekend..LOL
yeah they need to be days gone by for me, ive lost my way a bit lately im kicking the arse out of it at every chance i get, life stresses i blame haha

yeah i rather liked my boxers, and nag boxers are fine really fine holes and dont worry the oil will make it through... though i did fuck up ill admit i had to stop and make my caps airtight dont know what the fuck i was smoking but i thought they would be it looked like they should be and the caps i picked should have allowed it too thats why i looked atebery cap we had untill i had 2 lol.... anyhoo after running one can of gas through finally, i could see left over resin glands so i got the missus to do a batch with metho for shits and giggles. got about .6 grams :lol: just a quick 5 min swish in the metho container and then evaporated over nite... i was rocked at its quality though... black bob of shit that got me extra bent after smoked and most other peoples were ripped. she was happy smoking it ;)

boxer shorts all the way imho.
boxers FTW eh lol ive fancied doing the metho extraction and other types but we just dont have high enough grade alcohol for sale in the uk. blatantly as people would drink it...


Well-Known Member
you guys have methylated spirits huh??? that shit will work like a charm.... if you leave it to soak for a week shaking it every now and then and go for the black oil not honey oil you can get quite a nice yield its just dark and black looking. still a rather nice high just different as you get a great deal of the plants cannabinoids soaked out of it ;).... but still this is my least favourite but is the crap you will normally find in capsules.

i have done it to my bongs stem resin ive collected before (yes times were hard).... it improved it though lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i was looking for surgical spirit to clean my bong with i reckon that'd work just the same eh. doubt ill ever try it though with the honey oil and me bubble bags, maybe out of curiosity one day.


Well-Known Member
methylated spyrits is fine....

dont worry about that going blind shit... that was one of the first ways i learnt and it is fine im not blind lol. besides your smoking it not injecting it lol.