400w HPS Closet Grow (Purple Jems, Himalaya Blue Diesel, and Auto Great White Shark)


Well-Known Member
ok, listen, because your confusing yourself.......when I was talking about 4tbsp, I was reffering to Big Bloom, not Tiger Bloom...and the feeding amount of 4tbsp is on the bottle....again, use only 1/4 strength of everything in the beginning.....ie; tiger bloom says 2sp right??? so you would only use 1/2tsp of that, which now makes it 1/4 strength..these apply for AUTOS only....whats on the bottle AND on chart is what you WOULD USE if you were growing photoperiod plants....here is a tip...move everything on the chart up^ 2wks...so now that 12wk chart is a 10wk chart....max grow time for AUTOS.....


Active Member
okay... I understand now.

this chart recommends feeding big bloom even as a cutting/seed.

how do you feel about that? I know I shouldn't be feeding yet.


Well-Known Member
honestly, you can start using it by day 7,,,it's organic, plus it is very weak<< I'm sure i'm gonna here that not to give em' ANYTHING, BLAH, BLAH....just keep your temps around 80, humidity around 60% and soil moist, not wet....and make sure you ALWAYZ chk PH of water and runoff....


Active Member
soil is nice and moist... It seems to dry up 2/3 in about 4hrs under the 400...

I don't have a thermo/hygro so I'm kind of just guessing on that. The temp could drop a bit safely, that is to say it's slightly above where I feel comfortable with it.

It feels like I'm getting hit with a wall of humidity when I unzip my panda door, so I'm pretty sure the humidity is good...

and from what you're saying, and how successful you have been, I'll probably start feeding 1/8 strength on day 8. Giving them 1 week to get used to their surroundings before I give them "the juice"

side note: they have all been in the soil for over 24hrs and no one has shown their faces yet. How long does sprouting usually take?


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil did you say you were using again? What freebies did you get when your package arrived? Never heard back from you.


Well-Known Member
mine take 3 days -but have taken as long as a week or a lil longer b4 but the method i use to germ now is 3 days every time


Active Member
alright... So I got kind of bored and germinated 7 more seeds using the paper towel method. So that I could compare the shot glass method results and paper towel method results first hand.

3x short mix
3x himalaya blue diesel
1x purple jems

for a grand total of:

5x purple jems
5x himalaya blue diesel
3x short mix
2x great white shark

EDIT: I also shut my lights off because it seems unnecessary right now, and the soil was drying out too quickly I think. So, I'm going to let them germ in the dark and let the ones in the paper towel actually show a taproot before I plant them.

What kind of soil did you say you were using again? What freebies did you get when your package arrived? Never heard back from you.
sorry I never responded... I got way excited and super busy when my package finally arrived. It ended up getting here the day after yours did.

kind of pissed about my freebie situation:

I spent over $500 dollars and got 4 freebies, and I ordered during the barneys promo... Wtf?!?

anyway they sent me
2x easy ryder (femm'd)
2x afghan kush ryder (femm'd)

good freebies, but I really wanted to try that flower power. Whatever.

mine take 3 days -but have taken as long as a week or a lil longer b4 but the method i use to germ now is 3 days every time
what method did you say that you use again?


Active Member
no... 15... And they aren't feminized... Not one of them... I'm hoping for 7-8 females. And btw learysbud, I'm using fox farms ocean forest.

I have an extra 150w HPS that I will be turning on, I forgot to mention that....... I may leave the one strongest male in there and use this opportunity to start a seedbank of personal crosses.

I'm thinking that for sexing, 550w will be fine. And if I end up with more than 8 females, I will probably kill a few off. (until I reach my desired quantity)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your off and running. Ready for you to get some pics up and running. Let me know how the germining goes with the easy ryder. Attitude seems to have a bad batch of seeds from my experience. I just germined those afghan three days from soil to sprout seem to be hardy. Let me know when you plan to start adding nutes. I'm at day 20 with no nutes still, FFOF is loaded with nutes I think I am going to wait til about the fourth week.


Well-Known Member
damn bro- 18 plants under one 400? I have two 400watters and have 10 plants. and that seems pushing it.
lol ya ive been sitting back in amazement of how many seeds are getting germed. but then again he did spend 500 dollars in seeds.. talk about an investment jeesh


Well-Known Member
any sprouts yet bro? when did you pop these things?and i wasnt tryin to knock you on da last post cus shit 2 plants youll have it right back im just suprised you didnt go with all fem spendin that kinda cake


Active Member
I mean, if I want 7 females I figure I have to germ 2x as many as that, right? +1 for good luck ;-)

I figured 4-5 under the 400 and 2-3 under the 150... Does that make any sense?

oh and learysbud, I'm not germing any easy ryder seeds right now.

this is definitely IT for this grow.


Active Member
any sprouts yet bro? when did you pop these things?and i wasnt tryin to knock you on da last post cus shit 2 plants youll have it right back im just suprised you didnt go with all fem spendin that kinda cake
nah no sprouts yet... I germed the first 8 at around 5pm on 4/26, waited until they all sank and put them in the soil. I've been spraying the soil with distilled water to keep it moist...

I germed the other 7 today at around noon. Using the paper towel method this time...

hoping for my first sprouts tomorrow.

yeah I didn't take any offense... I got a few strains that I thought I would want to work with in the long run, and the short mix seeds for some personal breeding projects...

I'm really into the idea of custom crosses.


Active Member
cool link... Not sure how grafting would be beneficial for autos....

would be cool to graft an auto to a photo while it was vegging... One part would be blooming under the veg cycle and the other would remain dormant until the lights went to 12/12. Harvest the auto half and bloom the photo half.

that would be an oddity.


Active Member
Dude I'm trying it. I've got a flower power in veg now that's auto. I'll graft cuttings onto a bagseed and see what happens.