1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
hey jester man ive seen me scrape the edges off a load of stems the works recycling gravity bongs man hahahah fuck im glad i dont have to do that shit no more.

easy bender broseph! shits been a bit rough lately, id like to say its turnign a corner but it more likely isnt lol

i had the gypsy kiss last night, left my dehumidifier on while i went out till about 10 got home the tent was at 29C room like a sauna thought FUUUCK. looked at me girls, first time in 2 days and their day off done ish. thought fuck it the heat wont matter for another day.

the mrs hears a bang at about midnight asks me to get up n check the plants, make sure nowts fallen over or on fire etc, grumpily i got up n went in nowt wrong temp at 30C thought fuck it n knocked the light off thought id try this 48 hrs dark before chop for a change.

3AM all hells breaking loose theres fucking rozzers everywhere out me back door down the street the pork chopper over the house like literally i thought it was landing on the roof. search light on in rozzers climbing fences the lot. chasing some unlucky sod.

my lass was in bits, tears shakin the lot thinking were fucked the heat camera will have clocked a 30C room etc etc

thank fuck id knocked the lights off
LMFAO at first you would have been like oh shit then like thank fuck for that.... be careful though bro ya never know they may come ask u questions if so either reply i dont talk to the police or pretend you aint home or something.. just dont give them any excuse to smell it, be out the front before they get out of the car with the door shut if possible. i dunno.

but shit bro thats a crack up... your defo lucky thenlol. wish i had that luck.. actually i wish i was lucky enough to never see one again.... in my whole life or any other hehe.

That's the thing about being busted....you generally don't know until they kick in the door. But yeh, nothing like getting the old heart palpatating...ffs, reminds me of Parkhead....something very similar happened...

looks like luck is on your side though bru, turning that light off. the little Ganja fairy was looking over you pal. Go and get a bet on the g-g's!!!
too true bro, though the time before last we seen em arrive and shit :).. so ya can get lucky :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Last night...straw that broke the camels back?

You gonna keep us posted about your guerilla babies? repotted my into starter pots this morning, the newspaper parcels were bursting with root and drying up rapidly...
nah man were moving house and i needed to shut down im not moving the op mid flower ever again. way too much hassle

aye ill rock the guerilla updates in this journo to keep it ticking, im still unsure about putting my little ones out yet their still only tiny seedlings barely got their first set of true leaves but i cant keep them any longer if were giving notice on the flat the landlord could potentially have anyone round after monday. though they could really do with another week before they go out. but then again im sure out in the wilds they seeds drop on the ground and grow so a seedling should have a lot more chance of survival right!¬?!? lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
LMFAO at first you would have been like oh shit then like thank fuck for that.... be careful though bro ya never know they may come ask u questions if so either reply i dont talk to the police or pretend you aint home or something.. just dont give them any excuse to smell it, be out the front before they get out of the car with the door shut if possible. i dunno.

but shit bro thats a crack up... your defo lucky thenlol. wish i had that luck.. actually i wish i was lucky enough to never see one again.... in my whole life or any other hehe.

man you dont have to tell me that talking to the plod gets you no where. after the last time my lass wont be talking to any cops ever again. im fucking shattered today though they were making some racket last night. might check the news n see if they caught anyone


Well-Known Member
nah man were moving house and i needed to shut down im not moving the op mid flower ever again. way too much hassle

aye ill rock the guerilla updates in this journo to keep it ticking, im still unsure about putting my little ones out yet their still only tiny seedlings barely got their first set of true leaves but i cant keep them any longer if were giving notice on the flat the landlord could potentially have anyone round after monday. though they could really do with another week before they go out. but then again im sure out in the wilds they seeds drop on the ground and grow so a seedling should have a lot more chance of survival right!¬?!? lol
ok, tricky one. So whats the deal with the landlord...does he not have to give you a bit of notice before he just turns up with someone? Surely he wants you to have a tidy house while potentials look in, so it's in their interest to give you some notice. So perhaps in the interim, a temp set up for the younglings is in order. I have had mine in a plastic IKEA box that I have also attached some strip LEDs onto the lid. They have been in there and that's easy, anyone was to appear, it can go under a bed, in a cupboard, whatever. If you don't have strips you can always try a cfl set up....just for the time being like!! attached a couple of pics so you know what I am talking about...this just sits on my window. I reckon you could set one of these up for a tenner...

p.s the younglings are outside, these are some of my clones in case you were wondering how I got them to grow so quickly in like 10 minutes, haha


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuckin nifty them led strips are man. ive currently got my old veg cupboard up n running with the 250 cfl not quite as stealthy by a long shot.

yeah he'll give me notice i dunno i think ill take half the babies out and leave the rest another week or two go back check site #1 plant site #2 then check both and plant my reveg babies if the laNDLORD DOESNT WANT PEOPLE ROUND STRAIGHT AWAY THAT IS. OOPS didnt realise i was shouting...

i might try n convice the missus to put our notice in a week or two later than planned. see how she takes to it.

the big chop tonight! :)


Well-Known Member
Happy chopping bru!!!

ah, the old quick type letter "A" caps locks combination...hehe. no worries, kinda deaf anyway!

Fekkin roastin here...mates DJ'ing in the Rokerij and my misses work is having a free piss up for Queens night (gotta love advertising companies!!!) So if you read reports of a man in crutches falling into a canal - that'll be me!!!

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
You jammy dodger Don but i doubt a pork chopper would even notice a tent in a room, even an upstairs room. Its the smell that'll get you rhubarb crumbled.

Mines coming down in a few weeks too mate. I've only got one plant left in flower and thats only got 4 weeks max left. I think you'll miss it


Well-Known Member
i asume it wont get 2 hot over there fore a while if not make your own domes out of 2 litre soft drink containers if need be bro

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
You jammy dodger Don but i doubt a pork chopper would even notice a tent in a room, even an upstairs room. Its the smell that'll get you rhubarb crumbled.

Mines coming down in a few weeks too mate. I've only got one plant left in flower and thats only got 4 weeks max left. I think you'll miss it

yeah i was well lucky, and i dunno man the room was pretty toasty would have looked like a square of heat with a smaller one inside hahah anyway i live to grow another day!!!

i have 7 seedlings and nothing in flower, using the tent as a drying room feels weird. i feel like ive lost a limb.

pics in a min

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i asume it wont get 2 hot over there fore a while if not make your own domes out of 2 litre soft drink containers if need be bro
yeah im going to get one of the same cool hoods like mr west just got for when i set back up althought by then it will be bloody end of summer lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

1= sweet afghan delicious
3=? fuck knows which by that point
5=scissor resin hmmmmmm
6= sweet afghan

seriously the smell of the afghan is deffo delicious i cant wait for the popcorn to be dry


Well-Known Member
Morning all......
I heard Don was down Camden way for a Amy Winehouse gig last night and he was at the after party
at the Hawley Arms Hotel...LOL