Welcome my friend. Got any pics dam612. We wanna see your girls!just joined the 600 club form my auto aks hope this grow goes good, happy growing
For me it's the same as getting nothing. And it really bummed me out that this guy let greed get to him. I should of respectably got at least 4 oz. Now he misses out on award winning strains (clones) and I lose a brother. And now he is just a friend. This guy harvest 1.5 lbs for the first time in his life and it was proper herb, again for the first time in his life. Respect was not there in the end, and no respect is disappointing.
It's all about respect with me.
Another grower I helped was kicking me 1 oz per plant every 1-2 weeks. He was getting a nasty dirt tasting 1.5 oz per plant if that. In 2 months he was getting 4+ oz per plant 1-2 every week. I told him in at the gate that my price was a O a plant if I get him 5 o per and 1/2 per plant if it's under, he agreed and we Rocked it out. Once he got the hang of it and felt comfortable, I walked away from his garden with a smile.
I tell my son, "never burn a bridge, ever. Because you never know when you made need to use that bridge again".
just joined the 600 club form my auto aks hope this grow goes good, happy growing
no i dont think so alot of dealers are sketchy where ever your at. but i dont like the prices in cali. i was down thei on multipule ocasions and every time it was sold for 20 bucks a gram. and the prices i have seen for the dispenseries down theri are just as much if not more. i havent sen all the dispeneriy prices though so i cant really bag on that. but im sure prices are all about the same no matter what one you go to.is it sketchy to buy bud from dellers in cali or some shit?!?..
i dont really tend to think so theri is a lot of dealers. car dealers,alcohol dealers, diomaond dealers all types of stuff that doesnt neccaserly demote them. but i do see when u say dealer and are talkin about pot or other drugs. i think their are some good dealers and bad the bad one rip you off or attempt to rob you. the good ones hook u up fat all the time. and in my mind a dealer is anyone person who is selling at a price higher then what they bought it for no matter what is being sold and bought. say i buy a gun for 50 bucks witch is a pretty good deal for a gun depending on its condition, and then i turned around and sold it for 150 now that would make me a dealer but only if i kept doin it u know like every day as a job not as just helpin some freinds out with some pot or somthinDealers. I cringe every time I see that word used. It just has a bad vibe surrounding the word, like it automatically denotes a negative aura, a shady atmosphere. I just don't like it. So what makes a person a dealer and are dealers a good or bad thing?
To me 'dealer' just means someone who deals in drugs. Nothing bad with that (in my book). Like mcpurp said, some people deal in diamonds, some cars, some insurance (gag, lol dst)... it's just a term used to describe an occupation someone has. Now like any word out there it can be used by anyone for anything... which makes it hard to find a common definition. To me a 'dealer' is someone who takes seriously their occupation of supplying a product to a certain market. Whatever that is. People who don't take it seriously and just mess around may call themselves dealers, but to me they are just people hooking up their friends. Not dealers.Dealers. I cringe every time I see that word used. It just has a bad vibe surrounding the word, like it automatically denotes a negative aura, a shady atmosphere. I just don't like it. So what makes a person a dealer and are dealers a good or bad thing?
BEAUTIFUL my main gnome. I'm coming over right away... you are definitely going to need someone else to sample that with you, lol.
Now you are just being mean, hahaha. You big tease. Enjoy it for us bro. Is that a big sub it's sitting on?Bong rips?!?
This is when I am doing only one at a time. I put a booster seat inside to keep water draining freely.that sounds like a sick set up!..ive thought of a few differnt ways to make flushing easyer but never but my brain storms into action! "waiting for a few ladies to drain then more flushing" lol