Aaaagggghh, yer killin me Don, funny as sunderland the roles are reversed theres one normal and the rest are special
morning all, Don a tip of the hat....
gettin ready for a rinse and chop...Think I'll take some pics.
Its heavy duty frutie.
Have a great day everybody
ooooh nice pinaple rhino lol im sure youll come up with a better name. rhino punch phino punch i still got nothing....been very busy mate...mostly on a breeding mission. i pollenated two small w/rhino clones about 10" tall with pineapple punch pollen and got over 500 seeds. then i pollenated 2 kushberry clones about 2 foot tall with the same p/punch pollen and only got about 50. i couldn't pollenate my nemesis tho despeite numerous attempts. i plan to back cross both strains eventually.
this is first time i have posted since riu changed.....i fear change lol
donny m'lad, what brand butane did you use, or did you not pay attention, i've been reading about NOT using camping butane because of smell addditives etc. naturally bnq has one variety, bugger all info on it other than do not pierce, so figured fuck that, i'll get a paint stirrer for my drill to try the gumby method, they only had industrial sized jobs. i have to say bnq really is pretty shit for what it's supposed to be.
hell yeah man ive seen it done by hand, just spoke to me mukka and he's on for helping me. well compare hash tomorrow fella!!!cheers man. i'm tempted just to get a wooden spoon and such and go at the gumby by hand, good bit of exercise and whatnot.
hahah rhineapple punch good one. any particular reason on churchill? you some sort of wwII nut? jksrhineapple punch? lmao, no i got nothing either mate probably grow a few out and pick a name from there. i always thought naming a strain churchill, after winston churchill tho not the nodding dog off the insurance ads. lol
haha well for an hour n a halfs work ive made a good lump and a not so good couple of lumps, couldnt be bothered to use all the bags and get all the different grades so just made a lump with the finest bag, 2 runs its almost dry and about 10-11 grams.View attachment 921621View attachment 921622