Rocky Mountain High Grow Journal (CFL's exclusively)

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Great job Rocky, just a great job. :blsmoke:

The second grow looks soooooo much better than your first experience, there is just so much you learn by doing it that can not be assimilated by reading or talking to people.

Okay, you get 2 :peace::peace: for the first attempt

For your second grow .....2 nods :hump::hump: & 3 jaybirds :joint::joint::joint:

Now, get back to work :)

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Thank you, thank you.

First I'd like to thank......the herb godz for being so kind to me. And then there's my girl, who allows all of this to take my weed man for the weed & seed, my sis in law-lotsa seeds, uhh who else, lets see, I'm so embarassed, ohh yeah, all the pot heads on rollitup for the inspiration and advice. And special shout outs to all my peeps who posted on the Rocky Mountain High journal. Thank you and I love you all!

I'mma light a blunt in honor!!

Seriously though, thanks YGF and others I do appreciate the help and encouragement.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Gotcha, thank YGF.

Hey gotta question for you guys. I bought some 'thrive alive B-1' for my clones and have been using it to foliar feed the plants on the days they don't get watered. My question is, I can't over do it on the foliar feeding can I?

No nutes, just the B-1.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I can't answer that question. I have no experience with B-1. Sorry. :(

Gotcha, thank YGF.

Hey gotta question for you guys. I bought some 'thrive alive B-1' for my clones and have been using it to foliar feed the plants on the days they don't get watered. My question is, I can't over do it on the foliar feeding can I?

No nutes, just the B-1.


Well-Known Member
I use a very simler product. Called hydrothrive. Its basicly Vitamin B-1. I added acouple drop per gallon. Guy at the hydro store its a good preventative for desease. Take your vitamins!. Didint notice any differnce in yield though


Well-Known Member
Looking good Rocky, sorry haven't been around, been busy, stopping by to let ya know I haven't forgotten about ya, keep up the great work....



Well-Known Member
hey man...I started using sumthin called "Plantroids" and referenced as a super-vitamin thrive enhancer.....I don't have a baseline to reference but I can atest to the vibrant and colossal growth I continue to get.... I have heard other rave on about SuperThrive as well...but I couldn't find it at my local store. :blsmoke:
Anyone else have any experience with Thrive Alive B-1?

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Mattso, thanx for the advice I appreciate it. I think I may have over done it. Some of the leaves look, stained, not burnt but maybe stained?

Hum, thanks for stopping by, you know I love your journal, it's inspiring to us CFL farmers!

Tahoe, I hear ya, I think the clones like it the most, looks like 4 of the 6 will survive, the other two, I doubt it.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Time for a quick update.

4 more plants showed to be males and they were 'erradicated' immediately as my girls are in full bloom. I moved the last of my 'sorry' plants into the flowering room.

I also enclosed my veggy room so I can use the rest of the room for flowering. I will get some pictures up tomorrow. will have to deal with some heat issues, maybe a couple of fans will get me where I need to be.

The first two clones are doing great! Growing and getting bushy already.

The seedlings I started are amazing me. I have kept a cfl about an inch from each and they are growing very very fast, I'm impressed. These will be my best effort so far, I believe. They have not gotten any feed yet outside the Thrive Alive B-1. I think when I kick in the fox farm nutes they will really take off for me.

Also got a mycohrrizea, sp, solutiong that I put on the seedlings and clones. It's called earth's ambrosia and earths nectar. you combine the two and add to the feeding schedule once a month. Will let you guys know if it's worth the $$, only $20. I'm hoping for extensive root systems like YGF has in his autopsy pictures.

The girls have kinda slowed down in the flowering, I believe due to the severe over crowding, kinda like county jail, so I can't wait to get the 250w HPS, one week from today!! woo hoo!

Plantroids, is that like Steroids for plants? Maybe you can name one of them Barry Bonds! hee hee.

take care guys and thanks for the advice and encouragement, I truly appreciate it.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
One more update. Ordered Satori seeds from Dr. Chronic on Monday the 10th. Got an e mail on monday the 17th saying that they were shipped on Tuesday the 11th. Nothing yet, but I'm hoping and praying they come today or tomorrow so I can get them babys going!


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha...god one....think its just a name....but the graphic on the container is a leafy green set of Arnold arms! funny! seems to be working?

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures.

The first is of the two clones I originally took. They are doing great!

Then I have a couple of pics of the seedlings which were put into soil around 12-7 or so. They are growing like weeds!

The other pic is of the other 6 clones I took. I think 3-4 may survive, but two are about done.

Thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
Nice, HOOAH!! on the clones good job, BOOAH!! on the males, my sprouts are doing well too but some don't want to pop out to greet me so I may end up with ten out of the twenty I started with, anyways keep up the great work buddy...