The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dude i simply dont believe it takes 3 hours to get 300 people through the process it took the wife maybe 15 seconds to write my number on a piece of paper hand me a slip and i went to the booth and wrote me X and put it back in the boxes mut have taklen all of 2 mins door to door and there were 4 people doing the slips in most stations, what the fuck were they doing to not get the people through the door

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
don't open my shutters, ever :P gloom is cosy.

last little thing about election, i promise.

i my mind, if you've registered to vote, queued to vote, and have been refused a vote, i think that said person should by all logic not have to follow any taes laws anything that the new party imposes.

this hung parliament concept fucks me right off though. i thought it was for the people to decide and vote who is in power, not the politicians.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, you know me, i'm an idealist, i know people don't have it, but doesn't mean they aren't meant to have it. especially when that';s all mr cameron has been marhcing around shouting, that it's time to make every MP accountable and answerable to the public if they have any reason to etc etc, but as we all know, that'll just be campaign bullshit. we should try take them to court for mass fraud :lol:

not talking about the election don, promise, i'm talking about umm, daisy's and flowered hats and little polka tea cups!

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
just reading up on the election. must admit i was a bit excited to get the news up on the copmuter thismonging. geek out with your...freak out?

hung parliament as far as i'm awaare means that the aprties ahve to choose a second party and steal their votes and as such the toher party kinda get's some power? hung parliament, fuck, if it's that obvious that none of you are wanted in power by the majority, disolve the bloody parliament, don't just switch votes and such around.

with regards to the voters being turned away, as far as i'm concerned, if people are refused their registered vote then every vote in the country is redundant. the comments from officials "we were not prepared for the turnout" well you dumb shit if you'd been reading every piece of news for the last everververver, you'd have read that this is the most fierce and fought after ellection evar, and you figured you'd have your normal turnout. then there';s the re-counting, i know, it's like some specil children keep forgetting which party they're counting up. Labour 2000! wait, i mean conservative! wait, i forget! what a fucking joke of a country. everything about it makes me want to jump off the bridge.

and now it seems that any voter that was refused their vote will be able to sue the government for £750 under European Convention

haha, looks like some tough competition there for your seat mr cameron :lol:

ah shit tip top youv just ruind my day id come to the conclusion that hung parliment ment that if no fuker reachd the goal post with majoruty votes we got to hang all the basterds, wishfull thinkin i guess

why not work out the vote percentage an give each party its voted percentage of the power an make the bastards work together

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
that's how i thought it would be until i read up on it. it just seems like what the fuck was the point of the country voting if the day afterwards it's the leaders of the parties not voted in who're deciding who's going to be in power, it's just fucked up, i'd take a gun to each of their heads and make em jump off something dangerously high, not fatally high, but just enough to really fuck their life up :)

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
and yes, haha, might want to talk with Riffix about that first :P

be prepared people, for the era of lib-con!

lib con, is nothin new there always tryin to "con" us about how fukin good they are
iv gotta say im sick of it now an have lost all faith an interest in the groups of retards tryin to ruin our country


Well-Known Member
i will continue my life of crime and dole dossing with unswerving perseverance and unabated glee irrespective of whatever political party mistakenly believes they are in control of my island, i will endevour to break or just plain ignore as many laws as possible and will evangelistically attempt to convert others to my way of life and philosophy, all this i do swear to god and country upon my rather tarnished soul.THEY CAN ALL SUCK UPON MY FAT AND HAIRY BALL SACK. (but not every second tuesday coz i've got to sign on)


Well-Known Member
This is by far the most true and accurate picture :)


btw i voted Lib Dem purely on the basis they had good rules about individuall freedom and bodily autonomy!!! They want to decrim and free up minor drugs etc... good drug policies. Nevertheless i would always smoke my weed!!!

peace to everyone


Well-Known Member
my wife is so fucking ugly that when she has an orgasm she looks like a down syndrome girl trying to whistle,


Active Member
i will continue my life of crime and dole dossing with unswerving perseverance and unabated glee irrespective of whatever political party mistakenly believes they are in control of my island, i will endevour to break or just plain ignore as many laws as possible and will evangelistically attempt to convert others to my way of life and philosophy, all this i do swear to god and country upon my rather tarnished soul.THEY CAN ALL SUCK UPON MY FAT AND HAIRY BALL SACK. (but not every second tuesday coz i've got to sign on)
hehe..... good way of thinkin


Well-Known Member
morning all, another day of uncertainty and backstabbing in the mother of parliaments i reckon. i think the should all just sit in a circle and pass a bong round and sort it out from there, although this may give the lib dems an unfair advantage.