An all blueberry grow


Well-Known Member
I think they're getting stressed by fungus gnats,
I've noticed a few flying around and when I watered last I saw some little bugs floating on the surface of the water on the soil.
So I mixed up some Safer soap and right after watering them the water takes a few seconds to filter through the dirt leaving the bugs exposed.
I just spray the water and watch the little guys die. hopefully that and some One Shot fly tape should keep em at bay till harvest.
but I think you're right thats why I'm getting more red hairs.


Well-Known Member
Arghh! I've noticed some pollen sacs emerging just below the crowns. I guess all I can do is harvest early to avoid smoking seeds.
I think next friday, which will be nine weeks I'll be chopping and taking pics like crazy!


Active Member
Im getting the same damn problem. I am just looking and checking them all and plucking the bastards. If you do that you can let them go.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
yeah peters plant food is good stuff i started with that 15 years ago i still like it for outside but its not good for dro or aero it salts up fast


Active Member
I dont know why but I just switched from fox farms tiger bloom to peters and my plants took a shit on me, ill upload some pics of them. It has been a really tragic past 3 days. Only one plant is still healthy. :( I hope your blueberry girls are still alive and well.


Active Member
Here they are, from good to worse. As you can see my one girl is doing fabulous, she is going to be the indicator for when to harvest them all. But as you see, they get looking aweful. I switched to jacks and gave them 1/2 tablespoon with the watering and this happened to half of them. I am just going to flush with molasses from here on out since they are close anyways and I dont want to risk more problems. Also, I am beginning to wonder if my strain is even blueberry lol. It doesn't smell, like anything, skunk blueberry, nada. Maybe a fruity hint possibly but it's so faint it makes me think my minds playing tricks on me. Anyways, here's my haggard 12/12 from seed girls. 2 hermies outta 14.


sven deisel

Well-Known Member
i have heard that switching mid grow is bad. but other than mother plants i dont mess with soil well sept outside but i neevr give them anything i did read that the blueberry is touchy with nutes like they need pretty much none at all a good rule is if you see no signs of them asking for it dont give it to them


Well-Known Member
Ive taken them down and should be able to get pics of the dried budson here soon
but I have no internet at the moment so it'll be a while.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty somethin to update,
sorry guys I've been on a no internet streak for a while but now I'm posting from a macbook.
I've upped the size of the containers in the flowering room, but cut the number of plants.
They are at eleven plants at three feet, shortest being two foot eight inches.
I'm following AN exactly as read on the bottle. this week I'm at Flowering mild.
Grow,Micro,Bloom, and after todays first 12 hours off i'll be adding big bud and molasses.
These big bitches chug a gallon of water every three days! and I'm not sure who im quoting
but I'm doing the Feed,water,water method and it's working a lot better than last time.


Active Member
I am also going to do the feed water water through my next grow. hopefully I wont get any problems. But hey it turns out my girls were blueberry, it just took curing. I was sitting there all disappointed and one jar started smelling like crap. oddly enough I threw it in the grinder and to my surprise, blueberry smell! I think they would have smelt a lot better if they were grown right and such. Next time im going with the rule of feeding when they look like they need it haha.


Well-Known Member
The plants are looking great! they're just starting to shoot two or three hairs out of every node and the vegetative growth is slowing.
it's getting a little crowded in there right now but I should be able to get pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I took out one the haggard ex-mothers out of the budding room because she pretty much got swallowed by the others. So we're down to ten, but they all seem to have the same vigor so thats good.
Week two all the budding sites are showing up and the AN is right on schedule.



Well-Known Member
oh yeah the measuring tape is from the top of the dirt to the top of the plant.
just stuck that in there for perspective.


Well-Known Member
The girls are sprouting about six hairs every node.
they're budding a lot faster than I thought they would, being so big.
just adding a teaspoon of molasses per gallon of water, every third watering.
So it's feed, water, molasses
other than that it looks like the girls are happy as hell.


New Member
You know, I've got a blue mystic grow that i've been watching and i was considering adding molasses to the water.

Sub'd btw, please update with the results of adding the molasses to the feeding/watering schedule


Well-Known Member
The molasses seems to help the beginning buds push out faster,
the amount of manganese, Iron, and potassium would definetley be a kick in the right direction.
I have one single leaf thats looks like its heat burned but its not close enough to actually heat up.
I think the nutes maybe starting to burn So I'll lower the ppm and leave it on dilute, water water for one week.
anyone have exp with this white burn?