HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow


Active Member
dude thats awesome lol. i like that bong too.

so ive been having a few internet problems so i havnt been able to get on here for the past few days. so ive got some bad news. it appears my gf was more upset than i thought and has tried sabotoging my plants lol. she has sprayed them with bleach cleaner about 4 times according to her and a just last night we had a fight and she poured robbutussin in them.. so im wondering if their worth keeping anymore? i flushed them each with ALOT of water. and a few of them perked up a bit and now they just look overwatered (i think). also they have a bit of leave discoloring and damage. here are some pics. im also posting this in the plant problems borad.


Well-Known Member
u forgot d pics lol :dunce:
as far as the plants if they recover they recover its not like they are budding these are some pretty tuff plants.


Well-Known Member
im not at the point of growing yet where i can afford to toss any plants b4 they die so guess thats all on u


Well-Known Member
lol yeah in the flowering stage but not in the seedling stage there no smoke on the plant yet for it to affect i would be more worried about it making my plants hermie


Active Member
yea no shit. i mean they look BAD> not much has changed besides that theyre more yellow and brown. I can see parts of them look Just fine but some parts look dead or dieing. whatever. id be surprised if she doesnt go ape shit crazy and rip them apart anyway.


Active Member
yea no shit. i mean they look BAD, not much has changed besides that theyre more yellow and brown. I can see parts of them look Just fine but some parts look dead or dieing. whatever. id be surprised if she doesnt go ape shit crazy and rip them apart anyway.


Active Member
lol for sure man. i just try not to piss her off until i transplant them outside. btw, how can you tell if their growth is stunted? cause im not sure but it might be, or it could just still be growing roots. I fed them with my Jacks Classic Alll Purpose nutes today, i just followed the directions. i figured i wouldnt go to a 1/4 since they probably need it. i just added 1/4 tps per gallon.


Active Member
Hey all, sorry I havnt upsated in a while, (like anyone cares :p ) ive just been pretty busy trying to get a job and ever since she poisoned my plants trying to keep them alive. Ive also been having some internet problems so ill try to post pics but no guarantees. I do have some updates if people still want to follow tho. Ok lets get started.

Lets see, on 5/7 (the day after i fed them nutes) I transplanted into new soil in hopes to keep them alive. So far so good... at least with one plant. It seems like only one will survive and thats my biggest one. The rest have made no progress either way. Neither dying more or showing signs of growth. I'm not sure if their stunted or just dying slowly. The big one tho is growing pretty nice with the exception of some yellow tips (unkown cause) and ill try and upload some pics of it in a bit (gotta take some first lol). As of now, I started some new beans in hopes of being able to plant them outside, and have been trying to keep my others alive as stated. So now on to the pics, beware, some are pretty brutal...



Active Member
did i tell you that my wife called the police on me? we split up during a grow and she ratted me out bc of a fight we had... youre my brother bc youre a Marine... my sound advice... let her grow a plant or two.. and get involed big time in her hobies... two things will hapen... she will want you to go back to your garden or youll be stuck doing what ever she wants you to do... either way she IS going to win... you think us Marines dont accept defeat? how about a pissed of pregnant woman?!!!


Active Member
[seriousdesert];4151777 said:
holy fuck man, you must've really pissed her off.

i was thinking if humidity was an issue, i've got this disposable dehumidifier in my bathroom which works pretty well, here's a link

I'm thinking it has a bit to do with it, so i added one into my room. Its brought up the humidity quite a bit, but i cant get it past 55%.

looks like those are a wrap bro... i feel ur pain though my girl killed my last crop too.....
its fucking bullshit aint it? lol. but im pretty sure at last one will pull through for a nice personal smoke. ill post the pic in this thread of the plant today.

did i tell you that my wife called the police on me? we split up during a grow and she ratted me out bc of a fight we had... youre my brother bc youre a Marine... my sound advice... let her grow a plant or two.. and get involed big time in her hobies... two things will hapen... she will want you to go back to your garden or youll be stuck doing what ever she wants you to do... either way she IS going to win... you think us Marines dont accept defeat? how about a pissed of pregnant woman?!!!
do i have to poison my plants to get as many coments as you? on my grow?
lol @ your posts amphib! ive never encountered ANYTHING like a preggo lol. and ill stop by your grow, i just get a lot of comments because mine is pathetic lol.

Here's the pic of my single plant that i think might pull through. its been a trooper so far.



Active Member
not your fault... didnt you say you had more seeds? id start some more and i bet they pass the older one in time... that kind of stress gives the bitches balls.... i think its safe to say this grow should have some new seeds and a fresh start... but dont kill the troubled ones... keep them around... its never a bad thing to see how a plant recovers and learning all about its life under different conditions... live and learn devil,,,, and get your dog gone freakin hands out of your pockets...


Active Member
[seriousdesert];4151777 said:
holy fuck man, you must've really pissed her off.

i was thinking if humidity was an issue, i've got this disposable dehumidifier in my bathroom which works pretty well, here's a link

looks like those are a wrap bro... i feel ur pain though my girl killed my last crop too.....
did i tell you that my wife called the police on me? we split up during a grow and she ratted me out bc of a fight we had... youre my brother bc youre a Marine... my sound advice... let her grow a plant or two.. and get involed big time in her hobies... two things will hapen... she will want you to go back to your garden or youll be stuck doing what ever she wants you to do... either way she IS going to win... you think us Marines dont accept defeat? how about a pissed of pregnant woman?!!!
do i have to poison my plants to get as many coments as you? on my grow?
not your fault... didnt you say you had more seeds? id start some more and i bet they pass the older one in time... that kind of stress gives the bitches balls.... i think its safe to say this grow should have some new seeds and a fresh start... but dont kill the troubled ones... keep them around... its never a bad thing to see how a plant recovers and learning all about its life under different conditions... live and learn devil,,,, and get your dog gone freakin hands out of your pockets...
yea i started more yesterday and one has started to sprout alrdy. im not gonna go update crazy like i did b4 tho lol so it might be a couple days or weeks b4 pics. but ill deffinetly keep those other ones around to see what happens. i wont throw them out until theyre for sure dead lol. i also need to transplant outside cause preggo doesnt want them around (shes fucking nuts right now...). and dont worry, i hate army gloves ;)