SEA OF BLUE. Blue Cheese by eightenough


Well-Known Member
Damn just saw Ninja's scrob always a day late and a dollar short. Ninja u should take my blue screen 4 ur scrob.


Well-Known Member
Cal/Mag/Nit wont hurt them either eight... I'd give them a little bit of that just to help them green again....:-)


Well-Known Member
just want to let everyone know that the SEA OF BLUE is still on. due to my incompetent brother i am packing it all up and moving it back to my house, where i can look after it the way i like to. tomorrow is the day. i will be setting my big tent up in my bedroom:-(. i will post pics once it is all set up. wont be until tomorrow arvo/evening.

until then, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Big job tomorrow...:-) I know you don't like having it in your bedroom, but it a means to an end, and hopefully a new shed...



Well-Known Member
Big job tomorrow...:-) I know you don't like having it in your bedroom, but it a means to an end, and hopefully a new shed...

it really throws my sleep out having it in my room. but what can i do? its the best place for it.

Glad to hear it's still on 8. I'll be sending good vibes for the move.
thanks heaps man. i think there is going to be arguments tomorrow. i hope not but i know my brother. once i get everything out of his house i am going to feel heaps better and even though i will still have to set it all back up again i reckon i will relax a little too.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dude, always better to have it where u can see it.. lol.
Setting it back up will be the easy part.. that is after the hard part of a drive across town with a car full of growing equipment & plants :shock:
Good Luck :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Dude, always better to have it where u can see it.. lol.
Setting it back up will be the easy part.. that is after the hard part of a drive across town with a car full of growing equipment & plants :shock:
Good Luck :joint:
i know. at least i only have to go 3 suburbs. still not looking forward to it.


Well-Known Member
i know. at least i only have to go 3 suburbs. still not looking forward to it.
Take an Intercept driver with you.. If you run into any trouble the intercept driver acts as a decoy by doing something to get the cops attention (nothing 2 stupid mind u).. Then you go cruising through virtually unnoticed..

Or u could just take that horse of a dog with and by fuck no1 will pull u over anyway.. lol.


Well-Known Member
I am off to bed but post up a pic of the pooch again. I think i have seen it but i forget anything that happened longer than a few days ago.


Well-Known Member
i will have to find a pic and post it. he is huge. he is 54kgs. it looks like he has gotten one of his bitches pregnant. yay. i could make up to $6000 off one litter.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

well i can now control my grow the way i want to. i dont have much time at the moment, so i will do a short explanation.

there is the SEA OF BLUE in the middle, on the left is 2 x BLUE CHEESE and on the right there is 2 x MYTERY8.

as you can see, the SEA OF BLUE isnt what it should be. i feel like i am starting from day 1 again. actually i think i am going to call this day 1.

until later, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member

Jeez Dude, i know u said ur brother wasnt looking after them, but did he forget to turn the light on 4 them?? They look the same size man :(
Oh Well, they are in better hands now :-)


Well-Known Member
Two weeks and you'll forget all about how they look now. You're better off having full control anyway.
too true. thanks man. he misses out on the free smoke and the $$$.

the SEA OF BLUE is going to be vegged for a long time now. the way i have had to put it all together like this means that i will have to put them all into flower at the same time. doesnt matter. lots of buds all at once. i will have to get my rotation growing going next time.


Well-Known Member
8 bet you are glad to have them home. It is like looking at a picture of them from weeks ago though as mentioned. Its like he had them on pause. I am sure they will be monster bushes v.v.soon.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

well i have had my babies back home for a full day now. i can tell that they are already happier.

here is some more pics. there is the 2 MYSTERY8, the SEA OF BLUE, and the 2 BLUE CHEESE.

both the 2 TOP44 seeds are standing tall. YAY. my other 2 skunky bagseed seeds have both cracked and started to lift their heads up. YAY.