The eye in the sky, can they see me?


New Member
So I got a 250W metal halide bulb in my garage it's in a diy chipboard room, lined with 3mm underfloor lining with tarpolin plastic sheeting on top. my garage celing is quite thin and it's not insulated at all ? I'm worried about the heat ? Can the pigs see me from their helicopters ? using there infared cameras?
What should I do or will it be okay ?

The Undertoker

Active Member
Those cams are real sensative dude, im guessing at yes, ive got a 6 inch concrete slab on my shed roof with triple brick walls, he he he "KEEP OUT ROVING EYE YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN HERE"


The Undertoker

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
i can assure you....there looking for shit alot hotter than 250 watters, but if your still worried...just get some I-R blocker like mylar or reflectix from the Homophobic- Depot.........................................................

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Thank you for making me smile on this rainy morning.
Did you know that a typical ... computer sold these days ... uses at least a 350 watt power supply (PSU)
You are not using all that wattage all the time ... but close. So there is heat build up. That is just the box ... the monitor also produces heat.

Do you know, in this day and age many computers .... operate in our homes and offices ....?
Well, neither do I .... but I bet the number is huge.

So with a 250 u got no problems. Trust me.


Well-Known Member
Seriously dude, a bigscreen TV probably gives off more heat than a 250 watter ;]

IR Thermal technology is not well understood by the public.

What the system does is differentiate by temperature. That means you have to have a big temperature difference to get a signature. Especially from a flying helicopter.
I have used the hand held ones personally.

The only grow that something like that is going to pick up is a 6000+ watt grow in a house or such. And even if they located something that size by air it does not necessarily mean that they can prove it is a marijuana factory.

Keep your mouth shut about your grow. That is the first and biggest reason people get busted.


Active Member
Your the least of their worries...LOL 250 irun over 2000 watts in elec...i think your straight...been growin like that since 2005. Take precautions and cover the windows...but dont overthink it. You'll drive yourself nuts...hahaha ya im with NLX keep your mouth shut. Especially with locals. One person is too many


Well-Known Member
no they cant ur furnace outtake is hotter and they look for vents and measure the heat coming out from them, ive seen carbon fiberexhaust fixings so that there is no metal to collect heat.


Active Member
There are plenty other applications for a 250watt bulb then just growing weed. heres a example I have a 760 watts of light on my salt water fish tank 500 of which is metal halide. It would be a different story if you had a 6 1000 watt bulbs in your house.


Well-Known Member
Their advertising is crap. Anything with a highly reflective surface will show up black to an IR gun. You could fool the cops if you covered the outside of your roof with that. Although it might look a tad suspicious in the daytime.

If you took regular mylar and held it up to the same gun it would appear black as well.

IR is simply a heat signature. In the case of a house they will be looking for the exhaust vent and it will show up.

Dont waste your money on this stuff for small grows.


New Member
Wow, never knew that, ANY MYLAR can block IR huh?! Guess criminals running from the cops should wrap themselves up in mylar to escape the ghetto bird huh?! LOl, clown.

Please do NOT believe this person. As you can see in their post they have no clue what they are talking about. Mylar does NOT block heat and is not intended to block a heat signature according to ANY R&D available. On the other hand IR Block does and is intended for such a purpose. Further more in arizona the cops would NOT be looking for a vent kicking out 110* air when the outside of your home is well over that when the temps reach 100*f.
IR technology does not give sufficient cause for a warrant in the United States.

A HPS/MH system produces way more heat than a bathroom vanity fixture loaded with 125 watt cfl's. way more! watts does not translate into heat buddy. I run over 10,000 watts in my car and the temp in there never reaches above 80*f with the windows cracked and no ac on. Use your heads.

Further more you CANNOT put a price on someones comfort level at their grow op. If you get busted with one plant or a 100 your still busted and sitting next to each other in the same jail. So everyone should do what they feel they need to do to stay safe. Waste money?? $50 for IR block or 50,000 in court costs and fines?? I'll take #1 please Bob.

Cops cannot use IR technology to obtain a search warrant, they need more than that according to the Supreme Court. They can use it after the warrant is obtained.


watch the whole vid, the grow op is at around 3:30 on the vid LMMFAO! Cop's used an anonymous tip (1) and FLIR to get a warrant for the house you see them in. And this folks is why FLIR is useless for the most part to law enforcement. Had the home been equipped with IR Block they would have only had the "tip" to go on. With no supporting evidence the house never would have been entered.


New Member
i can assure you....there looking for shit alot hotter than 250 watters, but if your still worried...just get some I-R blocker like mylar or reflectix from the Homophobic- Depot.........................................................
im just about to get some mylar and im going to line my self made box inside my chipboard room, with it hopfully it should keep the heat in ..


New Member
Thank you for making me smile on this rainy morning.
Did you know that a typical ... computer sold these days ... uses at least a 350 watt power supply (PSU)
You are not using all that wattage all the time ... but close. So there is heat build up. That is just the box ... the monitor also produces heat.

Do you know, in this day and age many computers .... operate in our homes and offices ....?
Well, neither do I .... but I bet the number is huge.

So with a 250 u got no problems. Trust me.
true quote but the light bulb makes alot more heat then the computer but i guess. if its not that much it should be okay thanks (Y)


New Member
Their advertising is crap. Anything with a highly reflective surface will show up black to an IR gun. You could fool the cops if you covered the outside of your roof with that. Although it might look a tad suspicious in the daytime.

If you took regular mylar and held it up to the same gun it would appear black as well.

IR is simply a heat signature. In the case of a house they will be looking for the exhaust vent and it will show up.

Dont waste your money on this stuff for small grows.
exaust vent could be a tumble drier so i guess i got no problem then (Y)


New Member
Wow, never knew that, ANY MYLAR can block IR huh?! Guess criminals running from the cops should wrap themselves up in mylar to escape the ghetto bird huh?! LOl, clown.

Please do NOT believe this person. As you can see in their post they have no clue what they are talking about. Mylar does NOT block heat and is not intended to block a heat signature according to ANY R&D available. On the other hand IR Block does and is intended for such a purpose. Further more in arizona the cops would NOT be looking for a vent kicking out 110* air when the outside of your home is well over that when the temps reach 100*f.
IR technology does not give sufficient cause for a warrant in the United States.

A HPS/MH system produces way more heat than a bathroom vanity fixture loaded with 125 watt cfl's. way more! watts does not translate into heat buddy. I run over 10,000 watts in my car and the temp in there never reaches above 80*f with the windows cracked and no ac on. Use your heads.

Further more you CANNOT put a price on someones comfort level at their grow op. If you get busted with one plant or a 100 your still busted and sitting next to each other in the same jail. So everyone should do what they feel they need to do to stay safe. Waste money?? $50 for IR block or 50,000 in court costs and fines?? I'll take #1 please Bob.

Cops cannot use IR technology to obtain a search warrant, they need more than that according to the Supreme Court. They can use it after the warrant is obtained.


watch the whole vid, the grow op is at around 3:30 on the vid LMMFAO! Cop's used an anonymous tip (1) and FLIR to get a warrant for the house you see them in. And this folks is why FLIR is useless for the most part to law enforcement. Had the home been equipped with IR Block they would have only had the "tip" to go on. With no supporting evidence the house never would have been entered.
yo , im in england its pritty cold over here , so the difference is visiable?


Well-Known Member
Wow, never knew that, ANY MYLAR can block IR huh?! Guess criminals running from the cops should wrap themselves up in mylar to escape the ghetto bird huh?! LOl, clown.

Please do NOT believe this person. As you can see in their post they have no clue what they are talking about. Mylar does NOT block heat and is not intended to block a heat signature according to ANY R&D available. On the other hand IR Block does and is intended for such a purpose. Further more in arizona the cops would NOT be looking for a vent kicking out 110* air when the outside of your home is well over that when the temps reach 100*f.
IR technology does not give sufficient cause for a warrant in the United States.

A HPS/MH system produces way more heat than a bathroom vanity fixture loaded with 125 watt cfl's. way more! watts does not translate into heat buddy. I run over 10,000 watts in my car and the temp in there never reaches above 80*f with the windows cracked and no ac on. Use your heads.

Further more you CANNOT put a price on someones comfort level at their grow op. If you get busted with one plant or a 100 your still busted and sitting next to each other in the same jail. So everyone should do what they feel they need to do to stay safe. Waste money?? $50 for IR block or 50,000 in court costs and fines?? I'll take #1 please Bob.

Cops cannot use IR technology to obtain a search warrant, they need more than that according to the Supreme Court. They can use it after the warrant is obtained.


watch the whole vid, the grow op is at around 3:30 on the vid LMMFAO! Cop's used an anonymous tip (1) and FLIR to get a warrant for the house you see them in. And this folks is why FLIR is useless for the most part to law enforcement. Had the home been equipped with IR Block they would have only had the "tip" to go on. With no supporting evidence the house never would have been entered.
Have you ever used an IR gun? Do you use them as part of your job? Do you know what Infra Red radiation is?

Mylar does not block IR, it simply confuses it when you point an IR gun at it. Any shiny metallic surface will appear black to an IR gun. It is simply how they work. If you want to get the temperature of a shiny object using IR you need to put a black piece of tape, paint or other non reflective material on the surface and then shoot that.

Infra red radiation is simply heat... IR block does not significantly reduce the heat of a grow room. You need 6 inches of fiberglass insulation to get R-13 in a wall. How much insulation value is something that is the consistency of mylar going to give you? Next to none...

Ok, so now you have this great grow room completely wrapped in IR block. Where is all that heat going to go? When they use IR technology they can see the EXHAUST air leaving the grow. You have to diminish the heat if you do not want to show up with FLIR.

AGAIN however, as I qualified my statement before... Unless you have a large grow, you dont have anything to worry about from overhead inspections. Keeping your mouth shut to your friends and neighbors is the first and best protection against getting busted.

-BTW, one of my vanity lights holds 6 bulbs up to 120 watts. That is 720 watts of incandescent light which gives off alot more heat than fluorescents. Cops cannot differentiate that from a 250 watt light.

Punky McBadbone

Active Member
Holly wow 760w for your fish? You makin a fillet? I have most for my desert reptiles 200-250w and 150-200w for my tropicals... I think you may be reading your lumens? Unless that is, your workin at sea world. ;) I Work at a pet store, second best place to work when it comes to helpin the grow haha.


New Member
I'll end this conversation by answering your first question.

"Have you ever used an IR gun? Do you use them as part of your job? Do you know what Infra Red radiation is?"

YES, and YES, and YES. And I speak Latin, so "below red" isn't hard to figure out. We use IR sensing instruments at my work. Infra red is thermal, not visual.

To the OP, your in England you say. If I was you, what I would do is try to run a length of duct through your attic to another room in the house, maybe even one right next door to the room your in, however the farther the better. Once the duct is out of the grow room, give it a few feet and start poking holes in it. What you want to do is dissipate the heat gradually into other areas. What they look for as mentioned was heat escaping the home as well as "hot spots" within the home. These "hotspots" are a certain temperature or above. So if you cover your heat signature and disipate any excess heat into the home to make it appear natural, you'll be ok. The concentration of heat is what flir detects. A poorly ventilated grow room is what gets you caught.

Now, to the other guy. I used hand held FLIR cams as a home inspector. I also used them as a custom electronics cabinet builder. And thats the reason I know the difference between the styles of cams and what they do. All FLIR are NOT equal, lol. As a home inspector we used them to estimate loss for HVAC equipped structures. They allow you to give the home owner a realistic estimate of their power consumption based on heat or air conditioned air escaping the house/building as well as offer the state code officer the ability to make a proper assessment for retail value. In this case they were specifically used to detect heat signatures and used a 256 color spectral analysis to display the patterns so our eyes can comprehend it. Part of the inspection of the attic is for "IR blocking materials placed in a manor to compromise inspection results of the exterior aspiration" Feel me? You have to look to make sure the home owner doesn't have a bunch of shit up there either "blocking aspiration of heat temporarily", or designed to "effect the operation of the FLIR camera".

About IR Block,
"The two outer layers of Block-IR material reduce thermal imaging heat signatures by 97%. Each layer if Block-IR material is bonded to a durable layer of polyurethane for strength. An inner layer of insulation prevents conductive heat flow. An additional layer of polyurethane gives Block-IR high reliability and strength. Completely line any space with Block-IR for a 97% reduction in thermal imaging reduction."

Now as you pointed out, where does that heat go? Well it does go somewhere, the point of doing an entire cabinet in one is to reduce the amount of light that is transferred into heat to begin with. Doing a whole grow room, probably NOT feasible. As you stated a large room would be better suited with insulation. Pre-fabbed walls are actually the best for this btw. Thinner and more compact, better sealed, easy to maneuver and build with. So, for using things to block heat signatures form close range (outside your house on 'public property') I would use something designed to contain the light itself as well as insulate. Hence IR block has a layer designed to prevent conductive heat flow as well as a layer designed to be 97% reflective, so perfect for growing in small areas. Why use insulation and mylar when you can have them both in one application. If you are NOT looking to use a reflective material in your grow room and are concerned with the heat from the lights the most practical solution is this,

So, now that we agree on one thing, the best way to not sweat it is to dissipate the heat through out a large area, ie. the entire home and since it gets cold their this sounds smart to me. We both agree that heat escaping the house (depending on where you live) can easily get you caught. Easiest way is to make the whole house appear the same temp. If you have to vent it outside right from the room your going to need a reason to make it look like its there. Say in a garage, vent it at the ground and cover up the light, now it "looks" like an air compressor or a welder in use.

the reason things don't show up on IR is because they "appear cold" keep that in mind. Using regular Mylar will not make something appear cold on its own. The reason this product has a bad rap is because of other products that have claimed to do the same thing. Also because here in the US a FLIR image or video is NOT enough to enter your home, they need a warrant. Well, until the Patriot Act that is.

I wasn't trying to jack this thread OR start an argument, I just want people making educated decisions. If you want to know about FLIR, talk it over with a cop.

