Hey mike great link and holy shit is it descriptive. It is so much, I read it last night and will have to read through it again to really take it all in. I too have book marked it. I will be giving the earth juice a try too soon. I have a lot of H&G left and some huge bottles of Bloom phat and ooze that I need to get through. I have recently found out that bloom is having some issues. Appearenlty there is a law suite against them from botinaicare for some copy right infringements. Also, the garden store I go to said theat they are having issues getting their shipments in. I am still in the learning and experimenting stage when it comes to nutes. I have thought about going totally organic, but like bender mentioned, in coco it is a bit of a challenge to get a superior nutrient line while staying totally organic.
I will still be around lurking here and there, but I have a ton of shit to take care of with the nes indoor set-up, the outdoor, and everything else in life.
So for now I will not be starting a new journal. Just a follow up on the last harvest results. The mango has gained much repect among pateints and the dispensary. It is funny, the pk always gets the wow effect right away when someone sees it, but the mango's wow effect usually comes after trying it. It is such a heavy high that those with high tolerences really enjoy it. Something exagerated this round too was the pk's creative energetic qualities. I just had patient tell me that they smoked the other night with friends and that everyone felt the urge to share their life stories and passions. I have noticed this excellerated effect this round as well.
Crhonic- the price between premium coco and premium soil is comparable. I pay about 22 bucks for 1.5 cf of coco vs 18 for premium soil. As with soil you can get a lesser quality coco and flush and prep yourself for much less money. I have gone totally hydro now and am using ebb/flow with coco in smart pots and have found that the coco does wick well. I use flood about 2/3rds of the medium level and it wicks up nicely.
Oh, one more thing and then I will stop rambling. The re-veg is going great. I have found that once they start the veggitative growth again they really take off quick. I will be running the pk and mk again this run.