Club 600


Well-Known Member
Oh Mr West, A very humble and modest man. I have seen those fat cheesey colas on yer thread and expecting some fatter ones now with your light upgrade, hahaha. We knows you got dem skillz bru.


Well-Known Member
time for a taste test of this purps! :D its starting to get its smell back, the "hay" smell is def. going away faster than i thought it would! :D


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... I'm starting to cut down my plants... Here's the first one that's dry (still smells like hay, lol):

*(taken by the casio - exilim... selling for $10 - $85 on ebay)


hey guys sorry im not on here much but the big pictures make my computer close . i recently let some plant veg to long without tending them and they stretched more then i like . i was wondering can i cut them back a little and let them grow back ? thanx. also... to veg a big plant up but only have like 8 main bud do you just keep cutting back the offfshoots that split off the branches you want to keep? thanx for your help.
yeah i want to vegg my plants longer but dont want all those little buds . my plant just grow to fast in my veg chamber. using botanicare pro grow and all those goodies . plus rep for your help and everyones grows are kicking ass. im still waiting on my new cam. hopfully tomarrow ill have some picks of my currentgrow.


Well-Known Member
hey guys sorry im not on here much but the big pictures make my computer close . i recently let some plant veg to long without tending them and they stretched more then i like . i was wondering can i cut them back a little and let them grow back ? thanx. also... to veg a big plant up but only have like 8 main bud do you just keep cutting back the offfshoots that split off the branches you want to keep? thanx for your help.
yeah i want to vegg my plants longer but dont want all those little buds . my plant just grow to fast in my veg chamber. using botanicare pro grow and all those goodies . plus rep for your help and everyones grows are kicking ass. im still waiting on my new cam. hopfully tomarrow ill have some picks of my currentgrow.[/QUOT

i would assume u canjust keep cutting onher to keep rher where u want kinda like a mother plant as long as u have a stable strain. if it were me id just bend the bitch over with some lst unless width is a prob.


Well-Known Member
Can anybody tell me whats wrong with my B.F.F. has been in Major shock since i transplanted from Dirt to Hydro. Her roots are growing very slow but she still hasnt bounced back i havent seen her leafs straight out since i transplanted. Now her leafs look like they are dying. There are some brown rusty looking spots appearing.
Her Roots


Well-Known Member
My PH last night when i got home from work was 6.4 i added some PH down it should be at 5.4-5.6 right now. My PPM is sitting at 270 and i think that is a little low for my girls they are both 5-6 inches should i up the nutes?


Well-Known Member
Is the pH right. My plants were looking like that when the pH was way high. Should be around 5.8.

View attachment 942545
good call, Jig glad someone knows about that the Querkle finished, will take a squint at yer journal in a mo. Looking braw!

Mistakris, very nice indeed. You teaching and growing at the same time (alphabet poster)? lol.

And Mr West, thems does look good. I think you might see the 600 show through on yer next full run.

Dankypot, just grow them up and leave the lower or new growth shoots until you go into flower. Then just chop all the back and they won't grow back because you are in the flower period. Top it or LST until you get your main 8 branches, then veg up until you got your size, then trim back all the stuff you don't want and into flower....I think I wrote the saem thing kinda twice sop hopefully you can make sense of it all.

Don and his funny animal pics and moustaches...nice Avatar lad!

Take it easy lads and lasses.



Well-Known Member
My PH last night when i got home from work was 6.4 i added some PH down it should be at 5.4-5.6 right now. My PPM is sitting at 270 and i think that is a little low for my girls they are both 5-6 inches should i up the nutes?
Yeah, I'd up the ppms to 500 or so. Do it over a couple days to make sure they are ok.


thanks mate

i got 6 fem wonderwomans from nirvana in a 1mX1m tent i veged them in my greenhouse they been flowering about a week now had a little ph problem but i think there recovering il try and get some better pics i took the others with my iphone and light makes them go shitty here they are before i bought them inside
Picture 260.jpg