These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

well, dog shit may came about when i changed my avatar to my dog crappin. then i changed it back and subtlechaos and i came up with dog shit may. with subtle now on board the people followed. lmao!

its not too late to join in! its more fun than you think it would be!
I only join real causes, and this is a real cause. Too bad my dog does his prime dumping while out running with my girl. Clearly I'm going to have to just follow along and take pictures. I'm sure it'll go really well....

Person 1 - "Hey why is that guy following that girl and dog and taking pictures of them?"
Person 2 - "I don't know! Why did he just take a picture of the dog shitting and start cheering?"
Person 1 - "He's probably some kind of new super pervert, lets call the cops!"
im liking this the plants in your second picture are nice cuz to the untrained eye they do not look like the sterotypical marijuana
Well I went out to check on the girls and there doing well enough. the one in this first picture here though was burrowed under like ther was a fucking ground squrriel tunnel into the root mass this shit Is seriously starting to really piss me off, now that I know its something about the size of a mouse Im just going to set some rat traps and bait them with peanut butter mixed with antifreeze Im done with this shit.

anyway heer is tha bitches enjoy.


lookin good sv. if were to walk up and see 3 pot plants with mouse traps all around em i wouldn't know what to think. lol i hope you catch the little bastard cause i'd like to see this go the distance.

and if you get it post pics!!!!
lookin good sv. if were to walk up and see 3 pot plants with mouse traps all around em i wouldn't know what to think. lol i hope you catch the little bastard cause i'd like to see this go the distance.

and if you get it post pics!!!!
ha ha I wouldn't either, like wtf is this dude using for nutrients that he needs mouse traps? But yeah I'm going to post pictures of the kill, as much hell as these little critters are causing me I have to celebrate there death. Shit I might even make it my Av as soon as may ends :lol:

I'm not too worried about them dying I had one dug up and loose over half of it root mass and Its still kicking, very very damaged but Its still growing.
ha ha I wouldn't either, like wtf is this dude using for nutrients that he needs mouse traps? But yeah I'm going to post pictures of the kill, as much hell as these little critters are causing me I have to celebrate there death. Shit I might even make it my Av as soon as may ends :lol:

I'm not too worried about them dying I had one dug up and loose over half of it root mass and Its still kicking, very very damaged but Its still growing.

hell yeah, dead rodent avatar!!!
hahaha, i like the sound of june :)

Plants are looking sweet man!

fucking just checked out my plants in my grow case, there's a green kind of mould growing on the soil. i noticed it just now and i'm tempted to investigate further but i have my end of year chem a level exam tomorrow and i really need to revise :/ You got any ideas as to what it could be and whether it's harmful or not?
I don't think Its mold green typically indicates the organism has chloroplasts so its probably some type of moss or algae. I know what your talking about though I've seen it before. It grows on a thin layer on top of your soil, Is it a plant green or like a pale green? either way what I would do in your situation would be too get a rag and put some peroxide on it and wipe that stuff off of your soil, next thing would be to just add a layer of fresh soil. This seems to be something that appears in higher humidity and colder temps but i can't see it so I'm not 100% positive. Do you have a thread with pictures of it?
yeah i'd say it looked like algae type thing, i have cool temps but not particularly humid...

seeing as i don't have any peroxide around, and no means of getting any, think it would work to just take off the top layer and replace it with new soil?

and no, no thread as of yet :/
Alright yeah you could get away with scraping it off and covering it If its not exposed to light and its algae it wont be able to grow.
ahhh, i'll keep my fans lower then :)

do you think it might have anything to do with my CO2 generator? it's just a 2 litre bottle with the lid off and the plants had been fine before i but that in there...