This is 2010 and your still stuck on blacks being somehow different from you and that your better than them.
what i see is that this is 2010 and there are still people who seem stuck in the asinine belief that we can enforce laws against ignorance, that we can legislate people's fears away and that we can force people to be tolerant. we can keep people from infringing on the rights of others or at least try to, but no one has the right to the service of others. we keep making this same mistake over and over again and never seem to learn from our errors. what's mine is mine and what's yours is yours. the business i run, the job i offer, the hand i extend, i own these things. forcing an ignorant man to extend that hand to someone he distrusts will only end with a fist.
the liberal establishment has led us to believe that this force is necessary and acceptable, that we can change people by the threat of governmental violence. we have been convinced that they have the power to remake society into a kinder, gentler place. it is obviously a lie, but we so want to live in that place. so we allow the state to force our neighbors into this acceptable mold. we pay these elected leeches to reshuffle the deck, trying to create a world that so many of us just aren't ready to accept. they lead us to this brave new world at the end of a leash and tell us to be good
or else.
it's absolutely amazing how many fools are willing to buy into this crap. instead of the promised land of multi-cultural peace and prosperity, they have led us to a nation divided and they are happy with the outcome. they have enslaved vast minority populations with a sense of victimhood and its accompanying entitlement mentality. they have created schisms within our society by playing one group against the other, all to feed the turmoil that justifies their existence and the expansion of their power. they have set the poor against the rich, claiming that only they are capable of narrowing that gulf. they have fanned to flame the simmering discontent, fattening themselves in the process, and we just sit there, allowing them to abuse us with the confusion they sow.
Can't really blame you for not wanting change. But don't stand in the way of any progress in this govt. We're not trying to steal all your guns, ridicule you for believing in a god over science.
you take a lot for granted and almost all of it is wrong. you speak the words of youth, with all its assurance, and haven't the faintest idea what it is you're really asking for. do you think you're the first generation that wanted change? many of us were fighting for change long before you were anything more than a stain in your daddy's drawers, but all change is not progress. the people who are leading you by the nose don't give a damn about where that change takes us, as long as they are the ones in command.
do you really think that we are all racists because we believe in a man's right to be as ignorant as he desires? do you honestly believe that we are sitting here, gun and bible in hand, just trying to maintain the status quo? i'm sure it makes you feel quite superior to delude yourself so, but your ignorance is showing. i suggest you study a bit of the history you are in danger of repeating. as you advocate the use of government's force to satisfy your desires, you should probably remember that force is seldom contained by good intentions.