Support Arizona, buy travel and more at this website dedicated to helping Az overcome


Active Member

Here you will find links to buy Az goods, vacation there, how to boycott the boycotters, show support or facts and links that support the immigration law.

Show your support for Az and boycott the boycotters today. THere are many links thaht provide #s and info on who to contact.


Active Member
I do support Arizona. If you look at the small print on what they are planning to pass, all they are doing is following federal law. People are just getting to politically correct today. There is no racist or prejudice action taken by Arizona; they're just protecting their boarders. The rest of the states should be doing it, ESPECIALLY Arizona and California. I hope my state picks up on it soon.

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
im pretty ashamed of this town. everyone knows how police work and how they will pervert immigration policy. they use the end, to justify the means and that is why NO ONE trusts them.

the cartels are already here. the new immigration law has nothing to do with stopping people from crossing the border. as long as the average american income is 3 times higher than the average mexican, people will ALWAYS come across the border. the situation arizona just created is this, in those communities where illegals live they will be less likely to report crimes and begin to rely on self policing. since the cartels are the most powerful groups in self policing you are going to see the cartels descend on phoenix. mexicans will be afraid to report crimes, they wont talk to the police because they will deport them to their poor country that has had 23,000 murders in the last four years.

i know some people involved with the cartels and "the word is" there is a big push to get hitmen across the border before it tightens up in phoenix, and wait until until the new immigration laws take effect. once the inevitable abuses of the mexican people are reported in arizona they will take aim at the public officials who pushed this policy. the cartels hope that by holding off the violence in arizona and waiting for provocation, they will have the support of the mexican people. mexicans in arizona are either not going to report crimes, or they will directly help the cartels who are the only ones with the power to fight for them. either way, it doesnt look too good for arizonans. if cartels could sneak military-grade weapons into mexico, what do you think they will have here? arizona has some of the most relaxed gun laws so we already know they'll have plenty of bullets. cartels are already training RIGHT NOW on how to conduct narco-warfare in an american venue. since there is such a heavy (law enforcement) helicopter presence in arizona they've already begin to organize twitter networks for people to report up-to-the-minute updates on the presence of police search helicopters. and the people with guns, you guessed it, its their jobs to shoot at the helicopter if they can do so without drawing attention to their location. vigilante's effected by the immigration law will align themselves with the cartels for protection from Joe Arpio and his racist cowboys. thus, fueling the cartels and all their enterprises.

just food for thought. its not that "obama's fuckin us" or that "the policy is racist". the problem is that law enforcement in arizona (which has a history of corruption and racism) will use this tool to sweep out mexicans on the mass level they've always dreamed of. you see how cops carry out this tactic on us with their "i smell blood in the water" predatory bullshit. and with sheriff joe arpio at the reins pledging to "enforce 100%" there seems little room for this immigration law to be used in a positive way.

fun fact, up until 1992 arizona state government refused to recognize martin luther king day as a national holiday. only after a tourist boycott, arizona changed their minds.

im absolutely ashamed of the people of arizona and the elected officials they support. i would like apologize on behalf of my bigot neighbors.



Active Member
Your assertion that ,"there is a big push to get hitmen across the border before it tightens up in phoenix," is all the evidence needed to prove that this law is needed and valid.
Even though I highly doubt you are in the know as you assert. The very mention of such gives your entire post against deportation of illegals ZERO legitimacy...
Your post says that since they are going to attack AZ officials we should back off. you further assert that they will have the support of Mexicans in their acts of Murder. .......
I am amazed that you can even post that you are against this law while posting that the illegals are going to be shooting at police helicopters and killing Americans. REAAALLLLY!!!!! almost sounds like you support terrorists in America killing Americans.
These alleged plans give full legitimacy to AZ new law and are all the more reason to deport every single illegal.


Active Member
heres a funny commercial where arizonas unofficial avatar takes note of Obamas underlings admitting that theyre stupid .
That is very funny. I have placed the Laws text at so many facebook pages that call the law racist or bad because so many on them have So onviously not readit . I cannot tell how many paople have said that the law specifically gives officers the right to pull over people for being brown. I am LOL @ paople who are soundbyte geiuses.


Well-Known Member
Even though I don't think this bill will change much, I still have yet to see anyone for it admit that it will be used by some cop somewhere to screw with some Mexican because they simply don't like Mexicans. That is the issue most of us have with the bill. There is a ton of bullshit about this bill that we have been sold by the media, but it in the end comes down to that point. My beef with it (other than that) is that illegal immigrants economically benefit us as a country, and the opposition believe the lies that somehow they are stealing something away from us americans, which is garbage.

So I ask this, what if we make these changes:
-Change tax code to businesses having to pay all the taxes, workers would net about the same, but all the taxes would be paid by the businesses so they would adjust them accordingly. This would stop illegal aliens from being able to benefit the employers by not having taxes to worry about.

-Figure out the costs of the healthcare system and mitigate it among the businesses, deemed by the level of care they provide for their employees, so it would reduce wages further, but be gained back through not having to buy insurance. And must provide an accurate social security card (American citizen) to get the insured health services. Green Card/foreign visitors will have to pay an insurance for their stay to get access to the services.

And have deductibles so that people will still have to somewhat ration the use of the health system. This would force undocumented workers out of the national health system, and maybe with a something inplace to force them to become documented to be able to use the system at that time. So there is nobody milking the system.

-Legalize everything, and use special 'moral taxes' instead of laws to make things more expensive for the people that wish to use those services instead of outlawing them. Use this revenue for mental health support, and rehabilitation system. This would stop the drug trade from anywhere else, give our legit businesses a new area to expand business, and another way for us to enjoy our time other than sitting in front of a tv all day, which is just as bad for us as almost any drugs right.

-Change prison system to a rehabilitation system. This is not really for illegal immigration issues, but just needs to be done.

So instead of an ineffective bill that can and eventually will be used by someone to promote their own racism (even if the vast majority do not use the bill this way), we make changes that will actually help us become a more efficient nation and make a real difference.

I did treat myself to some new york city diesel a hour or so ago, but I think this all is on point.


Well-Known Member
Even though I don't think this bill will change much, I still have yet to see anyone for it admit that it will be used by some cop somewhere to screw with some Mexican because they simply don't like Mexicans. That is the issue most of us have with the bill. There is a ton of bullshit about this bill that we have been sold by the media, but it in the end comes down to that point.
any law can be used to the advantage of the unscrupulous. is that a reason to abolish all laws? of course not. it is a reason to keep a tight rein on law enforcement and hold them accountable for their actions, but that is something that should be done anyway. just as laws should not be passed based on a worst case scenario, as is the case with a certain prohibition i think we are all familiar with, we shouldn't fail to enforce our laws simply because some redneck with a grudge may take advantage of the situation. the majority of the bullshit that the media has brought up around this bill has to do with just such worst case scenarios.

My beef with it (other than that) is that illegal immigrants economically benefit us as a country, and the opposition believe the lies that somehow they are stealing something away from us americans, which is garbage.
with an admitted unemployment rate of around ten percent and an actual rate far higher, how can you make such a claim with a straight face? every nation on earth understands the necessity of employing its own people before concerning itself with the welfare of its neighbors, why is it this country should support the poor from other countries before taking care of its own? you may believe in aiding those less fortunate to the south and are free to do what you can for their sake, but our sovereignty demands that the state place the welfare of its citizens ahead of the desires of foreign nationals to achieve the standard of living we have come to expect here. each job taken by an illegal immigrant is a job that could be used to start one of the denizens of the welfare state on the road to self-sufficiency. each dollar that is sent over the border by someone who is flaunting our laws by even being here is a dollar that could be reinforcing our flagging economic fortunes, if earned and spent by an american citizen. our own people deserve first crack at the opportunities that even the lowliest of employment offers. allowing opportunity to be stripped from a people is just another path to slavery.

you may believe that national boundaries are artificial and unnecessary, but the role they play in decreasing friction between differing societies is vital. we are not all one people throughout the world. we are differing cultures with needs and goals specific to each region. beyond the necessities of survival, our histories have brought changes to the mindsets of the people in various regions and these mindsets do not easily coexist. demanding that these differing mindsets be forced to mingle against their will leads to destructive schisms within communities and the eventual outbreak of festering hostilities. the unilateral lowering of those artificial barriers can lead only to the destruction of what it has taken over two hundred years to build.

-Change tax code to businesses having to pay all the taxes.....
-Figure out the costs of the healthcare system and mitigate it among the businesses.....
-Legalize everything, and use special 'moral taxes' instead of laws to make things more expensive for the people that wish to use those services instead of outlawing them.....
all you ask for demands that the state control an even larger portion of what should be a free market. increased taxation of business with the demand that that cost not be passed on to the consumer gives government further control over even the smallest of businesses. socializing health care insurance destroys an entire segment of our industry and places it in the hands of our unresponsive representatives. an increase in "sin taxes" provides our ever growing bureaucracy with even further incentives to expand and restrict what is allowable within our society. what you propose is the big government solution to problems that big government has created, an illogical solution at best.


Well-Known Member
any law can be used to the advantage of the unscrupulous. is that a reason to abolish all laws? of course not. it is a reason to keep a tight rein on law enforcement and hold them accountable for their actions, but that is something that should be done anyway. just as laws should not be passed based on a worst case scenario, as is the case with a certain prohibition i think we are all familiar with, we shouldn't fail to enforce our laws simply because some redneck with a grudge may take advantage of the situation. the majority of the bullshit that the media has brought up around this bill has to do with just such worst case scenarios.
The problem is this bill will be ineffective. And we all know it, just like trying to stop drugs by making them illegal doesn't work, telling desperate people that they cannot move a few miles away because it is illegal will not work either. And this really just costs us more money, everyone cries about illegals using hospitals, guess what it costs to incarcerate them for a few months until they get deported. Not to mention legal fees that nobody is there to pay for except us tax payers.
with an admitted unemployment rate of around ten percent and an actual rate far higher, how can you make such a claim with a straight face?
Very easily. Yeah right now UE is huge, but that is just unrealized potential. You are telling me that you cannot see how having millions of hard workers can be helpful for a country? It hurts right now because we have too many of our own citizens that are uneducated and cannot get into a career that there is a huge need for. But to say that those jobs are not there is false, we have jobs it is just we are too stupid as a nation to fill them.

every nation on earth understands the necessity of employing its own people before concerning itself with the welfare of its neighbors, why is it this country should support the poor from other countries before taking care of its own? you may believe in aiding those less fortunate to the south and are free to do what you can for their sake, but our sovereignty demands that the state place the welfare of its citizens ahead of the desires of foreign nationals to achieve the standard of living we have come to expect here. each job taken by an illegal immigrant is a job that could be used to start one of the denizens of the welfare state on the road to self-sufficiency. each dollar that is sent over the border by someone who is flaunting our laws by even being here is a dollar that could be reinforcing our flagging economic fortunes, if earned and spent by an american citizen. our own people deserve first crack at the opportunities that even the lowliest of employment offers. allowing opportunity to be stripped from a people is just another path to slavery.
Welfare is not in itself a bad thing, and actually is very useful in times like today. We need the unemployed people to not just sit on their asses, but to take advantage of the system we have in place and get into a college program and build up some specialized skills. Allowing people to piss and moan like this is somehow illegal immigrants faults is ridiculous. You want people to get off of welfare, talk them into getting a skill, and not thinking that they are going to be able to keep a job that anyone in the 9th grade can do.

And another thing you miss is that every dollar sent by an immigrant represents about several dollars saved by american people purchasing those services. Or do you somehow think that if I spend $5 for a $2 candy bar help the economy?

you may believe that national boundaries are artificial and unnecessary, but the role they play in decreasing friction between differing societies is vital. we are not all one people throughout the world. we are differing cultures with needs and goals specific to each region. beyond the necessities of survival, our histories have brought changes to the mindsets of the people in various regions and these mindsets do not easily coexist. demanding that these differing mindsets be forced to mingle against their will leads to destructive schisms within communities and the eventual outbreak of festering hostilities. the unilateral lowering of those artificial barriers can lead only to the destruction of what it has taken over two hundred years to build.
There has never been a wall that held back migration, and there will never be one. Trying to coddle people because they want it to be american only and the brown people scare them is never going to happen, because they are the natural people of that area, it is not white people, it is mexicans and indians that are basically mexicans in that region. And demanding that people mingle against their will is sometimes what needs to be done, just ask the people that were not able to go to white schools.

Also think about the fact that you are basically saying that mexicans-americans and mexicans are somehow different people.

all you ask for demands that the state control an even larger portion of what should be a free market. increased taxation of business with the demand that that cost not be passed on to the consumer gives government further control over even the smallest of businesses. socializing health care insurance destroys an entire segment of our industry and places it in the hands of our unresponsive representatives. an increase in "sin taxes" provides our ever growing bureaucracy with even further incentives to expand and restrict what is allowable within our society. what you propose is the big government solution to problems that big government has created, an illogical solution at best.
You cannot stop businesses from passing the tax to customers, and I never said that.

And where do you get that having employers pay for the health insurance would destroy anything? First they already do this, second they would be purchasing insurance they want to get to their employees (again like we already do), and who are these unresponsive representitives? Seriously I have not clue what you mean by that.

And we already have 'sin taxes', there are special taxes on booze, and cigs, ect. The idea behind having taxes is to pay for the things that they hurt. Like gas tax and how it pays for road work, or booze taxes and the portions that go to rehab costs. The other side is to say screw it and the people that are affected by the products they purchase cheaply because there is no imposed costs for the things that they bring have to come to us and use our taxes to pay for their rehab.

This is the problem with the 'big government' paranoia is that it fuzzies the logic, because any change is bad, even if it allows for a removing of several other problem programs that are obsolete if a couple changes are made. Thinking that somehow banning illegal immigrants is going to stop them is cute, but impractical. There needs to be more systematic changes and improving of the things we need as american citizens. Because like it or not, as an american until you get old (or are a child), there is very little benefit you get from being a citizen if you are committed to be uneducated and rely on just working hard for a future.


Well-Known Member
try traveling any other foreign country without a passport or ID.

FUCK mexico. bomb 'em.
are you gonna borrow the money from china to pay for the bomb and the occupation?? dont think china will lent out for another military action till this one is paid back.


Active Member
I live in a town taken over by mexican's..............They drive around $30,000 cars,Collect Wic and every progam they can get......And throw there trash and fucking baby daipers out Windows onto our streets..........There's even special housing for feild Workers...................IM A HARD WORKING AMERICAN AND CANT EVEN COLLECT BENFIETS FOR MY CHILD.......BUT IF YOUR BROWN YOU WILL GET THEM.......My best freinds are mexican and I now of all the fucking Scams there famly's do...................They even fake mental illness to Collect Social sercurty checks..........iTS FUCKING BULLSHIT


Well-Known Member
You know China has 11,000,000,000 dollars invested in the amero, they have made the transaction public record.

I will never visit the US since I heard about preventative detention.



try traveling any other foreign country without a passport or ID.

FUCK mexico. bomb 'em.
Why would you bomb a country for a drug war and illegals coming to America? So your saying you want to punish innocent people in Mexico for what fucking idiots in Drug Cartels do and people who are impatient to come America legally? I'm guessing your a racist?


Active Member
Why would you bomb a country for a drug war and illegals coming to America? So your saying you want to punish innocent people in Mexico for what fucking idiots in Drug Cartels do and people who are impatient to come America legally? I'm guessing your a racist?
You frame that as though it is NOT SO bad. THey are Just impatient??
THey are here Illegally get a grip. There are many impatient poeple and situations but that does not condone breaking our laws and disrespecting our borders. AS far as the Bomb them comment, I think that was a joke.


Well-Known Member
Why would you bomb a country for a drug war and illegals coming to America? So your saying you want to punish innocent people in Mexico for what fucking idiots in Drug Cartels do and people who are impatient to come America legally? I'm guessing your a racist?
there are NO innocent people in mexico. :roll:

bomb 'em and then let ME run the place. :hump:

don't know how this makes me a racist. :neutral:


New Member
I do support Arizona. If you look at the small print on what they are planning to pass, all they are doing is following federal law. People are just getting to politically correct today. There is no racist or prejudice action taken by Arizona; they're just protecting their boarders. The rest of the states should be doing it, ESPECIALLY Arizona and California. I hope my state picks up on it soon.
You my friend are obviously a smart man. Im sick of these idiots protesting the bill and they haven't even read it. Arizona is over run by these illegals coming from mexico. something has to be done they are draining the programs meant to help americans and they are not paying taxes. If they want to live here do it the right way and quit breaking the law. Every night on the news all these different crimes seem to all be done by illegals.


New Member
im pretty ashamed of this town. everyone knows how police work and how they will pervert immigration policy. they use the end, to justify the means and that is why NO ONE trusts them.

the cartels are already here. the new immigration law has nothing to do with stopping people from crossing the border. as long as the average american income is 3 times higher than the average mexican, people will ALWAYS come across the border. the situation arizona just created is this, in those communities where illegals live they will be less likely to report crimes and begin to rely on self policing. since the cartels are the most powerful groups in self policing you are going to see the cartels descend on phoenix. mexicans will be afraid to report crimes, they wont talk to the police because they will deport them to their poor country that has had 23,000 murders in the last four years.

i know some people involved with the cartels and "the word is" there is a big push to get hitmen across the border before it tightens up in phoenix, and wait until until the new immigration laws take effect. once the inevitable abuses of the mexican people are reported in arizona they will take aim at the public officials who pushed this policy. the cartels hope that by holding off the violence in arizona and waiting for provocation, they will have the support of the mexican people. mexicans in arizona are either not going to report crimes, or they will directly help the cartels who are the only ones with the power to fight for them. either way, it doesnt look too good for arizonans. if cartels could sneak military-grade weapons into mexico, what do you think they will have here? arizona has some of the most relaxed gun laws so we already know they'll have plenty of bullets. cartels are already training RIGHT NOW on how to conduct narco-warfare in an american venue. since there is such a heavy (law enforcement) helicopter presence in arizona they've already begin to organize twitter networks for people to report up-to-the-minute updates on the presence of police search helicopters. and the people with guns, you guessed it, its their jobs to shoot at the helicopter if they can do so without drawing attention to their location. vigilante's effected by the immigration law will align themselves with the cartels for protection from Joe Arpio and his racist cowboys. thus, fueling the cartels and all their enterprises.

just food for thought. its not that "obama's fuckin us" or that "the policy is racist". the problem is that law enforcement in arizona (which has a history of corruption and racism) will use this tool to sweep out mexicans on the mass level they've always dreamed of. you see how cops carry out this tactic on us with their "i smell blood in the water" predatory bullshit. and with sheriff joe arpio at the reins pledging to "enforce 100%" there seems little room for this immigration law to be used in a positive way.

fun fact, up until 1992 arizona state government refused to recognize martin luther king day as a national holiday. only after a tourist boycott, arizona changed their minds.

im absolutely ashamed of the people of arizona and the elected officials they support. i would like apologize on behalf of my bigot neighbors.

you need to be deported with the rest of them you dumb ass.