WSD'S BlackJack 400MH/600HPS Coco Grow. ( Nirvana Strain )

First off WE i am sorry that i havent been here longer i knew that you were running into some nute and plant issues but i had no idea of the extent and would of loved to help you diagnose them. Ive been a bad This grow is going fan tastic and you have sold me on airpots. I will be getting some before i start my next grow. The plants are thriving in them. Also now that i have seen and heard more and more about this black jack i am liking what i see. nice and bushy and thick. I still have a few more runs with all the seed stock that i have so it may be a while till i get some of those but its deff a strain that i would like to grow.

Ill be here through the end though i dont want to miss another second of this op
heyyy yeah def! member "snew" grew awsome blackjack too! hes on riu. do you have a journal for yours!? lol. id love to follow someone with the same strain thats close to my timeline! thanks! may the force be with us!
Yea man just started my journal, i started flowering on friday and already the tops have pistols bunching together, so 4 days and i already see flowering action, o yea and the vertical growths really amping up, but yea, our plants deff. looking like they're true sisters, keep it green
Those girls are lookin great!!!!!!!

sub'd 4 sure

cant wait 2 see them fill in w/ some huge bud's:leaf:

later bro

Yoooo welcome to the grow : D . Im pretty excited for the flower session comin up. Hopefully I get a good harvest offa these beasts! Sit back , Watch the show, and relax my friend!


First off WE i am sorry that i havent been here longer i knew that you were running into some nute and plant issues but i had no idea of the extent and would of loved to help you diagnose them. Ive been a bad This grow is going fan tastic and you have sold me on airpots. I will be getting some before i start my next grow. The plants are thriving in them. Also now that i have seen and heard more and more about this black jack i am liking what i see. nice and bushy and thick. I still have a few more runs with all the seed stock that i have so it may be a while till i get some of those but its deff a strain that i would like to grow.

Ill be here through the end though i dont want to miss another second of this op
Duplex damnnn im excited to see you at my grow! Hahah ! welcome amigo! I survived the plant problems and now everything from here on out is smooth sailin : / hahah. Im glad I sold you on the air pots. Closetgrowth uses them as well and they beat his dwc in a side by side : D. They are really innovative pots. The blackjack seems to be a reall nice strain like most from nirvana. Im sure you will get around to it : ). Right now im a bitch focused on those jems of yours though : D .

Yea man just started my journal, i started flowering on friday and already the tops have pistols bunching together, so 4 days and i already see flowering action, o yea and the vertical growths really amping up, but yea, our plants deff. looking like they're true sisters, keep it green

Im checkin out your grow right now dude! Yay for us journaling with the same strain at the SAME TIME! Lol.

sorry about yesterday bro. that was totally un-called for and very un-like me to snap like that. your game looks tight man. my bad.
very nice buddy, subbed and along for the ride :) increadibly uniform plants

thanks haze! i added you : D . They are all pretty close to one another. When i transplanted i put the stem like an inch under the soil on two of them ... kinda dropped their height. They are all between 11-13 inches. Ill flower once the first one hits 15.

will be very interesting seeing hoq they bud up :) thoose airpots looks like they doing one hell of a job but i cant help thinking.. what happens when you water thoose bastards? dont water come out everywhere? lol
when you fixing to flower them hoes

man im flowering on saturday! THESE BITCHES IS ABOUT TO REALIZE WHO THEY BOSS IS WHEN I STRAIGHT UP FORCE THEM TO MAKE ME MARIJUANA! Infact it probably wouldnt be a bad idea to go in there and threaten them a little ...

ya know ...

tell them if their buds dont grow dank then i will drop them off in front of a police station. then i will get like 30% thc!

Dro : D
Nice grow, if you like those air pots you should look into smart pots too. Maybe do a side by side and see if you like em. Plants are gonna be huge when you flip to flower though. Subscribed for the show.
Nice grow, if you like those air pots you should look into smart pots too. Maybe do a side by side and see if you like em. Plants are gonna be huge when you flip to flower though. Subscribed for the show.

yeah i have an air pot thread where SOMETIME in the near future i will be doing an experiment with pots. 3 pots , 1 mother , 1 fert. the 3 pots will obviously be air pots , smart pots , and standard ':D

are they gonna get wider or just taller?

yeah i have an air pot thread where SOMETIME in the near future i will be doing an experiment with pots. 3 pots , 1 mother , 1 fert. the 3 pots will obviously be air pots , smart pots , and standard ':D

are they gonna get wider or just taller?


They re going to get a little wider but you will see the strething upwards mostly as new leaves form. After a few weeks your plant should about triple in height like crazyhaze said and then it will stop stretching for the rest of flower.