2000w Purple Kush/Mystery Beans-RND3

Thanks man, ditto to you. I am going to run the Bloom line next run with H&G a/b, root excel, algen extract, multi-zen, and I have a shit load of budxl I need to use. but, yes I am planning on running the Bloom Phat and Ooze again. I am thinking about trading out the h&g as I run out for the bloom, except for the a/b and roots. I will have two seperate reserviors, so I might even do a side by side. If I do, I will make sure I have at least one of the strains in each tray to compare.
definitely voting on the side by side test bro. You already know they are both gonna be stellar, but it would be good for you to find out for the future about the line that has the extra edge.
Thanks man, ditto to you. I am going to run the Bloom line next run with H&G a/b, root excel, algen extract, multi-zen, and I have a shit load of budxl I need to use. but, yes I am planning on running the Bloom Phat and Ooze again. I am thinking about trading out the h&g as I run out for the bloom, except for the a/b and roots. I will have two seperate reserviors, so I might even do a side by side. If I do, I will make sure I have at least one of the strains in each tray to compare.
Nute Study

this might help when picking wat your gonna run next this guy did a complete study of hella nutrient lineups
Good share mate. I have read jmans study 2-3 times over some months now, and I really wanna fux with the Earth Juice. I reckon that is what you are running.
yep im juicin my girls up i heard so much great shit about ej damn near felt like i had to i always wanna do the best i know how and everyone was jumping on the juice i think it was danny danko called it nectar of the gods the guy at hydro store litterally paused and was struggling how to express how good it was like he was describing a girl he just fell in love with also i wanted to go 100% organic since im medical and this shit is no mess no stink water saluble organics that alone was a selling point


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Raider is a good bud of mine, I am sure he won't mind if we discuss some of this in his thread.

I have been reading and looking at a lot True Organic style grow. I am really turned on about the idea of using 100% organic nutes with absolutely no salt what so ever. I plan on doing this is coco where as a True Loving Organic style would be soil cut with all the organics.

For a true organic grow in coco I think EJ is a great candidate. I was thinking about GH's O line or Canna's O line but in that awesome dude's wicked test EJ clearly was superior. Will probably give it a go at some point.
how much does the line of Earth Juice cost mike??

that nute study is rediculous, so much good info

and raider in comparison how much does it cost to do a coco grow?
Raider is a good bud of mine, I am sure he won't mind if we discuss some of this in his thread.

I have been reading and looking at a lot True Organic style grow. I am really turned on about the idea of using 100% organic nutes with absolutely no salt what so ever. I plan on doing this is coco where as a True Loving Organic style would be soil cut with all the organics.

For a true organic grow in coco I think EJ is a great candidate. I was thinking about GH's O line or Canna's O line but in that awesome dude's wicked test EJ clearly was superior. Will probably give it a go at some point.
yeah it shocked me how much everyone is on board with ej ushually there are a whole lota differences of opions on a nute lineup for so many respected people to get behind something kinda sealed the deal for me and that study dude did was awesome i bookmarked so i can keep refering to even using that exact feeding schedule at least as a baseline for now
Hey mike great link and holy shit is it descriptive. It is so much, I read it last night and will have to read through it again to really take it all in. I too have book marked it. I will be giving the earth juice a try too soon. I have a lot of H&G left and some huge bottles of Bloom phat and ooze that I need to get through. I have recently found out that bloom is having some issues. Appearenlty there is a law suite against them from botinaicare for some copy right infringements. Also, the garden store I go to said theat they are having issues getting their shipments in. I am still in the learning and experimenting stage when it comes to nutes. I have thought about going totally organic, but like bender mentioned, in coco it is a bit of a challenge to get a superior nutrient line while staying totally organic.
I will still be around lurking here and there, but I have a ton of shit to take care of with the nes indoor set-up, the outdoor, and everything else in life.
So for now I will not be starting a new journal. Just a follow up on the last harvest results. The mango has gained much repect among pateints and the dispensary. It is funny, the pk always gets the wow effect right away when someone sees it, but the mango's wow effect usually comes after trying it. It is such a heavy high that those with high tolerences really enjoy it. Something exagerated this round too was the pk's creative energetic qualities. I just had patient tell me that they smoked the other night with friends and that everyone felt the urge to share their life stories and passions. I have noticed this excellerated effect this round as well.
Crhonic- the price between premium coco and premium soil is comparable. I pay about 22 bucks for 1.5 cf of coco vs 18 for premium soil. As with soil you can get a lesser quality coco and flush and prep yourself for much less money. I have gone totally hydro now and am using ebb/flow with coco in smart pots and have found that the coco does wick well. I use flood about 2/3rds of the medium level and it wicks up nicely.
Oh, one more thing and then I will stop rambling. The re-veg is going great. I have found that once they start the veggitative growth again they really take off quick. I will be running the pk and mk again this run.
ahhhhh thanks for all the info guys, i also book marked the nute study and will continue to go back

now i gotta hit the stores to see whats around!
Hey mike great link and holy shit is it descriptive. It is so much, I read it last night and will have to read through it again to really take it all in. I too have book marked it. I will be giving the earth juice a try too soon. I have a lot of H&G left and some huge bottles of Bloom phat and ooze that I need to get through. I have recently found out that bloom is having some issues. Appearenlty there is a law suite against them from botinaicare for some copy right infringements. Also, the garden store I go to said theat they are having issues getting their shipments in. I am still in the learning and experimenting stage when it comes to nutes. I have thought about going totally organic, but like bender mentioned, in coco it is a bit of a challenge to get a superior nutrient line while staying totally organic.
I will still be around lurking here and there, but I have a ton of shit to take care of with the nes indoor set-up, the outdoor, and everything else in life.
So for now I will not be starting a new journal. Just a follow up on the last harvest results. The mango has gained much repect among pateints and the dispensary. It is funny, the pk always gets the wow effect right away when someone sees it, but the mango's wow effect usually comes after trying it. It is such a heavy high that those with high tolerences really enjoy it. Something exagerated this round too was the pk's creative energetic qualities. I just had patient tell me that they smoked the other night with friends and that everyone felt the urge to share their life stories and passions. I have noticed this excellerated effect this round as well.
Crhonic- the price between premium coco and premium soil is comparable. I pay about 22 bucks for 1.5 cf of coco vs 18 for premium soil. As with soil you can get a lesser quality coco and flush and prep yourself for much less money. I have gone totally hydro now and am using ebb/flow with coco in smart pots and have found that the coco does wick well. I use flood about 2/3rds of the medium level and it wicks up nicely.
Oh, one more thing and then I will stop rambling. The re-veg is going great. I have found that once they start the veggitative growth again they really take off quick. I will be running the pk and mk again this run.
thats wuts up about the mango since i got high tolerance might give a shot if this tora bora doesent work out like it should its a pure afgan pure pakistani cross for high tolerance high volume (Me) smokers i pay 8$ for 2 cubic feet of top top tier soil from nursery called gardeners gold its the shit i love it might wanna look into if your considering soil im growing some revegged clones i got from bro of blue cheese and once they take off i hear they do good im glad you second that cause they are taking forever to take off i know the overwhelmed feeling i gotta start my outdoor as well and just finally got the third earht box in flowering room and be honest i kinda short cutted and put different strains in there all 8 weekers i think but i didnt even double check feeling hella under the gun
Just wanted to touch base. I have had some medical issues going on and trying to get my new room set up at the same time, so haven't had much time to get on RIU. Anyway, I haven't decided if I am going to start a new journal or not, but wanted to update the progress on my new set-up.

-New additions: 2 ocho reflectors, 10" carbon filter and fan, two 50 gal easy drain reserviors, titan 30 amp sub with timer, 20 pnd c02 tank, titan regulator, tub sink, diy tables on casters, I also put down ply wood on the floors with pond liner over it with a 4" lip around the perimeter incase of spills or flooding, I also picked up a 1500gmh sump pump to drain the reserviors, each res has a circulation pump and along with the flood pump, oh and the 9000BTU AC/dehumidifyer( It looks like I will have to pick up a better dehum)
-I bought a co2 controller/monitor and extra 20 ond co2 tank that should be here this week.
-I still have to put up either mylar or panda( haven't decided yet.
My room is 10x12x12 with a closet that I put the sink in. I have to say, it is so friggin nice having water in the room. I tinted the one window in the room and put up panda film black side out against the glass. I am using 1 gal smart pots filled with coco/perlite and 3 to 4" of mini rockwool cubes in the trays. The reflectors are air cooled in a closed loop to keep the room as sealed as can be with the ac. I have been running about 800ppm co2 during veg. I put the ballasts up on a shelf 9' up to try to keep the heat up on the ceiling.
Current strains are Purple Kush, Mango Kush, Papaya, and Orange Crush Deisel

Anyway here are some pics


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Lookin sweet! I was curious why put the rockwool with smart pots? The roots cant get out of the pots can they? Good to see ya pop in raider. I really hope you decide to post a new journal. Im always looking forward to seeing the progress over at your spot. And now even more so with this new bad ass setup you got. Nice work!
Lookin sweet! I was curious why put the rockwool with smart pots? The roots cant get out of the pots can they? Good to see ya pop in raider. I really hope you decide to post a new journal. Im always looking forward to seeing the progress over at your spot. And now even more so with this new bad ass setup you got. Nice work!

Thanks drip, and yes the roots blow right through the smart pots. i have even heard of people transplanting smart pots into eachother kind of like coco pots. The roots have already come throught the smart pots and the rockwool has only been in there for about 5 days. Smart pots were designed to transplant trees to prune the roots before putting in the ground. I will have to take a picture of the roots next time. I will probably break down and post another journal, I am excited to see what the pk does with the co2.