Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...


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Active Member

damn so smell is gonna be that much of a bitch? i just ordered a bunch of seeds, 37 seeds of 15 different strains and i got 5 of these SLH(11 different strains free! attitude FTW). i ordered a new inline fan and carbon scrubber too. i bought it big enough to flip the room twice a minute. i hope that will fix my heat issues as well as the smell. ill probably go buy some auto air fresheners too like 8 of them xD

i bought
barneys farm - lsd, dr grinspoon
greenhouse seeds - super lemon haze
mandala seeds - ganesh (i cant wait to try as i have serious problems with depression and anxiety)

and got
dna genetics - rocklock, sharksbreath, 2x sour cream, sour kush
reserva privada - cole train
dinafem - super critical haze
serious seeds - chronic
paradise seeds - sensi star, wappa
magus genetics - warlock, motivation

havin them things through customs aint helpin my anxiety xD oh well. hopefully the new carbon scrubber will, as these blueberry arent even in flower yet and theyre stinkin up the place.

again, your grows are truly inspiring. they look like theyre cured right on the plant. i cant wait to see them things all golden honey omnomnom


Well-Known Member
wow 2 elbows is a big deal! niiiiiiice. id appreciate if you have a link or can tell me the brand of the ozone generator your thinking of. i was looking at this one as a budget one
Mate i nearly bought that, but dont be silly now :bigjoint:

I can show u one that puts out twice the amount of ozone per hour for half the price. U will need to open her up and bypass the built in timer and then put your own timer on the plug . Ur clearly uk because u shop at my favorite growshop but heres a link to my ozone generator and its much better for half the price : #

Works very very well iv had it a week and not smelt a thing and im flowering at the moment.


Well-Known Member
beautiful buds lacey, kudos to ya!

ha don, i was born and bred in a nice part of melbourne lol i definitely felt at home in the noth :p


Well-Known Member
Thank you Kmoo and everyone....:-) Wish I had as much luck with my aerocloner.... :-(....

The Top 44 that I put in the big tent, is really female, so when i chop the SLH down on Saturday, I am going to transplant it into a bigger pot and she can take her place in the mother tent, to grow and just basically survive till I am ready to take cuttings from her... :-) She grew the most vigorously so I am impressed with her, she's a good choice for a mother... She's been fimmed so she should start to fill out nicely....:-o

FOUR MORE DAYS TO GO TILL HARVEST FESTIVAL TIME!!!!!! :clap: :hump: :clap: Eightenough is going to come on over and help with proceedings so that will be good... I am just going to chop them down and hang them, I wont touch them for at least 6 days.... I have a bud that collapsed and was beyond helping so I cut it off and hung it last night... Will trim it up in 5 days time and then bring it from the shed to inside the house to dry.... Can't wait to taste this stuff... Shall do a detailed smoke report...

Been smoking the Laced Rhino for the last couple of days, and I have to say, the older it gets the better it is.:clap:.. I am not smoking very many cones at all during the day as I'm stoned for longer.... Can't wait till that mother gets big enough so I can grow that again too..:-P. Still have to get my Indica Dominant White Widow from my friend, I still have papaya seeds to germinate and I want to grow the top 44.... I'm going to be plenty busy over the next couple of months....:-)

No more pics until I harvest.... If you wish to see reference pics please refer to Eightenough's journal.... lol....


Well-Known Member
LOL... Yes this is quite the nice specimen... I've got a nice one hanging in my shed at the moment...:-) Should be ready to smoke in about 6 days time...:-) Can't wait really.....


Well-Known Member
laceygirl your my hero!!! that bud looks hot to touch!!!!
any new strands inmind that your wanting to start..may i suggest "brainstorm haze by delta 9 labs"
read a artical in High Times on it. its a long flowering sativa but its nickname is ampheda-weed, for it
uplifting entergetic type high..I want it but i dont think im experienced enuff yet to try a long flowering sativa.....yet...!
But i would love to see a journal on it.....just a idea....keep up the good work laceygirl!


sven deisel

Well-Known Member
ozone for the most part needs to be on a timer if you have a good 1. IT WILL KILL YOUR PLANTS. and is bad for people and animals it has a half life of 30 min i run mine at 15 /15min along with a tallboy carbon air scrubber the brand i use is uvonair i think its called ild have to look but its lights out right now. it runs ozone and uv light it works nice but if you start getting brown spots on ur plants run it less

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
congrats lacey! still cant believe were not going to see an epic laced rhino scrog grow, maybe you could drop a couple of pics sometime?!?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, thanks for the props :-) and thank you Sven for the tips on ozone generators.... I really have no choice about it anymore... My next couple of grows are going to be stanky.... It will be outside my tent and flow directly infront of the exhaust fan with carbon scrubber, it wont even reach my plants.It gets vented straight into the atmosphere.... I was thinking of only running it 15 mins on 15 mins off and only 15 mins every hour when the lights are off....

Never say never Don..:-). I'll post good looking pics of my grows, but I won't have a journal that I enter into nearly everyday... But yeah, I'll continue to grow just not journal as much, but I'll be on the site heaps...


Well-Known Member
Hi Lacey

I have been thinking of doing my own Journal for a while now but am "super paranoid" about the security.
How safe do you think it is having a journal?

I have been following your journal and Eight's for a long time...........Impresed to say the least.
I have a few grows under my belt and have been steping it up lately.
I am doing a SOG like Al B Fuct ( 2 Week perpetual harvest ).
Also tring afew different things like Aeroponics, Bubble cloning and what not.

Dont want to mess up your thread, just want to get some feedback on security before i make my own journal.

Appreciate any feedback.



Well-Known Member
Hi Indefinately :-)

What country are you in.... This is a US website so it should be pretty ok... Try a proxy server if you are really paranoid.... :-) Thanks for watching...:-)