Outdoor noob
New Member
I hear frequently to plant into the ground whenever planting outdoors, however I was wondering if planting some babies in 3 gallon pots ( 1 per pot ) and leaving the pots at remote locations would be wise?
For stealth purposes ( such as having to move plants incase of a heavy storm or other adverse weather ) seems logical but I fear of consquences in having them in pots that I may overlook? ( e.g quality being affected, stunted growth... etc)
Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated, and also how tall would one expect them to get in 3 gallon pots? ( White russian, Big Bud )
For stealth purposes ( such as having to move plants incase of a heavy storm or other adverse weather ) seems logical but I fear of consquences in having them in pots that I may overlook? ( e.g quality being affected, stunted growth... etc)
Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated, and also how tall would one expect them to get in 3 gallon pots? ( White russian, Big Bud )