Here is a video that shows the Isaelis attacked the passengers before they boarded


Well-Known Member
Let them fight like soldiers with all the American Apaches, M1 tanks, Bradley's etc..? I guess the Palestinians have all that stuff in their refugee camps right? So they can "fight like soldiers".

Bottom line is, Israel is an illegal occupation in the first place that has been expanded territorially by the Ashkenazi fake jews. If they are God's chosen people, why would they force people from their land violently right after they themselves had been persecuted during the holocaust. The Palestinians greeted the displaced jews from Europe with food and blankets. What did they get in return?


Anyone that supports anything like this is sick and twisted and has no god but Lucifer.
^^ 420 your a G lol.
but i dont think those few that you are arguing with will get your point as they have empty brains and have no knowledge about the subject what so ever. so just allow them its no use trying to persuade and present facts to that type.


Well-Known Member
I just listened to 1/4 of the reports on the palestinian refugee camps.

Funny, although the Israeli's are just randomly going in and kidnapping civilians and shooting, there are absolutely no freedom fighters in the area... Just women, children and civilians. No mention of any palestinian resistance is mentioned at all...

It is so one sided it is laughable.. This is just propaganda...


Active Member
I asked you a legitimate question which may have sounded insulting to you. Your anti-semitic views are insulting to a lot of people. Anytime anybody challenges your opinion you come out swinging. Just smoke one and chill bro.:eyesmoke:
Ya right Doc. You are very funny. You asked me a legitimate question? . ," You sound like a neo-nazi" is hardly a legitimate question.

Anti-semitic views.....TYpical bullshit Doc. Anyone who says Boo about the Israeli's is labeled anti-semitic. What is this like the 13th time I will say this. I am not against jews Or Israeli's as a whole. It is ZIONISTS I have a problem with. You people refuse to hear anything anyone says about the zionists because you instantly think ,"Anti-semitic" If speaking out against Zionists is anti-semitic then millions of Jews around the world are in fact anti-semitic.

Don't just take it from me :
Here are the views of some of these jews,
We implore and beseech our Jewish brethren to realize that the Zionists are not the saviors of the Jewish People and guarantors of their safety, but rather the instigators and original cause of Jewish suffering in the Holy Land and worldwide. The idea that Zionism and the State of “Israel” is the protector of Jews is probably the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Jewish People. Indeed, where else since 1945 have Jews been in such physical danger as in the Zionist state?!

"On Sunday, June 1, 2003 at 5th Ave. and 59th St. in Manhattan, NYC a group of anti-Zionist Jews demonstrated against Zionism and the Zionist State celebrated by marchers in the so-called Israel Day Parade."(Anti-Zionist orthodox Jews protest against Israel )As improbable as it may seem to the uninformed, a significant number of Jews in the United States, Great Britain, Israel and elsewhere oppose Zionism, Zionist oppression of the Palestinians and, in some instances, even the very existence of the State of Israel itself! We say hidden protest because this tangible opposition has been totally ignored by the news departments of the major television and radio networks, magazines and newspapers (in the last source, some papers, such as The New York Times, may make very brief mention of the protests, but even then they bury articles far from the front page).
Jews: Zionism is cause of instability in the world
"The Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews will proclaim their loyalty to pure Judaism and their opposition to Zionist heresy, which violates every principle of the Jewish religion. These people believe that the idolatrous Zionist ideology has nothing to do with Orthodox Jews, and that Jews are obligated by Judaism to live in peace and harmony with all other nations throughout the world, including Palestinian natives of course."

Neturei Karta Condemns Israeli Attack on Flotilla



Well-Known Member
Ya right Doc. You are very funny. You asked me a legitimate question? . ," You sound like a neo-nazi" is hardly a legitimate question.

Anti-semitic views.....TYpical bullshit Doc. Anyone who says Boo about the Israeli's is labeled anti-semitic. What is this like the 13th time I will say this. I am not against jews Or Israeli's as a whole. It is ZIONISTS I have a problem with. You people refuse to hear anything anyone says about the zionists because you instantly think ,"Anti-semitic" If speaking out against Zionists is anti-semitic then millions of Jews around the world are in fact anti-semitic.

Don't just take it from me :
Here are the views of some of these jews,
We implore and beseech our Jewish brethren to realize that the Zionists are not the saviors of the Jewish People and guarantors of their safety, but rather the instigators and original cause of Jewish suffering in the Holy Land and worldwide. The idea that Zionism and the State of “Israel” is the protector of Jews is probably the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the Jewish People. Indeed, where else since 1945 have Jews been in such physical danger as in the Zionist state?!

"On Sunday, June 1, 2003 at 5th Ave. and 59th St. in Manhattan, NYC a group of anti-Zionist Jews demonstrated against Zionism and the Zionist State celebrated by marchers in the so-called Israel Day Parade."(Anti-Zionist orthodox Jews protest against Israel )As improbable as it may seem to the uninformed, a significant number of Jews in the United States, Great Britain, Israel and elsewhere oppose Zionism, Zionist oppression of the Palestinians and, in some instances, even the very existence of the State of Israel itself! We say hidden protest because this tangible opposition has been totally ignored by the news departments of the major television and radio networks, magazines and newspapers (in the last source, some papers, such as The New York Times, may make very brief mention of the protests, but even then they bury articles far from the front page).
Jews: Zionism is cause of instability in the world
"The Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews will proclaim their loyalty to pure Judaism and their opposition to Zionist heresy, which violates every principle of the Jewish religion. These people believe that the idolatrous Zionist ideology has nothing to do with Orthodox Jews, and that Jews are obligated by Judaism to live in peace and harmony with all other nations throughout the world, including Palestinian natives of course."

Neturei Karta Condemns Israeli Attack on Flotilla

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One of the legitimate questions I asked was "What is the solution?". I haven't seen your answer. You are painting all Jews in a bad light because of the views of a few extremists. Israel has been attacked again, and again. It seems as though you think they should just roll over and take it. Suicide bombings, rockets launched indiscriminately, hostile neighbors...............this is the type of shit Israel has had to deal with since its birth. :-P

You put up some stuff about Jews being opposed to the Zionist movement and the state of Israel. Just about anything controversial will have its opponents. There is no doubt that the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is a terrible thing but the ball has been in the Palestinian's court and they choose killing over diplomacy. They are closer to having a state than they've ever been and for some reason Hamas will have nothing to do with any sort of deal. I've got news for you; Israel isn't going anywhere so the only real solution is for the Palestinians to work out a deal and live in peace with Israel. All of the surrounding Arab nations have been able to do this but not the people who will have the most to gain from it. Why is that? Oh yeah, because they want Israel DESTROYED!:fire:


Active Member
One of the legitimate questions I asked was "What is the solution?". I haven't seen your answer. You are painting all Jews in a bad light because of the views of a few extremists. Israel has been attacked again, and again. It seems as though you think they should just roll over and take it. Suicide bombings, rockets launched indiscriminately, hostile neighbors...............this is the type of shit Israel has had to deal with since its birth. :-P

You put up some stuff about Jews being opposed to the Zionist movement and the state of Israel. Just about anything controversial will have its opponents. There is no doubt that the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is a terrible thing but the ball has been in the Palestinian's court and they choose killing over diplomacy. They are closer to having a state than they've ever been and for some reason Hamas will have nothing to do with any sort of deal. I've got news for you; Israel isn't going anywhere so the only real solution is for the Palestinians to work out a deal and live in peace with Israel. All of the surrounding Arab nations have been able to do this but not the people who will have the most to gain from it. Why is that? Oh yeah, because they want Israel DESTROYED!:fire:
You pay zero attention to anything anyone says don't you. I have said OVer and Over and Over that this is not all jews. You choose to not pay attention and focus on your attempt to paint me as an Anti-semite.
Solution....THere is no real solution... THese people have been doing this for eons. If there was a solution it would have been reached long ago.
The radical jews hate the Muslims and the radical Muslims hate the jews, is there any solution to quell hate? I don't think so....
My stance is and always has been that we need to not finance or support Israel in their eons old war against the Muslims. That is what I have said Over and Over and Over again.


Active Member
it was a legit question. can you answer it without insulting me?
I care because we are supporting Israel with aid, arms and even fighting in the Middle east against thier enemies. I care because I do not want to see American boys killed and maimed for the Religious war that these 2 sides have been fighting for eons.
That is the point I have raised over and over again........


Well-Known Member
You pay zero attention to anything anyone says don't you. I have said OVer and Over and Over that this is not all jews. You choose to not pay attention and focus on your attempt to paint me as an Anti-semite.
Solution....THere is no real solution... THese people have been doing this for eons. If there was a solution it would have been reached long ago.
The radical jews hate the Muslims and the radical Muslims hate the jews, is there any solution to quell hate? I don't think so....
My stance is and always has been that we need to not finance or support Israel in their eons old war against the Muslims. That is what I have said Over and Over and Over again.
that's it? all this over funding? you simply wish the funding to stop?

i guess i get it now.



Well-Known Member
I care because we are supporting Israel with aid, arms and even fighting in the Middle east against thier enemies. I care because I do not want to see American boys killed and maimed for the Religious war that these 2 sides have been fighting for eons.
That is the point I have raised over and over again........
there is NO draft. tell your brothers and sisters to stop enlisting. :wink:
if american soldiers CHOOSE to die for this cause, it's on them.


Well-Known Member
You pay zero attention to anything anyone says don't you. I have said OVer and Over and Over that this is not all jews. You choose to not pay attention and focus on your attempt to paint me as an Anti-semite.
Solution....THere is no real solution... THese people have been doing this for eons. If there was a solution it would have been reached long ago.
The radical jews hate the Muslims and the radical Muslims hate the jews, is there any solution to quell hate? I don't think so....
My stance is and always has been that we need to not finance or support Israel in their eons old war against the Muslims. That is what I have said Over and Over and Over again.
There ya go. That wasn't so hard was it? Remember the Jews control everything, including the banks and the U.S. govt. I doubt that we are going to cut off aid to one of our closest allies. Won't happen. Relationships between governments are always born out of convenience. They have something we want. Even if it's simply a strategic location in the middle east. It's currently in our interest to be friends with Israel. When that's no longer the case I'm sure our support will be withdrawn post haste!:leaf:

BTW I do pay attention to the stuff you write I just don't agree with all of it. Sorry my friend, I have my opinions and they are subject to change but only in the face of real facts and overwhelming evidence. 2 things I've not seen from you yet. You don't have any special insight that I haven't seen or heard a thousand times. Ask yourself what you would do if you were constantly attacked by your neighbors. Israel has the right to protect itself, period! If you were more powerful than your neighbors and had more influence you would use the tools at your disposal. It's a matter of survival for the people of Israel and it seems unfair. That's because it is. Life isn't fair. Get over it.:-P


Well-Known Member
That would be a question for the moderator since he was the one who chose to inject that in to this discussion.
what does me being a mod have to do with anything? seems like another poor attempt at an insult.

you still haven't gotten the point? :roll:

fuck all these people. they have been fighting like school girls for 1000's of years. they need to grow the fuck up or prepare to DIE!!!!!!

seriously, this is holding up human progress. i show NO sympathy for either side.

though we can thank them for a badass military. we built all this new cool shit to kill them with. some of the best stuff for consumers was designed for the military.

post note:
any minute now the dead baby pics will pop up. :wink:


Active Member
Dude, you nailed that straw man! But that wasn't at all what I was saying.

My point was that it's odd that people are acting all outraged about israeli troops boarding a ship but someone refuse to acknowledge that hamas' goal is to murder jews and 'drive them into the sea'.
It wasn't a straw man, I responded exactly to what you said. You set Hamas as the standard for Israel.

You're the one making a straw man argument. Who has denied that Hamas wishes for Israel to be destroyed? How is that even relevant to this case at all? Like I said, you idiots are totally unable to discuss this topic itself. Your only response seems to be "Yeah, but look at Hamas".


Well-Known Member
Reuters Admits Cropping Photos of Ship Clash, Denies Political Motive

The British-based Reuters news agency has been stung for the second time by charges that it edited politically sensitive photos in a way that casts Israel in a bad light. But this time Reuters claims it wasn’t at fault.
The news agency reacted to questions raised by an American blogger who showed that Reuters' photo service edited out knives and blood traces from pictures taken aboard the activist ship Mavi Marmara during a clash with Israeli commandos last week. Nine people were killed and scores were injured in the clash.
The pictures of the fight were released by IHH, the Turkish-based group that sponsored the six-ship fleet that tried to break Israel's blockade of Gaza.
In one photo, an Israeli commando is shown lying on the deck of the ship, surrounded by activists. The uncut photo released by IHH shows the hand of an unidentified activist holding a knife. But in the Reuters photo, the hand is visible but the knife has been edited out.
The blog “Little Green Footballs” challenged Reuters' editing of the photo.

“That’s a very interesting way to crop the photo. Most people would consider that knife an important part of the context. There was a huge controversy over whether the activists were armed. Cropping out a knife, in a picture showing a soldier who’s apparently been stabbed, seems like a very odd editorial decision. Unless someone was trying to hide it,” the blog stated.
In a second photo the unedited print issued by IHH showed blood along the ship's railing and a hand holding a knife as an Israeli soldier lies on the deck. Both the blood and the knife were missing in the photo that Reuters released.
Reuters on Tuesday denied it intended to alter the political meanings of the photographs.
“The images in question were made available in Istanbul, and following normal editorial practice were prepared for dissemination which included cropping at the edges," the news agency said in a statement. "When we realized that a dagger was inadvertently cropped from the images, Reuters immediately moved the original set as well."
Reuters has yet to respond to charges about the second photo.
This is the second time Reuters has been accused of manipulating photos. In 2006 a Reuters photographer, Adnan Hajj, doctored several photos of the destruction caused by Israel's bombing of Beirut. In one he added smoke to a panoramic picture of South Beirut to make the damage look more severe than it was. In a second photo, he showed a woman whose home had supposedly been destroyed in the same raid, but an investigation revealed that the woman's house had been destroyed prior to the Israeli strike.
Reuters later removed all of Hajj's more than 900 photos from distribution and severed its relationship with him. A photo editor also was fired.
What happened on the Mavi Marmara and who was responsible for the killing and bloodshed on the ship is still a matter of debate. Activists charge that Israeli commandos fired first and provoked the skirmish. Israeli commandos say they were compelled to use deadly force after they were attacked by people on board the ship.


Well-Known Member
Reuters Admits Cropping Photos of Ship Clash, Denies Political Motive

The British-based Reuters news agency has been stung for the second time by charges that it edited politically sensitive photos in a way that casts Israel in a bad light. But this time Reuters claims it wasn’t at fault.
The news agency reacted to questions raised by an American blogger who showed that Reuters' photo service edited out knives and blood traces from pictures taken aboard the activist ship Mavi Marmara during a clash with Israeli commandos last week. Nine people were killed and scores were injured in the clash.
The pictures of the fight were released by IHH, the Turkish-based group that sponsored the six-ship fleet that tried to break Israel's blockade of Gaza.
In one photo, an Israeli commando is shown lying on the deck of the ship, surrounded by activists. The uncut photo released by IHH shows the hand of an unidentified activist holding a knife. But in the Reuters photo, the hand is visible but the knife has been edited out.
The blog “Little Green Footballs” challenged Reuters' editing of the photo.

“That’s a very interesting way to crop the photo. Most people would consider that knife an important part of the context. There was a huge controversy over whether the activists were armed. Cropping out a knife, in a picture showing a soldier who’s apparently been stabbed, seems like a very odd editorial decision. Unless someone was trying to hide it,” the blog stated.
In a second photo the unedited print issued by IHH showed blood along the ship's railing and a hand holding a knife as an Israeli soldier lies on the deck. Both the blood and the knife were missing in the photo that Reuters released.
Reuters on Tuesday denied it intended to alter the political meanings of the photographs.
“The images in question were made available in Istanbul, and following normal editorial practice were prepared for dissemination which included cropping at the edges," the news agency said in a statement. "When we realized that a dagger was inadvertently cropped from the images, Reuters immediately moved the original set as well."
Reuters has yet to respond to charges about the second photo.
This is the second time Reuters has been accused of manipulating photos. In 2006 a Reuters photographer, Adnan Hajj, doctored several photos of the destruction caused by Israel's bombing of Beirut. In one he added smoke to a panoramic picture of South Beirut to make the damage look more severe than it was. In a second photo, he showed a woman whose home had supposedly been destroyed in the same raid, but an investigation revealed that the woman's house had been destroyed prior to the Israeli strike.
Reuters later removed all of Hajj's more than 900 photos from distribution and severed its relationship with him. A photo editor also was fired.
What happened on the Mavi Marmara and who was responsible for the killing and bloodshed on the ship is still a matter of debate. Activists charge that Israeli commandos fired first and provoked the skirmish. Israeli commandos say they were compelled to use deadly force after they were attacked by people on board the ship.
That is very interesting. Why would Reuters do that? I mean, they are a news organization and they are supposed to report the truth, right? I would have to agree that editing a knife out is pretty fucking low. It was extremely relevant to the story and Reuters knew it. They also knew that if they took a bit of "creative license" with the story that it would make Israel look like the monsters they are portrayed as. I wonder what all the Israel haters have to say about this interesting little tidbit. bongsmilie