USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

Wow, this post is full of bull shit.

1. a pack of cigs in mexico cost around 45 pesos ( $4.50)
2. Their currency is worth shit.
3. 10g's will not make you live like a king, you can get best

Their not here because their currency isnt worth shit, there here because they arnt ANY jobs. Mexico thrives off tourism, and thats about it. Everywhere thats not by the coast their is a lack of jobs. You think its hard living in the United States with this economy being down? Try living there where the economy is NEVER up. Youd prolly jump a few fences just so you can get a better job your self.
Unless you've ever been to these parts of Mexico you'd have NO idea what they go through on a day to day basis. Try traveling down there, you wont have the same attitude

So where's our country to jump to when they destroy ours?
You really keep yourself sheltered in every way, don't you?

Pitiful that I will play into this yet again, but here it goes.

My son's father USED to make over 30 an hour. As the Mexicans poured in this state over the last ten years, that rate turned to 15, then 12, and eventually 9 or 8 an hour.......up to NO JOB AT ALL. You know what that meant for me Mr. Buck? NO CHILD SUPPORT AT ALL.....FOR YEARS!!!! Even the possiblitly of working fast food or a local Walmart are but a thing of the past..........they are reserved for our new immigrants, but you naturally hadn't noticed that.:roll:

As with every other post, you will say this is the fault of whom???

When I stated that my identity had been stolen (just so happened to be an illegal mexican)----you said I should be angry at "what?"

When I stated that my sister had been killed (forgot to mention raped as well) by an illegal---you stated I should be angry at "whom?"

And now that my child goes without in all too many know....LUXURIES, like shoes that FIT.....the list is endless----you will tell me what?

That I am not even consider the source ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

Now, I've been nice thus far, but I'm in no mood for you to come back with another redundant and callous comment regarding how it's affected just me and mine alone, let alone millions of other Americans (that you don't even notice as having affected even the FIRST one)---I won't be shy in putting you in your place.

These "few" headaches alone are PURELY due to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

And you don't look at the scope of what is to come should we continue this path. If
America was to just conveniently provide amnesty for the multi millions already here, how do you suppose that will affect the MULTI millions MORE who ALSO wish to have THEIR entitlements?


A lot of introspection on your part is called for before posting to me again. This is a domino affect that America couldn't afford long before it even began.

Forget about what countries are relying on us going down for our politically correct stances.

wow, just wow.

you are SUCH a victim.:roll:

your income is child support? are you saying that you have no way to better your own life? take cc classes and get a r.n. degree like my mom did, or get a real estate license like my best friend's mom. don't bs me and try to tell me that you can't get a job at walmart or mcdonalds or some other service or retail industry while your son is at school. you are playing a victim. single moms CAN do better than to have the official job title of mailbox checker.

your son's father can't work either? i call bs again. my father is a carpenter in phoenix. by your victimized line of thought, there is no way the man coud work with so many illegals all around, but he does. and makes a comfortable living.

your identity was stolen by a thief. thieves come from every race, culture, nationality.

your sister was killed by a heartless murderer. muderers come in all colors.

neither of these crimes are the sole domain of the illegals.

your shitty lot in life is not PURELY the fault of the illegals, YOU are to blame as well. i guess it must make you feel better when you can blame it all on a group of illegals who for the most part are actually going out there and making a better life for their families. everyone needs a scapegoat, sounds like you have found yours.

to quote one of my favorite lines: THE BUMS WILL ALWAYS LOSE!
wow, just wow.

you are SUCH a victim.:roll:

your income is child support? are you saying that you have no way to better your own life? take cc classes and get a r.n. degree like my mom did, or get a real estate license like my best friend's mom. don't bs me and try to tell me that you can't get a job at walmart or mcdonalds or some other service or retail industry while your son is at school. you are playing a victim. single moms CAN do better than to have the official job title of mailbox checker.

your son's father can't work either? i call bs again. my father is a carpenter in phoenix. by your victimized line of thought, there is no way the man coud work with so many illegals all around, but he does. and makes a comfortable living.

your identity was stolen by a thief. thieves come from every race, culture, nationality.

your sister was killed by a heartless murderer. muderers come in all colors.

neither of these crimes are the sole domain of the illegals.

your shitty lot in life is not PURELY the fault of the illegals, YOU are to blame as well. i guess it must make you feel better when you can blame it all on a group of illegals who for the most part are actually going out there and making a better life for their families. everyone needs a scapegoat, sounds like you have found yours.

to quote one of my favorite lines: THE BUMS WILL ALWAYS LOSE!

That's it, I warned you............YOU ARE A &%#$...and a self-righteous judgemental moron at that.

Who the hell are you to tell me what I am capable of doing? At one time, I was capable of doing a lot more than working at a convenience store or McDonalds.

You know EVERYTHING "buck", don't you? Do you know the REST of MY PERSONAL SITUATION as well?

Shut your mouth before you go digging a deeper grave..........and take in those illegals to your home and put your money where your mouth is.

My son's father now has less than a year to live.........fighting to compete (for less than a third of the money, at that) with the illegal mexicans somehow isn't in the picture.



Don't say ONE DAMN WORD about my education. My education is not the problem. Keep it up Buck....I'll just make you look EVEN more foolish for your continual kiddy analogies.

As of now, I'm going with scream FILTHY, mexican or not.

Don't YOU bs ME...........f'ing BUM.
Great Babs. Can't you talk to someone without getting so damn personal. I guarantee FDD is going to come in here and close this thread because of the bullshit post you just made, so way to go, again...

Someone needs a hug and a bowl.
Great Babs. Can't you talk to someone without getting so damn personal. I guarantee FDD is going to come in here and close this thread because of the bullshit post you just made, so way to go, again...

Someone needs a hug and a bowl.

That's rich lil P.....seems you might want to pose that to the jerk who makes a mockery of how illegal aliens HAVE made victims of not only me, but millions of others too.

The bullshit posts come from "mr. buck" who has belittled it for the last time.
....oh, and lil p-----pssst.......past time you and all Americans "take it personally." It affects us all.
you have convinced me that you want nothing more than to be the victim here, and i can not post without provoking you. so i will not post here in favor of the public good. bongsmilie
you have convinced me that you want nothing more than to be the victim here, and i can not post without provoking you. so i will not post here in favor of the public good. bongsmilie

In "favor of the public good" should have never posted.

Lay off the pipe and get a reality check.....this isn't wonderland Alice.
That's rich lil P.....seems you might want to pose that to the jerk who makes a mockery of how illegal aliens HAVE made victims of not only me, but millions of others too.

The bullshit posts come from "mr. buck" who has belittled it for the last time.

It also wouldn't surprise me in the least if "mr. buck" is really just your alias. As "padawan" you have supported every last statement of ol buck.
I can assure you, in all honesty, Buck is not an alias, he's just the only other one speakin' some sense in this conversation. Curious I know why I'd side with him...

Here's some more pseudo rep Mr. Buck :), keep up the good work!
I can assure you, in all honesty, Buck is not an alias, he's just the only other one speakin' some sense in this conversation. Curious I know why I'd side with him...

Here's some more pseudo rep Mr. Buck :), keep up the good work!

Here's the "sense" you speak of and no one is a victim to it either, are they?

INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants

2006 (First Quarter) INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants


95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.

86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.

75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

29% (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons fill our state and federal prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually

53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.

50% plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens from south of the border.

71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or “transport coyotes".

47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens.

63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens

66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% 98% are illegal aliens.

BIRTH STATISTICS 380,000 plus “anchor babies” were born in the U.S. in 2005 to illegal alien parents, making 380,000 babies automatically U.S.citizens.

97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the American taxpayers.

66% plus of all births in California are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers

Arizona vs. Mexico: Crime and Illegal Aliens:*

So, back to Mexico:
if those statistics are even close, it has gone WAY to far-

statistically it would seem as though this is an epidemic
i want to voice my opinion but i dont even know where to start with all the bull shit i just read through.

i'll just say this...
if timmy wanted to work at mcdonalds, he would be working at mcdonalds.
i like to travel, in my travels when people ask where i am from, i say america, they frown.
ive learned that people like it better when you say california.
ive even said mexico, because technically, thats where i'm from.
my point is, if you want to know why people frown when i tell them america...
you can find some good examples by reading through this thread.
that is all.
....oh, and lil p-----pssst.......past time you and all Americans "take it personally." It affects us all.

Well spoken once more. Babs, your my new best friend. Its sad that one of the largest superpowers in the world is going to die from the inside out.
i want to voice my opinion but i dont even know where to start with all the bull shit i just read through.

i'll just say this...
if timmy wanted to work at mcdonalds, he would be working at mcdonalds.
i like to travel, in my travels when people ask where i am from, i say america, they frown.
ive learned that people like it better when you say california.
ive even said mexico, because technically, thats where i'm from.
my point is, if you want to know why people frown when i tell them america...
you can find some good examples by reading through this thread.
that is all.

there's an amazing amount of hate on this thread (and indeed these boards in general).
i suppose angry young men 'need' to be angry young men... but that doesn't make it any less uncivil, distasteful, and plain silly if it weren't so ugly.
'trouble is that it seems not too many folks these days seem to mature out of it...
or perhaps it's just that give any idiot a microphone and they'll just rant at the mouth, happily dumping their internal garbage into the public sphere?

so we should lower our standards in order to compete with illegals?

and there are some here who just don't get it. :roll:
Well spoken once more. Babs, your my new best friend. Its sad that one of the largest superpowers in the world is going to die from the inside out.

HAHAHAHAHA! it is so sad yet it is what has happened to every great power. it will happen to the US, I HOPE not while i'm alive. It's only sad to you because you've been lucky enough to suck it's teat.