Hillary Clinton


New Member
Democracy ain't shit without freedom. What good is the right to vote when you are enabled by this intrusive and highly controlling government? You will never vote for the guy that takes away your health care. Talk about bankrupt, Hillary said "it doesn't matter where you work how much you make or if you work, you will be covered under my plan." That doesn't make economic sense. the only answer the Dems have is raise taxes and short of that, they fall into a deficit that we can't crawl out of. Nor would we ever want to. Hill's Pills are addictive. Once you have a handout...you can't send it back. To be enabled is to be DISABLED. I know from experience growing up...so don't call ME a neo-con. I like Ron Paul.
Let me ask you a question. Does it make economic sense to send 160,000 Americans 9,000 miles away to fight in a war for the rich, to run up a 9 trillion dollar debt fighting imperialistic wars, being the worlds policemen, when we could be solving some of our problems here at home. No matter who runs it, the medical profession is still operated by doctors. My proposal would take the profit mongers out and allow medicine to be the primary factor. Your paranoia about the Govt. having you medical info is bunk. If they want it they can get it any time with your approval of the "Patriot" act.. You neo-cons have only one interest, money, and anyone that might want to take some of it and help humanity is a pinko commie. Grow up! There are other people on this earth beside you, and some of them need help. Where is you heart, me thinks it resides in your wallet.


Well-Known Member
One of your less memorable posts, Kush.

You can't mess with whats ama what? You sound like a kid trying to make sense of the world. Well I guess thats what we all are doing anyways lol.

At any rate I don't judge people based on their party. I suppose GW is worse than Klintinov. I don't know. It's setting the bar really low though, thats for sure.

The point is... nobody is going to admit anything. It's just that I disagree with Clinton policies. It has nothing to do with party lines. I will be the first to say that GW is NOT a real Republican, he's more of a liberal that is easy on taxes and claims to be religious.
LoL. I was about to get pissed but then I reread my post, and your right! I don't know what the fuck I was sayin there LoL. I guess I was trying to comment on the fact that if Hillary wins we'll have had a Bush or Clinton for the last 28 years. Closest thing you can get to a dictatorship in a democracy.


Well-Known Member
Let me ask you a question. Does it make economic sense to send 160,000 Americans 9,000 miles away to fight in a war for the rich, to run up a 9 trillion dollar debt fighting imperialistic wars, being the worlds policemen, when we could be solving some of our problems here at home. No matter who runs it, the medical profession is still operated by doctors. My proposal would take the profit mongers out and allow medicine to be the primary factor. Your paranoia about the Govt. having you medical info is bunk. If they want it they can get it any time with your approval of the "Patriot" act.. You neo-cons have only one interest, money, and anyone that might want to take some of it and help humanity is a pinko commie. Grow up! There are other people on this earth beside you, and some of them need help. Where is you heart, me thinks it resides in your wallet.
OMG Marx...I grew up on food stamps in homeless shelters and Section 8. I grew up with welfare health insurance and all that worthless shit. I cant tell you how worthless it all is. It's ruined my life and I am just in the last couple of years waking up to smell the coffee. I am not a neo con and I didnt vote for the war. I didn;t endorse the patriot act and routinely critisize it. Bush is a liberal and Hillary is WAY worse. If you cant see that, well then welcome to the land of "your identification card, please." when the government conrols your health care they control your body, plain and simple. You obviously have never seen socialized medicine, have you Marx? you and I need to take a trip to south central los angeles and you can see this shit before your very eyes.


Well-Known Member
LoL. I was about to get pissed but then I reread my post, and your right! I don't know what the fuck I was sayin there LoL. I guess I was trying to comment on the fact that if Hillary wins we'll have had a Bush or Clinton for the last 28 years. Closest thing you can get to a dictatorship in a democracy.
Yea the term is hereditary rule.


New Member
OMG Marx...I grew up on food stamps in homeless shelters and Section 8. I grew up with welfare health insurance and all that worthless shit. I cant tell you how worthless it all is. It's ruined my life and I am just in the last couple of years waking up to smell the coffee. I am not a neo con and I didnt vote for the war. I didn;t endorse the patriot act and routinely critisize it. Bush is a liberal and Hillary is WAY worse. If you cant see that, well then welcome to the land of "your identification card, please." when the government conrols your health care they control your body, plain and simple. You obviously have never seen socialized medicine, have you Marx? you and I need to take a trip to south central los angeles and you can see this shit before your very eyes.
Hey TLO, sorry for your upbringing, doesn't sound pleasant. I was brought up before all the welfare shit so I know what it is like to be poor and sick without a doctor in site. As one comedian put it, more tussin. I then left home @ 16 and started my path through paradise. Many pitfalls later I ended up with a small pension and the vaunted Social Security pension. I am a Vet and have been using their medical for 20+ years, that is about as socialized as you can get. I don't know about the other cities and their VA health care, but in Vegas it runs like a swiss watch. I also have an HMO that is almost worthless, but I use it for emergency treatments etc. When I have a VA appt, I'm in and out in 20 minutes. At my HMO it ranges from 45 minutes minimum to over three hours if they are busy. This paranoia about socialized medicine is crazy. What you had was welfare medicine and I'm sure that sucked. If they took out all the greed mongers in the medical field, I'm pretty sure we could field a pretty good medical system for less than we pay for this one and cover everyone. It's taking out the greed mongers that is the bottleneck in the plan. When you introduce profit into medicine, you automatically open the gates for less care to increase the bottom line. I agree that doctors should be paid well, but capitalists that make their living off of other peoples illnesses just doesn't sound right now, does it?


Well-Known Member
Hey TLO, sorry for your upbringing, doesn't sound pleasant. I was brought up before all the welfare shit so I know what it is like to be poor and sick without a doctor in site. As one comedian put it, more tussin. I then left home @ 16 and started my path through paradise. Many pitfalls later I ended up with a small pension and the vaunted Social Security pension. I am a Vet and have been using their medical for 20+ years, that is about as socialized as you can get. I don't know about the other cities and their VA health care, but in Vegas it runs like a swiss watch. I also have an HMO that is almost worthless, but I use it for emergency treatments etc. When I have a VA appt, I'm in and out in 20 minutes. At my HMO it ranges from 45 minutes minimum to over three hours if they are busy. This paranoia about socialized medicine is crazy. What you had was welfare medicine and I'm sure that sucked. If they took out all the greed mongers in the medical field, I'm pretty sure we could field a pretty good medical system for less than we pay for this one and cover everyone. It's taking out the greed mongers that is the bottleneck in the plan. When you introduce profit into medicine, you automatically open the gates for less care to increase the bottom line. I agree that doctors should be paid well, but capitalists that make their living off of other peoples illnesses just doesn't sound right now, does it?

Yea I guess the one point you may have with government playing nanny is when one's parents fail to do the job right. Still, I think it's the natural course of things. Few people do everything right as parents, and money is just one problem. I guess where we differ is when I say that a nanny government can't solve these natural "genetic" or "hereditary" problems,if you will. I'm hearing that you think the government does have to the power to make people make the right choices...or at least subsidize them if they do.

Vets should get health care no matter what. You DID something. You protected this free state. You deserve more than just a uniform. Not everyone should be given health care, housing, food, ect. It is not a RIGHT to health care, it's an earned privilege. I think the reason why your health care is so good is because you don't have hoodlums going to the emergency room for paper cuts. The law protects them. I'm not even joking...paper cuts, runny noses, ect. The fact that these people are enabled by the current welfare state means they can out wait anyone who works and has a serious problem. Now picture that problem nation wide. I once tore my ACL in my knee. Needed an MRI. I had to send letters back and forth to a beurocrat for months before they told me that if my pain was at least an 8 on a 10 scale, they could not approve it. Well...after a few years the thing healed on it's own, of course...saving the government $800 for an MRI and pain meds. I lost several months of physical activity and gained weight, got depressed and forgot about athletics entirely. They then suggested antidepressants and, as you may know, you don't go off those. So what if I lost my health care on those meds? Well, I couldn't. So if the government said " we want you to do such and such." Guess what? I can't say no. Including owning a handgun, btw. They check if you have a history of depression, in which the beurocratic battle-MRI style- begins all over again.

So I suggest you consider where I come from. Not the wallet side, no, but the socialist side. I can't tell you all the pains the government has stabbed me with since I was born.


New Member
Well, you certainly got the bum treatment allright. Thats because there is so much more money to be made in the private sector that the govt. medical only attract the dregs of the medical field. By implementing universal healthcare and flushing HMOs and for profit hospitals and Insurance co.s, the money saved could go towards paying doctors a generous wage and providing care for all "CITIZENS", which could then focus the attention back on the medical side instead of the profit side. When some executive with an HMO can sit in an office and get paid big bucks to deny medical care recommended by your dr. to make the bottom line swell, you have a system that is not working. How many lawsuits does it take to stop this practice? I guess not enough as the latest one I heard was a 16 year old girl that died after being refused a kidney transplant for 2 weeks and then when public opinion finally got so huge they said OK, but alas it was too late and she died. There you have the state of our current HMO system, fucked.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Let me dry and cure this for you...here are some excerpts of what i said verbatim:

she even contradicts herself when she speaks more than 4 sentences.

She laughs off every serious question posed to her.

Lastly, name one thing she has done. ONE THING.

Them Iranians aren't exactly afraid of another Clinton.***

***That last one is laced is bias...the others are completely objective.

This is all speculation.. How about some facts.. this means nothing to me...

If I took a shit in a toilet right now and told you that the light brown color of my shit shows that I am dehydrated..This would hold more substance than any of your points.. this is based on research of FECAL coloring

everything you are saying may be true.. BUT as of now.. it is NOTHING but words.. how about JUST one fact?????.. one example..



Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor


Well-Known Member
what.... did you watch these videos?

this means nothing to me?

Can you explain to me what happened? They took money from this guy and then denied it? Who gives a fook?

What did I miss?

Why is all the footage from FOX news?

ANYTHING from FOX is worthless.... sorry...


Many news reports confirm that Bubba got technical information about high level weapons systems declassified. Then, a week later, Butch gave this information to Communist Chinese officials in exchange for campaign contributions. Janet Reno, a newspaper reporter, acting as Attorney General, claimed there was insufficent evidence to proceed with charges.

To me, this looks treason, bribery, conspiracy, and campaign finance violation. Somehow, if I did these things, I would never see daylight again. But, Bubba and Butch cleared all the hurdles.

Whilst we are discussing culpability, (I love using that Brit word "whilst"), Dubya-the-Dumb, has not moved the Justice Department or the Department of Defense to act. Which I believe further confirms the charge of conspiracy. W prays that Hillary wins.

Oh, enquirering minds want to know. What weapons systems you ask?
1. high accuracy targeting devices and software for the navigational satalite system
2. the ceramic formula for the Space Shuttle skin
3. the primary guidance equipment plans for cruise missles

There was more items of course, as well.


Well-Known Member
Well, you certainly got the bum treatment allright. Thats because there is so much more money to be made in the private sector that the govt. medical only attract the dregs of the medical field. By implementing universal healthcare and flushing HMOs and for profit hospitals and Insurance co.s, the money saved could go towards paying doctors a generous wage and providing care for all "CITIZENS", which could then focus the attention back on the medical side instead of the profit side. When some executive with an HMO can sit in an office and get paid big bucks to deny medical care recommended by your dr. to make the bottom line swell, you have a system that is not working. How many lawsuits does it take to stop this practice? I guess not enough as the latest one I heard was a 16 year old girl that died after being refused a kidney transplant for 2 weeks and then when public opinion finally got so huge they said OK, but alas it was too late and she died. There you have the state of our current HMO system, fucked.

Yea, but you know the government has a spending limit just as the HMO s do. The HMO s charge more to those with insurance to pad the risk/loss. The government raises taxes. Either way its a dog eat dog world and mandating that everyone be in the same pool means that everyone will be pissing in each others water when the urge arises. Hillary's plan is so vastly different from her universal plan that its silly to vote for her if socialized medicine is what you want. Even Edwards and Obama and even that nobody called Biden get their stuff done, but Clinton has yet to have a victory on Capitol Hill.


Well-Known Member
This is all speculation.. How about some facts.. this means nothing to me...

If I took a shit in a toilet right now and told you that the light brown color of my shit shows that I am dehydrated..This would hold more substance than any of your points.. this is based on research of FECAL coloring

everything you are saying may be true.. BUT as of now.. it is NOTHING but words.. how about JUST one fact?????.. one example..


Alright, I'm calling your bluff. Your playing devil's advocate. The fact that you, after a few days of debate (and AFTER deciding to vote for her), cannot show one thing she has ever done as a Senator shows that you are not voting for her. No one should vote cuz they like the way someone talks. I know your just doing this thread because you want to see how many facts people can name. Then you will say "its nothing but words." Like hey...check out the link that shows her condicting herself on immigration reform. How about the fact that you can't pin her down to a real answer on many topics OTHER than immmigration. If you relaly thought it was just words, you could at least have the decency to DISPROVE it.

Anyways, like I said. Your putting on a show. I will check this thread a few more times and if I don't hear anything real from you (that means not comparing the color of your shit to Hillary's incompotence as a Senator) I am going to stop contributing, and I would hope everyone else would as well.


Well-Known Member
i only posted this not say i hate hillary or that shes a scandalis bitch, im only posting because i happend to see somthing that maybe some others would like to see, the information you take should never be one sided, always over look the possible and the impossible.
and listen the the cure cause they are amazing to me

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Alright, I'm calling your bluff. Your playing devil's advocate. The fact that you, after a few days of debate (and AFTER deciding to vote for her), cannot show one thing she has ever done as a Senator shows that you are not voting for her. No one should vote cuz they like the way someone talks. I know your just doing this thread because you want to see how many facts people can name. Then you will say "its nothing but words." Like hey...check out the link that shows her condicting herself on immigration reform. How about the fact that you can't pin her down to a real answer on many topics OTHER than immmigration. If you relaly thought it was just words, you could at least have the decency to DISPROVE it.

Anyways, like I said. Your putting on a show. I will check this thread a few more times and if I don't hear anything real from you (that means not comparing the color of your shit to Hillary's incompotence as a Senator) I am going to stop contributing, and I would hope everyone else would as well.


What do I need to disprove?

I was not comparing my shit color to Hilary... I was giving you an example of "DATA" ..... with conclusions being drawn from data.

THE SHIT WAS LIGHT (this is a fact)
THE LIGHT SHIT REVEALS DEHYDRATION (this is conclusion from data)

Your posts only give the conclusions.. I just want some simple data.. I will draw my own conclusions.

Does that make sense to you?

I have nothing to prove or disprove. I am pretty darn ignorant on all the candidates.. that is why I need some facts about Hilary...

The fact that she is BUTCH or a DYKE or some guy is pissed cause they would not accept his money after they REALLY accepted it.. means nothing to me...

I want to know some facts that are relevant to her being president.

For example. Her husband use to be the president of the USA and she has clear experience in the White House.

This seems like relevant material to me.

Another example - She voted for the war (sending young boys to fight to the death) and her current plan for troop removal lacks any dates or time line.

Just like my shits color revealed something.. so do these bits of info...

I am not asking for your pro wrestling perspective on Hilary... I want the facts...


I appreciate your efforts to help pull me out of ignorance

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Many news reports confirm that Bubba got technical information about high level weapons systems declassified. Then, a week later, Butch gave this information to Communist Chinese officials in exchange for campaign contributions. Janet Reno, a newspaper reporter, acting as Attorney General, claimed there was insufficent evidence to proceed with charges.

To me, this looks treason, bribery, conspiracy, and campaign finance violation. Somehow, if I did these things, I would never see daylight again. But, Bubba and Butch cleared all the hurdles.

Whilst we are discussing culpability, (I love using that Brit word "whilst"), Dubya-the-Dumb, has not moved the Justice Department or the Department of Defense to act. Which I believe further confirms the charge of conspiracy. W prays that Hillary wins.

Oh, enquirering minds want to know. What weapons systems you ask?
1. high accuracy targeting devices and software for the navigational satalite system
2. the ceramic formula for the Space Shuttle skin
3. the primary guidance equipment plans for cruise missles

There was more items of course, as well.

pretty good.. towards the end it started to smell like paranoid conspiracy...

BUT I appreciate the story and I will keep the radar open for further substance to corroborate this story.


and I liked reading your prose...