"The Doggies Nuts" seeds on Attitude

search thtrough the threads but some one on here ordered them a good while back and was way dissappointed i recall them saying that over half didnt germinate and a couple were runty. but i know he didnt pay 800 but i also recall him saying that he did pay a hundred or two and biching about how they were a rip
search thtrough the threads but some one on here ordered them a good while back and was way dissappointed i recall them saying that over half didnt germinate and a couple were runty. but i know he didnt pay 800 but i also recall him saying that he did pay a hundred or two and biching about how they were a rip

Yeah i'm not wasting my money there.
They can lick the doggie nutz
would any of you guys pay the asking price for NYC desel? Or jack herer? On attitude, both of those are upwards of $180... I'm going to be buying a 10 pack of eachh very soon.
Have any of you actually tried any strains from Doggies ? No i doubt you have. He is overpriced i give you that but until you actually try his strains you cant say anything.

I know Jeff direct and hes a top lad, Probs done more to help the cause of MJ than any of you have ever done. Give the guy some slack. Until you try his strains dont pass judgement.
I know he dosnt need the money so i doubt hes trying to scam you in anyway what so ever.
search thtrough the threads but some one on here ordered them a good while back and was way dissappointed i recall them saying that over half didnt germinate and a couple were runty. but i know he didnt pay 800 but i also recall him saying that he did pay a hundred or two and biching about how they were a rip
Yes he scams you thats why you can go meet him in person and discuss any probz you have about strains etc. You clearly know nothing about his seed bank.
I know for a fact that Jeff is very wealthy i also know he makes alot thru that seed bank off reliable customers yet hes such a scammer ?
No diffrence than BC Seeds and some of their stupid prices.

If you have the money to burn and like to brag that your seeds cost big bucks then go for it.
Even if ya did buy them, they would prob all crush in your fingers due to sitting on the shelf for soo long cuz no one else wanted to buy them...
Even if ya did buy them, they would prob all crush in your fingers due to sitting on the shelf for soo long cuz no one else wanted to buy them...
Do seeds sit on shelfs then ? I dont think they do. If stored properly they can be kept for quite a long time. This just proves my point that you have no clue at all.
No diffrence than BC Seeds and some of their stupid prices.

If you have the money to burn and like to brag that your seeds cost big bucks then go for it.
I never actually said his strains are worth the money, I personally havnt tried them, But i do know he makes alot of money thru that seed bank. If they were shit like your trying to say he wouldnt make anywhere near what he makes. My point was you havnt tried them so you cant say there good/bad. half the people on here wouldnt even know a good strain if it smacked them in the mouth.
Jeffery Winterbourne is he name google it, Like i said hes done more for MJ than any of you on here, From growin for the government (For science reasons) to building/manufacturing his own hydro set up.
The Doggies Nuts seeds grow just as good if you were to plant your dogs $800 nuts in the ground! Hope this helps. Damn thats an exspensive dog! LOL. Dont know why anyone would ever pay that much when you can get the same strains for under a $100. Its the dumbest seed bank in the world....
I bet he makes all that money from newbs that dont really know what thier getting into untill they've got a few grows under thier belt.
I bet he makes all that money from newbs that dont really know what thier getting into untill they've got a few grows under thier belt.

Yes that must be it. How stupid was i to think any different. Newbs tend to spend hundreds on there 1st seeds ? Look around the forums newbs use "bag seed" .
The Doggies Nuts seeds grow just as good if you were to plant your dogs $800 nuts in the ground! Hope this helps. Damn thats an exspensive dog! LOL. Dont know why anyone would ever pay that much when you can get the same strains for under a $100. Its the dumbest seed bank in the world....

So because you can buy seeds that are under a name that 100% guarentees you have brought the strain you thought you was buying ? Many seed banks claim to have original genetics dosnt meant they actually do.