I've only been growing for a few months but I probably have made more mistakes than FDD and he's been growing for 20 years. If there is a way to fk it up, I've done it - but I've learned from it (thru tears). This past summer I tried growing some bagseed. I germinated about 9 seeds, planted them and 2 survived into viable plants. It was outdoor on the edge of a farmers field. 7 of them got eaten up by insects and the remaining two were beautiful and healthy, about a foot tall or more. I was only able to get by about once a week and it was hottern hell. I had bought some "Worm Poop" 5/1/1 ferts and decided I should mix a little with the water. It had a screw-in fitting where you plug your waterhose in and it mixes the nutes automatically. I had no way to determine how much I'd need to mix in my gallon so I just winged it. I even went on their website but there was no information there, only bragging about how "green" they were for putting their product into used soft drink containers. I went by to check on them a couple of days later and they looked like I had put them in an oven; dead as a hammer. I probably put 100x the right amount of nutes that I should. I also didn't know one thing about pHing. Everything I know about growing pot, I've learned right here. I've spent WAY too much money on crap that I didn't need and I've heeded some bad advice but slowly I learned who to listen to and who not to. I just finished taking care of my babies today, watering them and I even took 10 new blueberry clones. I've got two Big Bud plants and 7 Blueberry plants that are 38 days into flowering and looking scrumptious. Don't waste your money on bullshit; spend it on good lights, good nutes and a pH/EC meter(s). ...and some pH down to begin with. Don't buy *anything* from Stealth Hydro; you'll regret it if you do. Start your grow with rockwool or a *good* premium soil mix. I know hydroponics looks really glamorous but it's fussy and has a long learning curve. The plants grow faster but you also realize your mistakes faster and with harsher results. Best of luck to you!!