question for the experienced of how they started, mistakes that was done, etc etc.


Well-Known Member
I would like to hear success stories of how you first started.........all the mistakes you've gone through, learned.

I ordered some seeds through nirvana.........this will be my first ever. Still reading lots of how to take care of the plant. I'm so excited about it, can't wait.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Start with a real light. Save yourself time, effort, etc......Buy an HID.
Stage building is a disaster and will cost you 3X the amount of taco's. Do it once and do it right.

I should of started with bagseed while learning the ropes and fine tuning the rooms.


Active Member
Hey guys,

I'm a complete noob when it comes to growing. I've been doing a lot of reading since I signed up. I was wondering what people meant by 'bagseed'. I've looked and I still don't have a clue. lol. I got my seeds and JUST tried germinating last night. I checked in the morning and it's cracked, so it should be sprouting soon. I'm so excited. I'm hoping to start a journal once I get this thing planted. I got me a Northern Lights/Skunk strain. Hoping for a successful first grow.


Well-Known Member
Bagseed is just the term for some seeds you found in a bag of weed you have got/bought. Most people use these first to go through the motions so they dont waste the money on the good seeds and mess them up, I actually just started my first grow and I'm using bagseed.


Well-Known Member
CFL all the way

dont stretch, overwater, underwater, nute burn them, give em air and space and youll be ok.


Sector 5 Moderator
I've only been growing for a few months but I probably have made more mistakes than FDD and he's been growing for 20 years. If there is a way to fk it up, I've done it - but I've learned from it (thru tears). This past summer I tried growing some bagseed. I germinated about 9 seeds, planted them and 2 survived into viable plants. It was outdoor on the edge of a farmers field. 7 of them got eaten up by insects and the remaining two were beautiful and healthy, about a foot tall or more. I was only able to get by about once a week and it was hottern hell. I had bought some "Worm Poop" 5/1/1 ferts and decided I should mix a little with the water. It had a screw-in fitting where you plug your waterhose in and it mixes the nutes automatically. I had no way to determine how much I'd need to mix in my gallon so I just winged it. I even went on their website but there was no information there, only bragging about how "green" they were for putting their product into used soft drink containers. I went by to check on them a couple of days later and they looked like I had put them in an oven; dead as a hammer. I probably put 100x the right amount of nutes that I should. I also didn't know one thing about pHing. Everything I know about growing pot, I've learned right here. I've spent WAY too much money on crap that I didn't need and I've heeded some bad advice but slowly I learned who to listen to and who not to. I just finished taking care of my babies today, watering them and I even took 10 new blueberry clones. I've got two Big Bud plants and 7 Blueberry plants that are 38 days into flowering and looking scrumptious. Don't waste your money on bullshit; spend it on good lights, good nutes and a pH/EC meter(s). ...and some pH down to begin with. Don't buy *anything* from Stealth Hydro; you'll regret it if you do. Start your grow with rockwool or a *good* premium soil mix. I know hydroponics looks really glamorous but it's fussy and has a long learning curve. The plants grow faster but you also realize your mistakes faster and with harsher results. Best of luck to you!!


Well-Known Member
its a plant....light (energy), water, nutes, and air (o2 and co2)....give and it will grow....and quit f*cking with something that works....unless you just got that itchy feeling of wanting to do things differently....or keep it simple.... the options are numerous...the choice is yours.

my mistakes: (1) too many plants in one pot (2) too long vege and then too tall for grow space (3) tried cloning fan leaves.....ahahahaha that still makes me laugh!....I'm tired...there's more....I just can't think right now...need food and a nap!


Well-Known Member
I made so many mistakes i can't count from over fertilizing to over watering and the list goes on and on and i still make plenty of mistakes and i learn new things all the time:)