Ebay: Bubble bag extractors around $50usd?


Active Member
Hey has anyone had any experience with these 3 layer bubble bags for sale on ebay for right around $50usd?
If so how are they and what have your experiences been with them?(positive and negitive)
the only negative comment ive heard from these is that theyre pricey..
id love to get me a set!
ya, iv heard there the best way to go if you want great hash easy. i plan to buy soem at some point but cooking it into butter seems to work well for me atm...
Yeah 50usd doesnt seem to bad priced to me, I guess im more concerned with the quality of product it produces and the quality these bags are. It just seems fishy to me that they are only 50usd now when I used to see them when I was younger for around 350usd...

Any other comments will be greatly appreciated and will be food for thought in purchasing these 3bag bubble bag extractors.

Thanks guys and gals!
Yeah man they are pretty decent. Only complaint is the stichings not as good as the more expensive bubble bags. If you are carefull with them though they can last for years I got some over 2 years old.
I got the blackwater hydroponics ones off ebay. They're actually made pretty well and do what they are supposed to :P
i bought a 4 bag 1 gallon set off ebay, i have nothing to compare it to but i like it a lot, makes real nice hash :bigjoint:

edit: forgot to mention i got them for 25 bucks with free shipping.


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I got a 8 Bag set off of ebay for 50 bucks, they are 1 gallon bags but they work great! cant say you can fit alot into them but if your doing like 4-15 plants id say you could get by just gotta make more batches, but ive had nothing but great results...tip use a beater with the correct attachments seens the difference its amazing!
Thanks dude< I ordered the 5 bag 5 gallon black water hydrophonics bubble backs for 45bucks! should work out nice for that bud that never got trimmed and the other stuff that never got cured but put into a jar and turned yellow, now time to just extract some thc baby!
How much dry material would you use for a batch in your 8bag 1 gallon bags though? maybe i'll buy a set of them too depending on your answer.