Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics


im pretty sure its fine to use spray, but you should stop about a month before harvest, other wise its pretty much like smoking poison

saint Superior

Active Member
First off, ive smoked em, they go pop, as far as the comments on BT being organic, it may be but if its strong enough to kill bugs... anyways, ive also heard that you should cut out all fertilizer (and spray) for the week or so before you harvest, it makes the smoke less harsh? i havent had time to do a double blind study, some how i always get distracted...


Well-Known Member
I've posted several times in this thread regarding Bt. I'm amazed that no one has read those posts.

Bacillus thurengiensis is NON TOXIC, because the active ingredient specifically attacks only the caterpillars of butterflies and moths. NOTHING ELSE.

There ARE other strains of Bt that attack mosquitos(dunks), and others may be in development for other insects.

Bt is one of the oldest organic pesticides and I've told hundreds of gardeners(actually tens of thousands if you include a previous incarnation as a paid organic gardening adviser at a 90's chat site.), and never had a complaint.

In California there is no better alternative to Bt.

Begin spraying now, and continue applications every three weeks until a month before harvest.

If you are still seeing a lot of Fiery Skipper butterflies, consider spraying the leaves and buds with a very fine mist that won't penetrate the buds.

Give the buds a good bath a few hours before harvest to minimize any traces of the spray, bird shit and dust.

Take a good look at the picture linked below. THIS is the source of bud worms!


Well-Known Member
You can dip them in water, but I usually just hose the plants down a few hours before I cut them. I usually hang branches at least three feet long.

I hose down all my plants regularly, throughout the season, so they're already strong enough to handle the extra weight, PLUS, as the season goes on I provide various supports to minimize breakage due to weight, water and wind.


Well-Known Member
i understand your stress, but i really dont think that would be to good for your lungs ( if you were being serious) lulz


Well-Known Member
Bt is the BOMB for Tomato Horn Worms. In most cases, nursery employees are very familiar with the question, "What do I do about tomato worms?"

it also works on cut worms and cabbage worms, as well.


Active Member
What are the drawbacks of using BT? My ladies are vegging out beautifully outside, and I had to pick some small dark worms off them when they were younger. So I'm guessing the bud worms are just waiting to break my heart. I'm trying to be 100% safe in terms of toxins and keep the flavor perfect. I'm currently using AzaMax and SM-90 but I don't think these will help with worms at all.

These are my two best plants. They're growing from clones in a mix of Foxfarm Ocean and old sun-baked cheap potting soil enriched with worm castings and mixed with perlite.



Well-Known Member
Beautiful plants!

The ONLY downside to Bt is that it usually comes suspended in a maple sugar syrup. It is diluted heavily so even the sugar in the spray is a tiny amount. After a couple days, I give my girls a bath, which seems eliminate any residual sugar. I've been using this stuff for nearly three decades and have never had a negative result.

It is as organic as anything we use.

BTW, Azamax is doing a wonderful job eliminating a nasty thrip problem I had last season. Good stuff.


Active Member
Thanks! Sorry the pix are so big. Other forums resize them automatically, but I don't know how to do that here.


Well-Known Member
The third icon from the right, just above the "Quick Reply" window will allow you to upload pix from your computer. It does a good job posting thumbnails.


Active Member
Actually, that's what I did...then just pasted in my IMG links, but it didn't thumbnail them. Weird.


Well-Known Member
No worries! These girls look GOOD up close! :) And you're hardly incompetent, my friend. Hey, which brand of BT do you use, if you don't mind me asking.
I use Safer's.


I think the first link pictures an older package design. The second is what I currently have.

Shop around and buy several bottles at the lowest price.

I usually find it for under $10. Sometime $8.