gk explain to me please why people shouldnt believe in there thoughts?
First we must be aware of what A thought actually IS..
It is impossible to THINK
The phrase I think is as preposterous as I digest or I breath.
Thinking is an automated process... IT is like a single form of train cars PASSING through the brain.. each car is a thought... The space inbetween these thoughts is SPACE... or some people call it GOD...
It is essential to be able to BE conscious of the
AWARENESS that is aware of "thoughts".... to be able to differentiate between ONE self and thoughts before we can even touch n the subject of THOUGHTS not being real...
As humans, we are capable of watching thoughts or reacting to thoughts... there is NO choice.. regarding WHAT ONE thinks.. this is the most simple yet most difficult step..
It is simple... because, ONE becomes aware of this with very little "WATCHING of THE MIND" practice...
it is difficult because it requires actually practicing something that can not be DONE.. and the mind ONLY knows HOW to DO... and most people think they are there mind and therefore can ONLY CONCIVE of DOING things in order to get results...
BUT the first step is MOVING your awareness away from your mind so that ONE can see the nature of thoughts.. so that one can watch thoughts LIKE one watches a wild animal in its natural habitat...
This is very hard to CONCEPTUALIZE unless one has the experience.. some people call this practice "meditation" .. this is not a GREAT term, because it is a concept... that actually means.. WATCHING the mind...
When one practices, watching the mind, the space in between the TRAIN cars gets bigger and bigger... the space in between thoughts gets LONGER and longer.. ONEs identity starts to transform.. one identity loosens uits grip ON identifying with thoughts..
SO then, what does ONE become...
Well, for starters.. ONE can see thoughts... one can see that thoughts are less than 1%of 1% of 1% of what is going on... LOL
I hope this helped
if you are still interested, I can go further.. and I can actually try to go slower...
or you can just stab at it and KNOW/experience for yourself..
Vipassana Meditation Website
Once you awaken.. there is no turning back... nothing to be scared of... but it is worth noting....
There is no risk... all you have to do is stop thinking.... and everything you have left is REALITY
When one argues with reality, one begins to suffer.
Arguing with reality is tantamount to believing ONEs thoughts