Stoner's views on Barack Obama as President

Your views on President Barack Obama

  • I voted for Obama, but regret it.

    Votes: 10 6.1%
  • I voted for Obama, and im still glad.

    Votes: 39 23.9%
  • I voted for Mccain, but Obama is doing good.

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I voted for Mccain, why didn't you?

    Votes: 28 17.2%
  • I didnt vote, but im glad Obama won

    Votes: 8 4.9%
  • I didnt vote, but i wish Obama lost

    Votes: 17 10.4%
  • I voted for Ron Paul, but Obama is doing good

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • I voted for Ron Paul, Why didn't you?

    Votes: 29 17.8%
  • I didnt vote, and i could care less.

    Votes: 13 8.0%
  • This poll is stupid, fuck the asshole who posted it.

    Votes: 16 9.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
States have the right to decriminalize or allow for the use of medical marijuana, not the Fed.
Yea, thats why the feds need to take it off the books. So the states can decide for themselves. But they should honor one state's med license in ALL states, just like they honor a drivers license or marriage license.
I voted. However, I did not vote for Obama, McCain, or Paul (who was not on the ballot, by the way, because he did not receive the nomination).

Except for the MMJ decision, Obama is a crappy President. The crappiest.

Pretty much covers my points too , Dr Paul didnt actually go on the ballot , he asked his follwers to vote for Baldwin.Im with the Obama is possibly the worst and certainly the laziest president ever.

Im wondering why 20% say they voted for Ron Paul when he wasnt on the ballot?
I know that , it would need to be a mailed in vote , however Dr Paul requested any vote for him to go to Chuck Baldwin so any genuine Paul supporter would have in fact voted Baldwin.
Obama has been doing alot of stuff that I don't agree with like the gays serving openly and he's talking about amnisty for illegals. The shitty job he's doing dealing with the BP spill. The only thing that I think that hes doing somewhat right is the economy.

The poor economic state that were in is the main concern of most of the people that I know. I think that Obama and Bernake are doing a good job with that. Now some people say that we should head into austerity, take the pain now and things will be better latter. If we did that we would certainly head into a depression. And not so cool when millions of people can find jobs and have to beg for food.

Hey guys just remember that when Obama got into office he got a pretty shitty hand. Bush and Greenspan really fucked up this country economically.
Paul wouldn't have been able to do much of anything either. He would have tried like hell but his own party doesn't support all the things he stands for personally.
I hate to post simply to reiterate what was already said, but here is my take ...

- I would have never voted for the man, based on his history, and did not.
- Obama has been the worst president in my lifetime. He has had a year to consider the country ( in the desperate state it's in ) before a political agenda, and has not. He has not kept promises, and outright lied.
- His views toward legalization have not made any real progress ( if they ever will ), but we have much more important things wrong with this country than prohibition, I wish this was not the case. I would almost be upset if he wasted time on it.
- Obama's policies are generally anti-freedom.
- The country wants a consistent, centrist social policy and a conservative fiscal policy.and is getting neither.
- Instability and uncertainty of the administrations actions and policies ( taxes and regulations ) make our economic situation worse.
- Republicans don't make an attractive alternative, although their ideas are becoming more responsible.
- Bad things are coming.

"hope and change" was the worst joke played on the American public. We can forget the change, the change he wants, we don't. I only hope we, as a nation, will survive what is to come.

As a side note, you know how everyone says buy gold in troubled financial times, how about stockpiling weed .. it will always have value :weed:

How did I manage to post under another name? *completely agree +rep*
Obama is a great president. He has inherited republican bullshit like, two wars, deregulation of banks that led to our economy flopping, the "war on drugs" created by that trash president Ronald Reagan who does not care about the American people, he inherited a white house infiltrated by big business murders that are greedy and oppressive. Not to mention all the debt, lies, and bullshit being fed to the American people since Reagan. People don't want to talk about the elaphant in the too
but I will half the hate is disguised in racism. People don't like that there is a black man in the white house and it is truly unfortunate but it's the truth. He's not perfect but he's the best we have had in a loooooooong time.
Obama is a great president. He has inherited republican bullshit like, two wars, deregulation of banks that led to our economy flopping, the "war on drugs" created by that trash president Ronald Reagan who does not care about the American people, he inherited a white house infiltrated by big business murders that are greedy and oppressive. Not to mention all the debt, lies, and bullshit being fed to the American people since Reagan. People don't want to talk about the elaphant in the too
but I will half the hate is disguised in racism. People don't like that there is a black man in the white house and it is truly unfortunate but it's the truth. He's not perfect but he's the best we have had in a loooooooong time.

Our debt is massive and growing quicker than ever, unemployment has been over 9% for over a year (The first time since Reagan). Do you really think the white house is not corrupt anymore? Like Obama waved a magic "I'm going to be legit and everyone I work for is legit" wand.... Come on man; take those blue glasses off for one day of the year. I'm not taking sides; I think both parties have screwed up.

Racism? LOL!!!! Unbelieveable.

You think the race card couldn't get used when 96% of blacks voted against a white man, and only 57% of whites voted against a black man.... Just sayin.
And if you do open the link...The first quote states a fact :

"Barack Obama, who will be the nation’s first African-American president, won the largest share of white support of any Democrat in a two-man race since 1976"

I think the race part of this has been dead for a long time. Maybe 57% of white people voted against a DEMOCRAT. You're the one bringing race in it, no one else is.
did you know Ron Paul was in favor of leagalizing weed?
Obama only won because hes black and his propaganda
Obama is a great president. He has inherited republican bullshit like, two wars, deregulation of banks that led to our economy flopping, the "war on drugs" created by that trash president Ronald Reagan who does not care about the American people, he inherited a white house infiltrated by big business murders that are greedy and oppressive. Not to mention all the debt, lies, and bullshit being fed to the American people since Reagan. People don't want to talk about the elaphant in the too
but I will half the hate is disguised in racism. People don't like that there is a black man in the white house and it is truly unfortunate but it's the truth. He's not perfect but he's the best we have had in a loooooooong time.
Wow, where to begin with everything wrong with your statement? Nixon is credited with beginning the "war on drugs" not Reagan. Nancy Reagan started the "Just say no" campaign and the crack epidemic of the 80's began under Ronald Reagan. None of these politicians trully cares about the American people and if you think for a second that Obama is any different I've got some prime beach front real estate in outer Mongolia I'd like to sell you. You may be correct about SOME of the hate towards Obama being about race. Take a look at the debt Obama is amassing right now. It makes every tax and spend democratic administration look like chump change. It's hard to even fathom the numbers being thrown around when discussing the deficit and national debt. If he were such a "great president" why isn't he fixing all the problems of the past administrations? He's had a whole year and a half and he hasn't done a whole lot that he promised yet. Healthcare got passed but everybody knows it's all bullshit and isn't going to do much to improve anything and may actually do harm to our healthcare system (if you can imagine it being any worse). We are in crisis as a nation and need a real leader, not a corporate sock puppet. Obama has had plenty of time to show the country what he's made of and he hasn't lived up to all the hype IMO. bongsmilie
Survey: Obama Ranked 15th Best President, Bush 39th

Obama Ranked 15th Best President, Bush 39th

President Obama ranks 15th on a new survey of the best American presidents, slightly higher than any other recent president.
Researchers at Siena College in New York polled 238 presidential scholars, asking them to rate all 43 U.S. presidents in 19 categories—from imagination and integrity to their accomplishments in foreign and domestic policy.
Study director Douglas Lonnstrom says Mr. Obama’s predecessors all started out in the middle range, around number 20.
Siena College has conducted the survey since 1982. It’s always done one year after a new president takes office.
President Obama received high marks for imagination, intelligence and communication, but he scored poorly on family background.
Lonnstrom says many other presidents came from extremely elite families, while Mr. Obama was raised by a single mother and his middle-class grandparents.
Former President George W. Bush entered the survey as number 23 back in 2002. But one year after leaving office, he’s in the bottom five at number 39.
This time, he fared poorly in communication, intelligence, handling the economy and foreign policy accomplishments.
"He just had a terrible time,” says Lonnstrom. “When he left office, the economy was in shambles. He had two wars going on.”
Lonnstrom points out that presidential rankings tend to shift over time for those in the middle of the pack.
But at the top of the list, the same five presidents have had a lock on the first five spots since the survey began.
Franklin D. Roosevelt has been number one every time. This year he’s followed by his distant cousin Teddy Roosevelt, then Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
It’s the first time Teddy Roosevelt has ranked second, overtaking Lincoln who held that spot for 20 years.
Since the last survey in 2002, Bill Clinton moved up from number 18 to 13th. Ronald Reagan dropped two places from 16th to 18th, and Jimmy Carter fell from 25th to 32nd.
The bottom five presidents have consistently included Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan, Warren Harding and Franklin Pierce. Johnson was ranked at the very bottom this year.​
The T.E.A. Party's main concern is the massive debt that BOTH the Democrats and Republicans have amassed in recent years. While the T.E.A. Party leans toward Republicans, it is a party made up of Democrats, Independents, Libertarians and Republicans. They will be supporting candidates who lean toward fiscal responsibility. This is why I continue to say ... progressives, don't underestimate the power that Sarah Palin weilds. Not that she's going to run, in fact, I don't think she will. But ... don't discount any candidate having her support.
that's bullshit...the tea party is ALL republican....
Take a look at the debt Obama is amassing right now. It makes every tax and spend democratic administration look like chump change. It's hard to even fathom the numbers being thrown around when discussing the deficit and national debt. If he were such a "great president" why isn't he fixing all the problems of the past administrations? He's had a whole year and a half and he hasn't done a whole lot that he promised yet. Healthcare got passed but everybody knows it's all bullshit and isn't going to do much to improve anything and may actually do harm to our healthcare system (if you can imagine it being any worse). We are in crisis as a nation and need a real leader, not a corporate sock puppet. Obama has had plenty of time to show the country what he's made of and he hasn't lived up to all the hype IMO. bongsmilie

it would take two obama terms AND two hillary terms just to get back to where we were before bush annihilated this country. i'm not sure why the spending gets used against obama either, especially when most economists agree we need to do more is simply what happens in recessions like we are in. if you want to make sure it is a prolonged recession, just go ahead and slash everything back to the bone....not very effective of a strategy, as good as it may sound to those worried about the deficit.

and as far as 'obamacare' destroying this country, i doubt it. it is already insuring more people and has built in cost controls...

The Raether family of suburban Milwaukee will gain from two of the changes: Elimination of lifetime coverage limits and a ban on insurers turning away children in poor health.

Four-year-old daughter Mira, who was born prematurely and has kidney problems, exhausted the lifetime limit on her parents' policy earlier this year. Mira now has temporary Medicare coverage because of a kidney transplant, but her parents were worried about what would happen when they have to get her back on private insurance.

"A huge weight has been lifted," said Sheryl Raether, the mother. "She has ongoing health care needs, and I was afraid she'd hit another lifetime limit." Medicare not only covers seniors, but people of any age with permanent kidney failure.

The major early coverage benefits include:

_ Allowing young adults to stay on their parents' coverage until they turn 26. In 2011, an estimated 650,000 young people who would otherwise have been uninsured will gain coverage. Another 600,000 will benefit by switching from individually purchased policies to less costly, more comprehensive employer plans. The number with coverage will grow in 2012 and 2013.

_A health plan for uninsured people with pre-existing health conditions. From 200,000 to 400,000 could benefit in 2011, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The government may limit enrollment if $5 billion allocated through 2013 starts to run out, as projected. Beginning in 2014, insurers will be required to accept all applicants, regardless of medical history.

more here:

i know how much people like to tell us to 'stop blaming bush' already, but facts are facts: he really was a terrible president who ran the country into the ground. only this year will his tax cuts for the wealthy start to phase out and tax brackets will go back to reagan era levels (ie, communistsocialismredistributionofwealthclearlytheendofamerica). we will remain mired in two wars that were funded on the grandkids' credit card. the most trusted name in news tells it like it is:
especially when most economists agree we need to do more spending...

Could you link to a credible source on this? Because I have heard Obama say it in more than one speech and Democrats parrot it but I would really love to see the data about MOST economists backing this up... It smells like a fart in a car... The CBO is even saying that the spending is "unsustainable"

it is already insuring more people and has built in cost controls...

You mean like the gasoline "Cost Controls" of the Carter era? Sure gas was cheap.... If you could find any for sale. The lines were blocks long. Healthcare will be the same way. Yeah, it is cheap but you have to wait for 2 years to get it.

About 6 months ago or so the credit card legislation got implemented. My fees went up, my credit limits went down and my "No Payment" deals from places like Home Depot were eliminated due to this legislation. Can you please show me how this helped me as someone with good credit?

Now, for someone who is on welfare, doesnt work, this new healthcare plan is FANTASTIC!!! Of course the people with good health, high incomes etc are going to have to pay for it just like the credit card legislation was tough on the people who actually pay their bills.

More big brother welfare systems implemented at the cost of jobs and productivity in this country. Europe is striving hard to become more like America and America is striving hard to be more like France...

Obama has continued two wars of U.S aggression and has expanded government deficit spending to unprecedented levels. He thinks a large dictatorial central government is the'd that work out for the Soviet Union?

His one redeeming quality is he seems to be (albeit weakly) signaling to the states to go ahead and legalize weed all the while still funding and staffing the DEA.

The fact that GW Bush was useless doesn't mean Obama is wonderful. Obama is okay with incarcerating and ultimately killing people for owning their bodies and their wallets, that makes him not a nice person in my book.
I have figured out the democrats plan... Blame the 1st 2 failed years on Bush & then blame the 2nd 2 failed years on the republican majority in the house of representatives.

How that = win is beyond me...