2nd grow, Big Bud Feminized


Active Member
damn nice job man...the only thing i would say is that one plant per pot is better in my opinion because they dont have to compete for water and get stressed...even though it wouldnt cause that much stress. unless ur short on space then you should be good.


Active Member
Yea my grow box is 1.5' x 1.5' and 3 foot tall. they are currently only 2 weeks old and 7 inchs. I plan on letting them get to ten inchs and gradually lower the timer to 12/12 from 18/6 to 16/8 to 14/10 then 12/12 all over a weeks time 3 days under each change. just as a test to try and reduce any possible stress. as far as watering I water them thoroughly every 3 days and just leave them alone, with only the occasional peek. I will add picks every couple days or so. I am also going to be working on my next setup and this is what I am growing on the next run.
Name: Female Seeds X Line Iced Grapefruit
Sex : Feminized
Type : Mostly sativa
Flowering : Photoperiod
Genetics : Grapefruit x ICE
Flowering Time : Medium
Outdoor Harvest : Mid of October
Height : Medium THC Level : Med/High
Characteristics : The smell will be very special

Name: UFO #1Magus Genetics Motavation
Sex : Feminized
Type : Mostly sativa
Flowering : Photoperiod
Genetics : Not Released
Flowering Time : Long
Outdoor Harvest : October / November
Height : Medium THC Level : Medium
Characteristics : Haze and Sour

The Iced GrapeFruit has amazing looking buds. cannot wait to grow this one.


Well-Known Member
13 days? What on earth haha, are you feeding these things crack? Is this only one cfl, whats the wattage? definitely looking forward to seeing these bloom.


Active Member
I am only using a 150 watt 2700k cfl it is 2 inchs away from the canopy, I removed the screen I have between the leaves and light. I plan on using a total of 350 watts for flowering though, I have to work out my exhaust issue. Right now my temps are sitting at about 90f when the lights are on and 75f with them off. I figure the 15 degree drop will help guarantee that their females. I have another plant I am grows, it is some orange kush that is under full spectrum led's. I designed the led panel myself, fuck paying 300$ when I can build the same thing for 15$. I am also going to pressurize the big bud plants box, with a Carbon Dioxide generator. I already have it setup but I am going to wait until flowering because I do not want my plants to outgrow their box before they flower. Idk what do you think.


Active Member
I have a question for all you experienced growers. when should I induce flowering? I am still unable to determine the sex, I do not see an alternating nodes, one plant is on its 9th node and the other is on its 8th.


Active Member
Well i wait until the plant is about half the size of the grow box, then i flip to 12/12 you usually wont see sex when its in veg state for up to about 2 months..


Well-Known Member
You can start whenever you want. some people put it into flower from the start due to space limitations or other reasons.


Active Member
Everything is looking good. What nutes you feeding them. i see nute burn on some of your leaves.
what made you think about growing 2 in 1 pot. It's not that it's the worst idea ever, it just seems like you want them to fight over space.
other than that keep up the good work.


Active Member
I just figure that I will get a larger yield by having two plants. I understand that they will fight over nutrients. I feed them nothing. The soil is a special blend I had my local garden supply cook up for me. They are going through water very fast about a quart a day, and I never waste a drop, any of the wash out goes right back in on the next watering. I just changed the timer for flowering and once they show signs of flowering I will skrog them to the walls and have the light between them as well but this is just a theory I may not do it.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Some of your bottom leaves do seem deformed/burned. Maybe some deficiency of some kind? There are many organic fertilizers out there.


Active Member
ok so I plan on easing my plant into new the new lighting for flowering 100 watts at a time, one so I can regulate the increase in temps in my box per lamp. I noticed today on the plant with the burns, one of the leaves on the top node has 15 leaves. ha ha Ill post a pic in a little bit of it. kinda crazy.I am thinking of destroying it to allow the other baby get the extra attention. any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Be very careful with BB. IIRC a while back a bunch of them were turning hermi. Just keep an eye on it!