There is no such thing as gravity


Well-Known Member
Is that why the rich get richer ... and the poor get poorer?

Just asking ...

The rich are the plantation owners, and the working poor are sharecropping, at best.

Capitalism doesn't readily allow for the means of production to fall into the hands of the proletariat. It's set up that way. Not that I Believe in communism, or capitalism for that matter. I sure do like growin' my own, tho.

I think Ferris Beuller may have said it best:

"I did have a test today. That wasn't bullshit. It's on European socialism. I mean, really, what's the point? I'm not European, I don't plan on being European, so who gives a crap if they're socialist? They could be fascist anarchists - that still wouldn't change the fact that I don't own a car. Not that I condone fascism, or any ism for that matter. Isms in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ism - he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon: "I don't believe in Beatles - I just believe in me". A good point there. Of course, he was the Walrus. I could be the Walrus - I'd still have to bum rides off of people."


Well-Known Member
I dont think even einstein was saying that there is no gravity, just said that it was an incorect explanation, and came up with a better one... thats what it seems to me at least.


Well-Known Member
its a consequence of the 4th dimension apparently, and somthing to do with the curvature of time space, and cheesy poofs, I dont know I didnt read it all, but I shall

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
IN conclusion

I would like to say that NEWTON did a wonderful job with the theory of gravity. The theory has evolved and changed over the years (even more proof that it is NOT real.. IT is just a theory.. theories are not real.. NONE OF THEM! Neither are concepts).

The FORCE or LAW of Nature that gravity explains is also an incredible and miraculous phenomenon.

GRAVITY is not the only explanation(THEORY) for this phenomenon/force/law of nature, nor is it the most widely accepted as true amongst top academics and scientist.

For those that must believe in GRAVITY.. for those that KNOW no other way of being OF this world without being a believer or disbeliever... make sure you do not google "THEORY OF GRAVITY" ...

Because you will be shocked at what you find.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I dont think even einstein was saying that there is no gravity, just said that it was an incorect explanation, and came up with a better one... thats what it seems to me at least.

BINGO... fook... that is what I was trying to say all along!! you are brilliant and a word smith!!!

Not that Einsteins explanation is CORRECT, it is just MORE applicable and accurate.. BUT it is not easier or more accessible to the average man.. so GRAVITY still has a foothold... amongst the MIND chatter

BUT THE fact that there is NO SUCH thing as GRAVITY was not my message...
My message is... BEHIND belief of the absurd.. there is ILOVEYOU


Well-Known Member
why do the still teach nutonian gravity?
happy new year!!!!! well for 15 minutes for you crazzy cali people, but 3 hrs ago for me so yeaa! do it up! and than, be sure to RollItUp!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Gravity is a Universal Law. It never fails. Drop a pen once, it falls. Drop it ten thousand times, it falls all ten thousand times. Being ignorant of the law of gravity doesn't protect one from falling victim to the law.

Come on VI - GRAVITY and the phenomenon of a dropping PEN have nothing to do with the EXISTENCE of reality..... GRAVITY is a THEORY made up to understand the FALLING PEN phenomenon... BUT it is NOT gravity....

GRAVITY was just the theory that helped/helps MIND based HUMANS how to understand, explain and create. BUT this does not mean it is real...

Yes, the pen falling is real.. BUT we are talking about 2 different things.. the pen falling is happening inthe real world.. GRAVITY is only happening IN your head.. understand?



Well-Known Member
but theres a good chance that that pen and reality, are also non existent
I think I get what einstein was saying... is he saying that because time and space is curved, and that the "pen" is "in" time space, that because its bent that the bal comes back to where it came from becuase... like... I dont know man :P


Well-Known Member
GK is a deep thinker...I dig it. I don't know if I get your point exactly, but are you just trying to say something like...

Air..whose to say what air really is? We call it air and we say it's made up of whatever, but that's just our explanation of what we call it. Something like that?


Well-Known Member
I guess if I'm getting it right is we rationalize whatever we do not understand and give it a name or theory, but in reality who says we are right? Right? Lol, I'm done!


Well-Known Member
Come on VI - GRAVITY and the phenomenon of a dropping PEN have nothing to do with the EXISTENCE of reality..... GRAVITY is a THEORY made up to understand the FALLING PEN phenomenon... BUT it is NOT gravity....

GRAVITY was just the theory that helped/helps MIND based HUMANS how to understand, explain and create. BUT this does not mean it is real...

Yes, the pen falling is real.. BUT we are talking about 2 different things.. the pen falling is happening inthe real world.. GRAVITY is only happening IN your head.. understand?

I'm still trying to figure out why you are so enamored with that round earth thing since you hate gravity.


New Member
I'm still trying to figure out why you are so enamored with that round earth thing since you hate gravity.
I'm not sure where GK is taking this gravity thing. My body says it is real, every time I rise out of a chair, it seems to be holding me down. I must be a real dummy if there is really no gravity and I don't know this fact. Seems like there would be a way to capitalize on it, right all you capitalists? You know have anti-gravity seminars and charge the people to fill them in on this great phenomenon. Geeze people, wake up, there really is no gravity, that thought lies in between your thoughts in that vacuous space in your brains, get real.


Well-Known Member
hes not saying that there is no gravity!!!! just that the explanation that we were taught is incorect, and if you have ever taken a philosophy clas, you should get that all he is saying is that you can call gravity asshole and its not an asshole it just what we call it... somthing to that affect. I forget who said it, but a great pholosipher said that if you give a room full of people from all over the galaxy boxes that contain somthing diferent, all the people with a box wil say that there is a beetle inside of the box... but there definition of beetle can be cheese doodles. so we dont know what they are talking about, and we cant say that their wrong, but... somthing happens man.
GK is not saying theres no gravity, just neuton was incorect about what it is. even though there is no is to be called gravity because it can be beetle. einsteins explanation of gravity I'm sure is not fully corect, but more corect than Neutons. people are still working to this day to understand what gravity really is and how it works. its just nutso out of controlo


Well-Known Member
hes not saying that there is no gravity!!!! just that the explanation that we were taught is incorect, and if you have ever taken a philosophy clas, you should get that all he is saying is that you can call gravity asshole and its not an asshole it just what we call it... somthing to that affect. I forget who said it, but a great pholosipher said that if you give a room full of people from all over the galaxy boxes that contain somthing diferent, all the people with a box wil say that there is a beetle inside of the box... but there definition of beetle can be cheese doodles. so we dont know what they are talking about, and we cant say that their wrong, but... somthing happens man.
GK is not saying theres no gravity, just neuton was incorect about what it is. even though there is no is to be called gravity because it can be beetle. einsteins explanation of gravity I'm sure is not fully corect, but more corect than Neutons. people are still working to this day to understand what gravity really is and how it works. its just nutso out of controlo

now i get it. see, i always just thought of it as "gravity" that thing that holds me to the earth. i've never looked into it's "definition". my ignorance fails me again.:cry: