Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

I've noticed alot of hate in this thread towards dealers, with comments like "afraid you'll have to get a real job" really?! Havn't ever done it before, when done right its not as carefree and lazy as its made out to be...I don't consider myself a dealer as I only sell to one client who is a dealer, and I wouldn't wish his life on my enemy. He's had his door kicked in 3 times (not by leo's), been 50k in debt to cartel, kidnapped by a Jamaican gang, and that's not even getting to his job duties. If you don't like dealers, grow yourself, but don't pretend to be more righteous than they are, they aren't cartoon villains they're people trying to make it in this tight world, and no most don't care about anyone but themselves or they're own, but I don't see alot of people that do. I see alot of people act like they care and do nothing to help people when they see them starving on the street, convincing themselves that its they're fault for being hungry and homeless. In fact, in my experience, the people with the darkest personal lives weren't criminals, they were my parents, and everyone thought them to be perfect, church attending, community helping people with no dark side. EVERYONE has a dark side, so take it easy on your local merchants, they may be sleazy, but no more then the police stalking them, or the system itself for that matter... (in usa)
My mother was a witch, she was burned alive.
Thankless Little Bitch,For The Tears I Cried.
Take her down now, don't want to see her face
All blistered and burnt, can't hide my disgrace.

Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Gotta see 'em make 'em pay the price.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Take my time.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am.

As I watched my mother die, I lost my head.
Revenge now I sought, to break with my bread.
Taking no chances, you come with me.
I'll split you to the bone, help set you free.

Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Gotta see 'em make 'em pay the price.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Take my time.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am.

On with the action now, I'll strip your pride.
I'll spread your blood around, I'll see you ride.
Your face is scarred with steel, wounds deep and neat.
Like a double dozen before ya, smells so sweet.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

I'll make my residence, I'll watch your fire.
You can come with me, sweet desire.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

My soul is longing for, await my heir.
Sent to avenge my mother, sweep myself.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

Am I evil? Yes I fuc*ing am.
Am I evil? I am man, yeah.

I never understood the deal with decriminalization i mean do you really think the feds are gona let you grow ur pot tax free? i think not, so legalizing it is the only option that means we dont have to worry about goin to jail over it.
I've noticed alot of hateful comments towards dealers, calling them sleazy, and comments like "afraid you'll have to get a real job" Really. Becuase its only the criminals that are sleazy, are you serious. NEWS FLASH, if your smoking pot in the usa, your a criminal, so where does this self-righteousness come from? Have we really convinced ourselves that these "criminals" are cartoon villains with no redeeming qualities? Back when the us was fighting in nam, we told our soldiers that they didn't feel pain like we do. We like to say that about other people like somehow were better. Sad truth is I've met dealers that were more trustworthy than my own blood, and that is no exageration, and none in my fcked up family are dealers, they are those everyday people you think of when you think avg joe/jane. And they're dark secrets will make most dealers I know feel like saints. In fact, to date, the sleaziest people I've ever known wore suits, they didn't sell drugs.

Also your forgetting, in the wonderful us of a, if you get busted for a felony, no matter what the circumstance, your going to have hell finding a descent job. Its almost like they're forcing them to stay in crime by ensuring they can't get any other job. And yea, I'm sure you could come back with, they may not be able to get a good, job, but a legit jobs better than a illegal one anyday...but thats not very realistic. I have problems keeping ends met here and I get payed 10/hr, with wife and kid, doing it on min wage doesn't even seem realistic. And when your the dad busting his ass at the only job you can do, and you still can't provide for your kid, your going to do what ever it takes if your woth have your salt. But I guess doing that makes them "sleazy criminals." Which that coming from a forum full of potheads, most of which live in countries were it is illegal, seems like it would take some serious gall...

As far as it being legalized, It would hurt people I know, and I would feel bad for them, as for me, I'd be trying to get a growers permit if it was needed, and open up a small smoke shop... :)
If they were to legilize marijuana in the US ( that is were im talking about) The government would be creating a new REGULATED market. This means that you would be able to go to the gas station, or coffea shop or whatever and buy pot like beer. WHO CAN COMPETE WITH PERFECTLY ROLLD UP DOOBYS OF THE BEST SHIT???? CAN YOU???...... didnt thiknk so.....anyways back on track.

Right now about 80% of the cash earned by businesses in the US from retail sales comes from money that came from marijuana in one way or another. legilize it and about 90% of that money would dissapear meaning stores would close down, go out of business, people would go into debt, CHAOS.

Marijuana creates one of the biggest unregulated markets in the country with some 55MILLION people involved including people liek me and you. In a sense marijuana feuls america everyday. what do marijuana dealers do with the money they make???? THEY BUY SHIT, RANDOM SHIT CARS, BOATS, HOUSES, STOCKS, INVESTMENT, AND EVERYDAY THINGS FOOD, CLOTHS, GAS, HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS!! take this money, or market away from america and I think 60% of businesses would SIVEARLY suffer or all together shutdown. Alot of people would go crazy.

Decriminalization is a drastically different approach. If it were ever to happen, then think about it "all the users of your site could continue what they do everyday" the US continues to flourish like it does today except on average 185,000 people every year would be spared from jail, and we would save enough money from not having to house, feed, and jail these "criminals" (pot smokers, sellers) to bring our country out of this recession. Not to mention the millions we would save every year going after "weed criminals"

There would be millions and billions of dollars to spair for our coutry to use for valuable resources such as healthcare, military, and police for the REAL DRUGS cocaine, heroin, ect.

You are just a greedy bastard! LoL..People like you are the main reason I started growing my own and I will be glad when mj is legalized and you are put outta business. You will then have to get a real job. LEGALIZE IT!!!
All the money that is being spent on over priced weed will be able to be used for people to better support thier families and other necessities or luxuries. the money will always be there in some form. the huge cartel growers are the one that are gonna be crying over lost revenues, lol.
The south is like 50 years behind the rest of the country. I never heard of mmj until earlier this year. I never thought about it, I haven't smoked it since I tried it as a teen. Then I started lookin for herbal remedies to try & get off all these f'ing pain killers & muscle relaxers I'v been on for the past 4 yrs. I spend nearly $400 a month on RX's. With mmj I could cut that to nearly $40.00. NOt much I can do about the asthma, unless anyone has a suggestion for getting around that?
I got no problems with bible thumpers but they shouldn't be able to dictate how we live. We are supposed to have separation between church & state anyway but the bible thumpers will no doubt keep the south out of mmj as long as possible much less decriminalize or legalize. Stranger things have happened though.
I'm in the south (tx) and I've been smoking pot as a home rx since I was 11 (am 30 now) as an anti depressant/apatite inducer...a friend saw I needed it, smoked me out my first bowl, and its been my meds ever since :)

Your lying to yourself WWShadow if you think the cartels are the only pockets that will be hurting...
I am happy to inform you that Oregon only received 6000 of the 85000 sigs required so we will not be legalizing. There is just too many people who need the profit from marijuana in our society due to crimes committed in the past that do not have the right to work, therefore, I am against legalization of marijuana for regulatory use. However, if they threw it on the ballot without regulatory use I would vote YES in a heartbeat! I would also vote YES to the legalization of the seed! The reason being is the fuel supply. I like hempseedoil powering my vehicle because its safer on the Ozone layer! Whether you grow weed for profit or have been caught embezzling millions of dollars from a company you can be happy to know marijuana is staying illegal in Oregon.
†L† I don't think it was even voted on here in tx...but just as well, I agree with you, there are two many people that don't have the right to work because of they're records...keep in mind that it could happen to any of us growing illegally. Here you can be a hard working citizen with a setup just for you and your own, if you get busted, FELONY. than you have to deal just to make ends meet. That's why I also don't disagree with the shallow stereotype of the good for nothing drug just not a fair assessment, in fact its rooted in hypocrisy.
†steps off soap box and loads a bowl†
If they were to legilize marijuana in the US ( that is were im talking about) The government would be creating a new REGULATED market. This means that you would be able to go to the gas station, or coffea shop or whatever and buy pot like beer. WHO CAN COMPETE WITH PERFECTLY ROLLD UP DOOBYS OF THE BEST SHIT???? CAN YOU???...... didnt thiknk so.....anyways back on track.

Right now about 80% of the cash earned by businesses in the US from retail sales comes from money that came from marijuana in one way or another. legilize it and about 90% of that money would dissapear meaning stores would close down, go out of business, people would go into debt, CHAOS.

Marijuana creates one of the biggest unregulated markets in the country with some 55MILLION people involved including people liek me and you. In a sense marijuana feuls america everyday. what do marijuana dealers do with the money they make???? THEY BUY SHIT, RANDOM SHIT CARS, BOATS, HOUSES, STOCKS, INVESTMENT, AND EVERYDAY THINGS FOOD, CLOTHS, GAS, HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS!! take this money, or market away from america and I think 60% of businesses would SIVEARLY suffer or all together shutdown. Alot of people would go crazy.

Decriminalization is a drastically different approach. If it were ever to happen, then think about it "all the users of your site could continue what they do everyday" the US continues to flourish like it does today except on average 185,000 people every year would be spared from jail, and we would save enough money from not having to house, feed, and jail these "criminals" (pot smokers, sellers) to bring our country out of this recession. Not to mention the millions we would save every year going after "weed criminals"

There would be millions and billions of dollars to spair for our coutry to use for valuable resources such as healthcare, military, and police for the REAL DRUGS cocaine, heroin, ect.


Cool Story Bro. I'm Glad You Watched The Movie "The Business Behind Getting High" Then Decided To Educate Us. Next Time Just Write Watch This Movie And It Will Save You Time.
SAN FRANCISCO — A new study says legalizing the recreational use of marijuana in California could sharply drive down prices for the drug and possibly undercut the tax windfall that supporters have touted.

The study published Wednesday by the RAND Drug Policy Research Center says "considerable uncertainty" surrounds the state ballot initiative. It would allow adults, 21 and over, to possess an ounce of marijuana and cities and counties to license and tax commercial pot sales.

The authors predict that retail marijuana prices could drop from $375 an ounce under the state's current medical marijuana law to as low as $38 per ounce.

According to the RAND analysis, consumers would pay more than that – about $91 an ounce – once taxes imposed by local governments are figured in.
I've done the cost analysis, and where I am power is half of the cost it is in California........... It costs me $34.11 per ounce to grow. My costs are medium, I'm not a larger grow op, but I'm not a kid in a closet either. The more you grow the more your costs go down, nutrients in larger quantities, lights at discounts for volume, etc....

If I was in California, my costs would be around $40 per ounce.

I cant keep it on the shelves at $4000/lb, its presold a week before harvest.

Where do all these new legal stoners expect to buy from? New legal growers? Pffft. Those will come but it'll take a few years for them to all learn and have a product worth smoking. Prices should spike before the law hits because everyone will "wanna try it", or at least will stock up!
Two Pounds of herb from a single 1000w lamp:

1000w of flower power: $40+$40 = $80 (2 months)
1000w of veg power: $30
Fan/accessory/pump power: $2/mo = $6
Nutrients: $160 for veg and flower
Water: $4
Light Failure Plan: $15 (Figures a new light every 6 months, and adds the monthly cost of that)
Seed Cost: $90
----> Total $295.00 for the ingredients with clones or free seeds, and $385 with expensive seeds at $10/seed.

$385 / 32oz = $12.03 / ounce of weed cost
$385 / 16oz = $24.06 / ounce of weed cost

So if you grow a pound off of a 1000w light, it cost you $24.06 to grow. If you get two pounds off that same light you get $12.03 per ounce to grow.

The last time I did the math I lived out of the country so I just re-ran it with current numbers.

Even if you spend double on electric or nutrients or water its still cheap as fuck to grow.
So that explains why growers want to vote no on it, they're making over $200 an ounce! lol

that might explain why SOME growers are against it. it does not explain why ALL growers are against it.

are you willing to be taxed 100+% on an ounce of pot. because you will be if the prices drop to those numbers. people will stop growing. more people will end up going to legal clubs. clubs have "overhead". do you think they will lower their prices?

lower ounce prices mean LESS sales tax as well. how does that help the state?

this bill is a TRAP!!!!!!! :cuss:
I say legalize the shit. seriously..

I'm not a dealer.. I don't sell any of what I grow. Just smoke it..

never have more than 3 plants (3plants max) growing during each grow.

So, I'm for legalizing it. Sorry.. but that's the way the cookie crumbles. ;)

Just because they legalize it.. doesn't mean I'm going to stop growing my own.

I say legalize the shit. seriously..

I'm not a dealer.. I don't sell any of what I grow. Just smoke it..

never have more than 3 plants (3plants max) growing during each grow.

So, I'm for legalizing it. Sorry.. but that's the way the cookie crumbles. ;)

Just because they legalize it.. doesn't mean I'm going to stop growing my own.


if it were only that simple there would be no debate. ;)
but wait.. I'm still not quite sure. If weed is legalised(English spelling before I get a *Facepalm*) all the money spent on it just disappears? So nobody would make any money from pot anymore? Same way that nobody makes any money from beer... oh no wait.

Your argument is pointless and invalid.