Video Games!!! Reviews on systems and games!


New Member
I got a few video games for Christmas that I really enjoyed. I got the orange box. This game has five games in one. I spent a hole night playing and beating the game Portal. That game was freaking awesome. A real blast. Another game I just finished playing was Uncharted. This game was great because it had a really fun storyline. Plus it was visually pleasing. I'm starting this thread to discuss anything about video games you want. Even if you want to just talk about your favorite Mario Bros games. Did you know that Mario brothers two was not even a Mario Bros game. The real Mario bros 2 looked like the original first super Mario bros game. Nintendo thought Super Mario bros 2 was much harder than Mario 1 so us Americans wouldn't like it. So instead they took a popular Japanese game called Doki Doki Panic and switched out the characters for Mario characters. Thats why the game was so different looking than the original. My favorite Mario game is Mario for super nintendo the one with yoshi. I forget the name. It's the one where Mario gets a cape. Well its either that one or Mario 64. So let me know what you think. Whats your favorite game and what games should we steer clear of?


Well-Known Member

Halo3 is cool, Gears of War
Call of Duty 4

Old school games are sweet...N64 was my fav too Goldeneye007....
The Mario games are awesome


Well-Known Member
Fps are my favorite. any military game. I hate the games with puzzles in them, finding clue after clue to open some level. my 45 year old brain cant handle it. I remember playing the first atari system with pong. It was awesome when I was a kid. I probably would still have fun with it today. I also remember buying my son his first system for christmas. it was when nintendo came out with nes. I opened it up
(couldnt wait) and I played it all night long.


Halo, Gears, Call of duty 4, Mass Effect, Assassins creed, have all been my favorites this year with Mass Effect supriseingly beating halo "IMO". I really enjoyed the different ways to play the game. Loved call of duty 4 but play through seemed a lil quick. NCAA08 and Madden08 kicked ass as well. Just picked up bioshock, orange box, and morio galaxy today. Played a lil bioshock seems good.


New Member
I think call of duty 4 was prolly my favorite but like you said it was a little short. I wasn't a big fan of assassins creed. I felt like it was a little repetitive. Gears is another favorite of mine and Halo of course was great but I expected some thing a little more from Halo. Right now I'm playing the orange box and really enjoy it. I already beat portal and now im starting in on the half life series. So far very enjoyable. Papajock you would hate portal because it is a very different type of puzzle. Portal is a very original concept. I loved portal. 007 for n64 was great especialy the multi player option.


Ive always heard good things about socom. Ive got a 360 and a wii, ps3 is next on the choping block.


Well-Known Member
fuck a ps3.....for now anyways. Xbox 360 kicks ass, they say ps3 game just arent at the systems full potential yet, but, i think thats horse shit.

my favorite game i can play all day, all night, all year, and have played for about 2 years is Fight Night round 3, i like the older fight nights too, but Round 3 is sick. alot of people don't stick with it, but when you master the total punch control in that game, and get your fighters movement and timeing and combo's mastered, you can fight so sick and just demolish people Online on Xbox live. enless you play some one as good as you are, which there are alot, and then you get into A 9 round absolute chess game in the ring. i can never get enough of it.

also like NHL 08(best hockey game ever made, total stick control is sick)
call of duty 4(sick)
forza motorsports 2(sickk)

cant wait for Army of Two, and i'm about to go pick up Mercenaries, for the original xbox, google it, its supose to be sick i've never played it. the new ones comein out in feb for 360


Well-Known Member
i dont know man... XBOX360 is definetely the b est system out theres, and from what ive read to set up games on a blue ray disc format cost alot more then the regular disc format so that why you see alot more games coming out for xbox then ps3.
if you have xboxlive give gears of war a chance, its 4 vs. 4 in a number of different maps(levels). fun as hell


Well-Known Member
I am a NFS nut (NFS II, NFS Underground, NFS Most Wanted)...just got the ProStreet for Wii.....pretty simple....but its been fun so far....


Well-Known Member
yea man wii's pretty sick, not the greatest graphics but the gameplay is sick.
my buddu just got cabelas hunting game and he has a rifle for it, crazy fun


Well-Known Member
the whole thing is conceptually a has its limitations, and I supposes every system does, I have the gamecube, ps2 and the Wii....mostly for the kids ....right!?!@


Well-Known Member
:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:hey just an excuse to get it.. i bought the 360 when it first came out and my kids are 3 and 1.5 so i got some time still of it still being mine:confused:
so i play that shit alot. im 24 i was born through the video game era. cant stop playin man:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I sure am digging my new XBox360. Games I have played and liked so far are: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Project Gotham Racing 4, Tomb Raider anniversary, Guitar Hero 2 & 3, lol. Call of Duty 4 (my hubby's fav), Bio-Shock. I am not really into the 1st person shooting games but like the adventure ones. Can you guys recommend a good one? I need to be able to see my person on the screen rather than behind the camera, lol. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
you cant go wrong with madden. i had every madden from 92 on super nintendo to 05 on ps 2 but my system broke. cant wait til i get a new console. i have spent countless hours playin madden baked in my own world. i love competing against my friends, even had a deer rifle pointed at me because of an ass woopin i put on a friend. of course beast light was involved, i also told him that if he was willing to shoot me over a fuckin game, to pull the fuckin trigger(he was one of my best friends haha) we got over it and made up.


Well-Known Member
I bought a ps3 the day before it came out and I have to say it has some sick ass graphics. The screen maping and transitions was very smooth. One of the only things that I didn't enjoy was the $650.00 price tag, the other thing was the whole fact of HD vs bluray. Sony is tring to push there techn.

I sold that and got a wii. This shit is crazy, you and three high friends tring to play some tenn. or boxing . priceless.


Well-Known Member
I hope you knocked him the fu(k out. Fuc( that. anyone willing to fuck around like that needs an ass wooping. Friends or no friends